
Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

author:Tomato health

High uric acid is a serious problem in today's era, and it is now bothering many people, including some young people, who are also plagued by this situation because of their irregular living habits. High uric acid will eventually form the terrible gout, and compared with other metabolic diseases, gout is also terrible in that it is a gout attack, when people will be extremely painful, and even develop into systemic discomfort.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

The following 4 abnormalities occur while sleeping, which proves that uric acid has exceeded the standard

1. Wake up in the middle of the night and find water to drink:

Generally, when you are thirsty in the middle of the night, everyone thinks of diabetes, and this situation is not only for diabetics, but also for some people in other groups. In particular, those who have an irregular diet, lack of exercise, long-term alcoholism, or eat too much spicy food can easily lead to an increase in uric acid levels in the body, which in turn affects the normal function of the kidneys.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to adjusting your lifestyle, maintain a regular work and rest time, avoid staying up late, drinking too much and other bad habits, in addition, it is also very important to seek medical attention in time and check your physical condition regularly, so as to detect problems as soon as possible and deal with them in time to ensure good health. I hope that everyone can pay attention to their physical health and stay away from diseases.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

2. Sweating profusely

Excessive uric acid will not only lead to an acid-base imbalance in the body, but will also bring more discomfort to the human body. The acid-base imbalance caused by excessive uric acid will put the human body in a sub-healthy state, and it is easy to feel tired. It can also lead to dysfunction of thermoregulation, which in turn leads to profuse sweating during sleep. In the long run, this condition may lead to a weakened immunity and susceptibility to various diseases.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

3. Not sleeping deeply

Lack of deep sleep is also one of the manifestations of excessive uric acid. The quality of sleep directly affects a person's physical health. When uric acid exceeds the standard, it will cause an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body, affecting the normal functioning of the nervous system, resulting in a lack of deep sleep. During sleep, the cerebral cortex cannot get enough rest and cannot effectively remove metabolites, resulting in impaired brain function, which in turn affects people's memory and concentration.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

4. Sleepwalking, talking in sleep

Uric acid is a type of metabolite of the body's metabolism that is usually excreted in the urine. But when uric acid is exceeded, it can cause a range of health problems. In addition to diseases such as gout, excessive uric acid may also affect the normal function of the brain, because excessive uric acid will cause certain effects on the nervous system of the brain and affect the normal function of the brain. When the brain is not working properly, it can lead to sleepwalking, sleeptalking, and other phenomena.

In addition to adjusting the work and rest time and ensuring adequate sleep, you should also check your uric acid level in time to avoid the impact of excessive uric acid on brain function.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

To avoid a spike in uric acid, 3 habits are best broken

Eating an unbalanced diet

In modern society, with the progress of science and technology and economic prosperity, people's living conditions have been greatly improved, which makes people's diet quality richer than before. However, for those with high levels of uric acid in their bodies, they need to be more vigilant about the intake of certain foods, such as beef, lamb, seafood and beer. Only by maintaining a good diet can we make our body healthier.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

Lack of exercise

Through moderate exercise, it can promote metabolism, accelerate the excretion of waste products in the body, and help reduce the content of uric acid, thereby reducing the occurrence of gout and other related diseases. Uric acid is a metabolite in the human body, and when it accumulates too much, it is easy to cause uric acid crystals to precipitate in the joints, which will lead to redness, swelling and unbearable pain in the joints for a long time.

At the same time, exercise can also accelerate intestinal peristalsis, promote the work of the digestive system, help the body absorb nutrients more efficiently, and expel waste. It can also improve the flexibility of muscles and joints, enhance resilience, and reduce the occurrence of joint pain.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol, a potential threat to human health, is well known, it will directly interfere with the function of the kidneys to excrete uric acid, resulting in the accumulation of uric acid in the body, with the accumulation of uric acid, the human body is prone to hyperuricemia, which in turn leads to gout and other diseases. Patients will experience joint pain, redness and swelling, which will seriously affect the quality of life.

In addition to gout, hyperuricemia can also lead to the formation of kidney stones, causing more pain to the body. Therefore, drinking too much alcohol can not only directly impair kidney function, but also indirectly lead to other serious health problems.

Reminder: When sleeping at night, there are 4 manifestations in the body, and uric acid may have "exceeded"

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to protecting the health of your kidneys in ordinary times, exercise more, drink more water, and eat a light diet, which is not only beneficial to kidney health, but also to the health of the whole body. Only when the kidneys are healthy and the kidneys are healthy, can uric acid metabolism be normal.

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