
Shuangliu's first urban community health service station was inaugurated

author:Public Health News

On the morning of July 1, the Tanghu Community Health Service Station in Dongsheng Street, Shuangliu District, Chengdu was officially unveiled, and free clinics were also held on the spot.

Shuangliu's first urban community health service station was inaugurated

It is understood that Tanghu Community Health Service Station is the first urban community health service station in Shuangliu District, which is supervised by Dongsheng Community Health Service Center, which will give full play to its own advantages and provide a series of health management services for surrounding residents. The main services of the service station include vaccination, child health care, child massage, child growth and development screening and assessment, child rehabilitation guidance, childbearing women's health care, pregnancy health care, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation, general practice, mental health counseling and other fields.

Shuangliu's first urban community health service station was inaugurated

At the opening ceremony, Chen Jiayu, Secretary of the Party Group of the District Health Bureau, Wang Gongyu, Director of the District Health Bureau, and Liu Na, Director of the District Hospital Affairs Service Center, attended the event. At the beginning of the event, Ni Juan, director of Dongsheng Community Health Service Center, served as the host and first introduced the service functions of Tanghu Community Health Service Station. She said that the Tanghu Community Health Service Station will focus on building a number of professional service areas such as a child and women's health management center, a family doctor contract comprehensive service station, a chronic disease management service station, and traditional Chinese medicine health management in accordance with the management and operation model of "one center, two hospitals and multiple sites", so as to provide residents with health management services throughout the life cycle. The service station will also carry out psychological counseling, psychological assessment, mental health education and other work, with teenagers and students as the main service objects in the early stage.

In addition, the Tanghu Community Health Service Station has also launched a series of special services, such as children's rehabilitation guidance, appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine, etc. Children's rehabilitation guidance mainly provides rehabilitation guidance services for children under the age of 12 in terms of speech, cognition, sensory integration, etc.; The appropriate TCM techniques include acupuncture, moxibustion, massage and other TCM treatment methods, aiming to provide more comprehensive and professional TCM health services for the majority of residents.

Shuangliu's first urban community health service station was inaugurated

After the unveiling ceremony, the free clinic activities officially began. Experts from the district management hospital and medical staff from the Tanghu Community Health Service Station were invited to participate in the free clinic activity. The experts provided free consultation services in many professional fields such as cardiology, ophthalmology, and ultrasound medicine for the people on the spot. The doctors of the Tanghu Community Health Service Station also gave full play to their professional expertise and provided residents with diagnosis and treatment services in pediatrics, general medicine, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation and other departments.

At the event site, Dongsheng Community Health Service Center also invited experts from the district management hospital to participate, and organized the backbone of relevant departments of the center and the family doctor team of Tanghu community to carry out free clinic activities, providing more than 100 on-site consultations, health consultations and chronic disease follow-up services for residents and friends.

Shuangliu's first urban community health service station was inaugurated

According to the relevant person in charge of the Shuangliu District Health Bureau, in the next step, Dongsheng Community Health Service Center will continue to adhere to high standards and high-quality construction in accordance with the management and operation mode of "one center, two hospitals and multiple sites", efficiently promote the transformation and construction of community health service sites in the jurisdiction, and strive to create a "15-minute high-quality medical service circle".

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