
Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

author:Tomato health

In this fast-paced era, we are also starting to pay more and more attention to our quality of life. However, many people inadvertently develop bad habits, including our sleep habits, especially napping habits, which can take a toll on our health over time.

Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

Studies have found that frequent napping may also increase our chances of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, it has also been reported in the United States that napping will also cause our cardiovascular pressure to drop significantly, and the cardiovascular pressure will rebound quickly after waking up, making us more likely to suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

Reminder: These wrong napping habits may affect your health and should be corrected in time

1. Don't sleep on your stomach during a nap

Due to the limited conditions, most people tend to pay less attention to the position of the nap and often sleep on their stomachs. However, it's really not good. This is because when we sleep on our stomach, the weight of our body compresses our chest and abdomen, resulting in restricted breathing.

Especially for people who already have breathlessness or sleep apnea, sleeping on your stomach is likely to worsen these symptoms and even lead to the occurrence of choking.

In addition, when sleeping on our stomach, our head is often tilted to one side, which can cause excessive twisting of the cervical spine, which can easily lead to neck pain, stiffness, and discomfort. In the long run, it may also lead to diseases such as cervical spondylosis.

Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

2. Take a nap immediately after eating

Due to the tight schedules during the day and the fast pace of work for many people, it is necessary to find time to take a nap in the middle of the day to recuperate. In this case, these people will choose to go to bed immediately after lunch. Even if they fall asleep quickly, they still wake up feeling very tired and lethargic. What is the reason for this?

In fact, after we finish a meal, our body concentrates on digesting the food. If we take a nap at this time, then the oxygen and energy consumed by the brain will compete with the digestive system. This not only affects our digestive function, but also adversely affects the body's energy metabolism and vascular load.

Therefore, after eating lunch, wait at least a while before going to bed, which ensures that the food in the stomach is digested well without other effects on our body.

Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

3. Don't take too long a lunch break

Whether it's a 10-minute nap or a 20-minute nap, it's not bad. However, it is recommended that you do not take a nap for more than 60 minutes. This is because napping is just one way for us to relieve fatigue, and from the point of view of being able to recharge our body, a 30-minute nap can completely relieve our physical fatigue.

Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

In addition to the above-mentioned nap habits to be corrected, we should also pay attention to these when we are resting.

First, avoid going to bed late. Sleeping late can strain our body, causing abnormalities in blood pressure and heartbeat, adding to its burden. Nowadays, many people are accustomed to staying up late, however, staying up late not only quietly disrupts our body's biological clock, but also greatly reduces the quality of our sleep.

In the long run, this will not only pose a threat to our health, but it is more likely to lead our body into a sub-health state. Also, staying up late doesn't just make us feel listless during the day. It can also destroy our immune system, make us more susceptible to illness, and even increase the risk of cancer!

Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

Secondly, sleeping with the lights on can also affect our health. This is because our body has a certain biological clock, and our body can only secrete melatonin when it is dark. If we break this routine, we will disrupt our biological clock. During sleep, it is also easy to feel the stress of light, which can also affect our basal metabolic rate.

Over time, this can lead to abnormalities in blood pressure, pulse, and heartbeat, which can lead to the development of disease. In addition, sleeping with the lights on all the time can also reduce immune function and stimulate the visual system.

Reminder: Did you know that 3 wrong napping habits may induce cardiovascular disease?

In short, sleep habits can invisibly affect our physical health. Therefore, whether it is a nap or a night sleep, we should get rid of the above habits that will harm our physical health, so as to better maintain our physical health.

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