
CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology


Recently, the China Computer Federation (CCF) Public Welfare Working Committee went deep into Lenovo Group and conducted an in-depth and fruitful technical public welfare dialogue and exchange with the elite team of Lenovo Group.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

Recently, the China Computer Federation (CCF) Public Welfare Working Committee went deep into Lenovo Group and conducted an in-depth and fruitful technical public welfare dialogue and exchange with the elite team of Lenovo Group.

The event was initiated by Wu Guobin, executive director, deputy secretary-general and deputy director of the Public Welfare Working Committee of CCF, and a total of 10 public welfare ambassadors attended the event, Lenovo Group was presided over by Wu Yaqiang, senior director of Lenovo Research Institute, Liu Jia, ESG and sustainable development manager of Lenovo Group, Wan Xi, senior interaction designer of Lenovo Research Institute, Xie Ziguang, project manager of Lenovo Research Institute, and He Yijing, manager of science and technology cooperation between Lenovo research institutes and enterprises, participated in the exchange activities.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

On the day of the event, the delegation first visited the Lenovo Future Center, which brings together Lenovo's latest technological innovations. After experiencing the innovative charm brought by Lenovo's technology, the delegation had a more intuitive understanding of Lenovo's scientific and technological strength and innovative spirit.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

Immediately afterwards, the CCF Public Welfare Working Committee and a number of experts from Lenovo Group had an in-depth discussion.

During the exchange activities, Lenovo's vision of "AI for all" in 2023 was discussed, as well as Lenovo's 18 years of continuous innovation in ESG and sustainable development, such as biodiversity conservation, green technology, green supply chain, rural revitalization, and public welfare. Lenovo actively undertakes and fulfills its social responsibilities, empowers with scientific and technological innovation, and continues to make Lenovo's contributions from the four aspects of serving the country, industry, environment and people's livelihood. Especially in the field of public welfare, Lenovo focuses on rural education, talent training for rural areas, rural areas and rural areas, education for children in distress and special needs, community volunteering, ecological and environmental protection, disaster relief, etc., and carries out a number of public welfare projects with the same original intention, investment in science and technology and continuous resources. Not long ago, Lenovo released the "Lenovo Group 2023 Social Value Report" and the "Lenovo Group 2023 Rural Revitalization Report", which also introduced a wealth of science and technology public welfare cases in detail.

In the 2023 China Computer Federation's "Technology Public Welfare Case Collection", three Lenovo technology public welfare cases are included, showing Lenovo's work in technology public welfare in an all-round way.

(1) Green technology, leveraging green upgrading Independent research and development of warm water cooling technology

Self-developed warm water cooling technology to achieve efficient computing power and green operation

The world's first Lenovo Poseidon warm water full water cooling technology, adhering to the way of warm water cooling, with powerful computing power + efficient heat dissipation + waste heat recovery "Poseidon Trident", supports multiple types of GPUs, heat dissipation efficiency up to 98%, can support data center PUE to reduce the minimum to less than 1.1, and achieve more than 42% annual electricity cost savings and emission reduction. The application of this technology has greatly improved the performance and efficiency of computing equipment, opened up a new field of computing, and taken a solid step towards the realization of global carbon neutrality.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

Diversified applications empower green and intelligent computing infrastructure

Based on warm water cooling technology and technology accumulation in multiple fields, Lenovo has innovatively developed a new generation of green intelligent computing infrastructure to achieve a perfect balance between cost and benefit.

Innovate the service model and lay out the "Eastern Data and Western Computing" project. Lenovo innovates its service model through TruScale, which not only has the advantages of the public cloud, but also saves customers millions to hundreds of millions of initial fixed asset investments. At the same time, it can be flexibly customized according to needs and can ensure the local security of data. In 2021, Lenovo reached a strategic cooperation with Parallel Technology to land the first TruScale service project in Zhongwei City, Ningxia. At present, Lenovo has preliminarily completed the layout of green data center resources in western regions such as Ningxia, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

Provide high-performance computing to help the progress of scientific research in colleges and universities. In April 2021, Yang Yuanqing, Chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, donated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University to build a first-class green water-cooled high-performance computing center in colleges and universities in China, and the high-performance computing equipment was named "Siyuan No. 1". "Siyuan-1" can perform 6quadrillon operations per second, surpassing Harvard, Cambridge and other international famous universities in computing power, ranking first among Chinese universities.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

(2) Green factories to build a green tomorrow

Lenovo Group has always implemented the concept of green manufacturing, and has achieved national green factories in its production bases in Hefei, Wuhan, Chengdu and Huiyang, and is actively moving towards the "zero carbon" road of benchmark smart factories.

Lianbao Technology is Lenovo's largest PC R&D and manufacturing base in the world, and was selected as a global "lighthouse factory", opening Lenovo's global lighthouse layout. In recent years, Lianbao Technology has continued to promote carbon reduction at the factory end through the construction of energy-saving and efficiency-enhancing technologies such as intelligent production scheduling (LAPS), the implementation of energy-saving and carbon-reduction projects, and the optimization of energy structure.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

Lenovo Group's Wuhan Industrial Base is Lenovo's largest and most advanced R&D and production base for smartphones and tablets in the world. In 2022, Lenovo Group's Wuhan Industrial Base was awarded the first zero-carbon factory certificate in the ICT industry, becoming the first and only zero-carbon factory in China's ICT industry to be evaluated by a third party.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

In September 2022, the Lenovo (Tianjin) Smart Innovation Service Industrial Park, the first "zero-carbon factory" built from scratch in the ICT industry and representing the highest level of intelligent manufacturing of Lenovo Group, was officially put into operation. With the core positioning of "green and zero-carbon, digital intelligence leading, and lighthouse factory", the industrial park will create a scientific and replicable "zero-carbon intelligent manufacturing" solution for the industry. Lenovo Group participated in the drafting and formulation of the first zero-carbon factory standard for the ICT industry in China, the "General Specification for Zero-carbon Factory Evaluation" group standard, and completed the pilot verification in Tianjin.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

In terms of low-carbon transformation, Lenovo Group first leveraged its leading ESG advantages and took the lead in realizing its comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation. At the same time, we will cultivate, drive and lead the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to jointly achieve low-carbon and digital transformation; Combined with the company's 3S strategic transformation, it has always been committed to building an ESG ecosystem, actively empowering the outside world, and helping the low-carbon transformation of thousands of industries.

(3) Led by AI technology, Lenovo Smart Education empowers the digitalization of rural education

Led by artificial intelligence technology, Lenovo has launched a smart education solution to empower the digitalization of rural education, promote education equity, and contribute to the national education digitalization strategy.

CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology
CCF Technology Public Welfare Excellent Case Visit: Lenovo Empowers Public Welfare Undertakings with Science and Technology

By renovating existing classrooms, Lenovo Dream Center empowers the advantages of information technology, artificial intelligence and other resources to the revitalization of rural education, develops literacy education in rural schools, and creates literacy education space for rural children, helping the high-quality and balanced development of education in rural areas, and helping children grow up confidently, calmly and with dignity.

Taking the Lenovo Smart School project as an example, the project is based on the Lenovo Smart Classroom (Tablet Classroom/Large Screen Classroom) and provides a lesson preparation system and necessary equipment funding. Through random answers, photo uploading, multi-screen interaction and other functions, the traditional classroom form becomes vivid and interesting, which can greatly improve students' attention, improve learning interest, and strengthen the understanding and absorption of knowledge.

Through this in-depth exchange and discussion, the CCF Public Welfare Working Committee has a more comprehensive understanding of Lenovo Group's technical public welfare practice. Lenovo Group's innovative spirit and commitment to social responsibility have set a new benchmark in the field of technology public welfare. In the future, CCF and Lenovo Group will strengthen cooperation to combine corporate social responsibility with technology public welfare, so that technology can better serve the society.

Please continue to pay attention to the dynamics of the CCF Public Welfare Working Committee, witness the perfect integration of science and technology and public welfare, and contribute to the construction of a better society!

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