
The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

author:Zhaowuda South Road Street Release

One hundred and three years of trials and hardships, one hundred and three years of forging ahead. 2024 is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to continue the glorious tradition of the party, carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the red gene, gather the strength to forge ahead, and let the party's glory shine on the earth like a warm sun, on the morning of June 29, 2024, the "big party committee" of Jindi Community, Zhaowuda South Road Street, together with the Hohhot Xiaobaihua Art Troupe and the Gemdale Community Health Service Station, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference and free clinic and heart-warming service activities.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

The event was hosted by Zhang Qian, deputy director of the Gemdale Community Neighborhood Committee, and Zhang Zechen, members of the Hohhot Xiaobaihua Art Troupe; Liu Qiyu, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the office of Zhaowuda South Road Street; Guo Jian, Chief Project Manager of Gemdale Real Estate; Specially invited free clinic experts Chen Guozhi, Tian Junfeng, Chen Huixin, Miao Jianjian and others; Han Meixuan Salon Hairdresser; Community party members, league members and all community staff participated in the activities.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

In order to praise the great achievements of the party, the Xiaobaihua Art Troupe carefully planned and prepared a series of wonderful performances. With the sound of passionate and cheerful music, the stage was instantly ignited by the big Yangge "Big Girl Beautiful Big Girl Wave" full of Northeast style, and then the audience was immersed in the audio-visual feast brought by "Ink China", "Auspicious Chinese Year", "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" and "Our Chinese Dream". These programs cover a variety of art forms such as allegro, dance, cheongsam catwalk, quyi, folk music performance, etc., fully demonstrating the talent and enthusiasm of the performers.

Every performance of the members of the Xiaobaihua Art Troupe is full of sincere emotions, and they will pour out endless praise and high respect for the party and the motherland with their soulful singing, exciting dancing, humorous rap and other performances. In the audience, warm applause and cheers were intertwined, and the audience used their mobile phones to capture these unforgettable moments.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

In order to advocate changing customs and forming a good social atmosphere of resisting "high bride price", the staff of Gemdale community brought a sketch performance "Bride Gift" Storm to the audience. The sketch tells the story of the two families when they met, because of the fierce dispute over the issue of high-priced bride price, and the originally harmonious atmosphere instantly became tense, and finally under the patient mediation and guidance of the hotel owner, the woman's father took the initiative to say that he no longer insisted on asking for a high-priced bride price, but focused more on the happiness and future of his children. The actors' down-to-earth performances seem to bring the audience into the characters, allowing them to experience the transformation process from dispute to understanding to blessing.

Modern society advocates the concept of equality, freedom and love in marriage, which is in stark contrast to the existence of the "sky-high bride price", and today, the community staff use vivid interpretation to present the social phenomenon behind the "sky-high bride price" in front of the audience, which makes us think deeply and realize the urgency of solving this problem. We must start from ourselves, resolutely abandon stereotypes and bad habits, refuse to compare with each other, and take practical actions to create a healthy and civilized new style of marriage.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

Reminiscing about the youthful years, do not forget the original intention of joining the party. Next, the host invited Yang Guohua, a party member representative of the Xiaobaihua Art Troupe, to share his story of joining the party on stage. In bursts of applause, Comrade Yang Guohua recalled his experience of participating in the activities of the party organization and learning the party's theoretical knowledge, and gradually clarified his motivation and determination to join the party in these processes; Then, he also shared his deeds of constantly tempering his party spirit and professional ability in work and life after joining the party, leading by example and serving the masses, as well as his infinite pursuit and love for art.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

Finally, Mr. Yang Guohua expressed his gratitude to the Party and his best wishes for the future: "I would like to thank the Party for giving me the opportunity to grow and progress, so that I can continue to move forward on the road of writing articles and playing music. I believe that under the leadership of the party, our country will surely become more prosperous and prosperous, and the people will surely live a happier and better life! As Mr. Yang Guohua's words fell, the applause rang out again, and people were moved by his story, and his spirit inspired everyone to keep up with the pace of the times and strive to realize their self-worth and social value.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

Subsequently, in order to enhance the sense of honor and belonging of the old party members, and stimulate the enthusiasm and responsibility of the majority of party members to build dreams and move forward in the new journey, the "big party committee" of the community held the "July 1st" commendation meeting, and Director Liu Qiyu awarded honorary certificates to 8 outstanding communist party members who gave full play to the role of party members in various fields and had the courage to take responsibility. This solemn moment is not only a high recognition of the selfless dedication of the old party members for decades, but also a heartfelt tribute to their original mission.

Looking at the energetic old party members on the stage, the young party members in the audience said: "As party members in the new era, we should take our predecessors as models and take the initiative to absorb their great sentiments and excellent qualities; We must strengthen our faith, maintain absolute loyalty to the party, inherit and carry forward the glorious traditions of the old party members, and continue to forge ahead; At the same time, we must also remember history, cherish the present, and let the party's spark be inherited forever and illuminate our way forward. ”

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

In order to carry forward the spirit of volunteer service, strengthen the guidance of party building, and effectively improve the happiness index of the residents, the "big party committee" of the community also organized and carried out volunteer activities of free clinics and scissors to provide residents with free medical treatment and haircut services. The event was divided into two areas: free clinic and free scissors, and community staff and other volunteers guided residents and friends to enter.

At the event site, everyone had a clear division of labor and was in good order. In the busy free clinic area, the free clinic experts at the community health service station provide a series of health check-up services for residents, including not only routine physical examinations such as blood pressure measurement and blood sugar testing, but also cordial communication with residents through relaxed and natural "home-style" consultations, so as to gain an in-depth understanding of their physical condition and condition. In addition, with professional medical knowledge and rich clinical experience, the doctor provides professional guidance on the spot, and provides in-depth science popularization and suggestions for the prevention and treatment of common diseases and frequent diseases in summer. At the same time, in the face of various health questions raised by residents, the volunteer clinic experts have always maintained a patient and responsible attitude, listened carefully, and answered meticulously to ensure that everyone can get a satisfactory answer.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

In another area, the charity cutting activity is also in full swing. The hairdresser at Han Mei Xuan Salon enthusiastically draped the cloth on each resident who came to get a haircut and carefully inquired about their haircut needs. As the scissors dance flexibly in the hairdresser's hands, it doesn't take long for everyone's hairstyles to look new and more energetic. After the haircut, the residents showed satisfied smiles, and they praised the professional skills and professionalism of the staff at Han Mei Xuan Salon and spoke highly of them. The whole event was full of warmth and harmony, bringing practical convenience and joy to the residents.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

The volunteer activities of free clinics and scissors, like a warm spring breeze, have "blown" the real convenience measures to the "doorstep" of the residents, and the residents can enjoy professional medical consultation and intimate haircut services without traveling far, and truly realize the "zero distance" contact with the convenience service.

The "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" Commendation Conference and a heart-warming service activity of free clinic and free scissors

Looking back at the glorious course of our party, we have experienced countless ups and downs and ups and downs, but it has always shone with faith and hope. This event showed the great achievements of the party in the form of a literary and artistic performance, expressed the high respect for outstanding party members in the form of commendation, and conveyed the warmth and care of the party through the volunteer service activities of free clinics and scissors. In the next step, the "Big Party Committee" of Gemdale Community will join hands with more member units to continuously send high-quality cultural resources and rich convenient resources into the community, and strive to make every resident enjoy a more fulfilling and convenient life in the community.

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