
Registration will start on July 8, and the enrollment of Baishali Autonomous County Kindergarten in the fall of 2024 will begin!

author:White sand media
Registration will start on July 8, and the enrollment of Baishali Autonomous County Kindergarten in the fall of 2024 will begin!





- Baishali Autonomous County Kindergarten 2024 Autumn Enrollment Announcement -

According to the requirements of the enrollment of public kindergartens in our county, in order to effectively do a good job in the enrollment of our kindergarten in the fall of 2024 and ensure that the enrollment work is fair, just and open, combined with the actual situation of our kindergarten, the relevant matters of enrollment in the fall of 2024 are hereby notified as follows:

Enrollment quotas



There are 175 children in the nursery class

There are 65 children in the kindergarten class

There are 97 children in the kindergarten class



There are 75 children in the nursery class

There are 90 children in the middle class

There are 105 children in the kindergarten class


check in

Set up the registration QR code of "Main Park" and "Branch Park" respectively, please pay attention to scanning the QR code for registration, and you cannot scan the QR code for registration in both parks. If the registration quota of any park exceeds the planned enrollment quota, our park will adjust in order of registration, and if two parks are registered at the same time, it will be put into the final adjustment.

Note: The main park is a new park on Shiyou Road, and the branch park is the old park on Yacha Middle Road.

Scope of enrollment

1. Recruit children of appropriate age who are healthy and adapt to group life. Nursery children must be at least 3 years old, Kindergarten children must be at least 4 years old, and Kindergarten children must be at least 5 years old.

2. Priority is given to school-age children who have been registered at the Yacha Police Station, the Chengbei Police Station and the actual place of residence in the Qiaobei area of the county for one year (including the children of migrant workers who are not registered in the county). If the number of eligible applicants is less than the enrollment plan, all kindergartens will be admitted, and those exceeding the plan will be admitted by lottery.

Admissions Process

1. Publish enrollment information.

2. Online registration at the specified time.

3. Review the materials online and publicize the list of qualified children.

4. Go through the admission procedures.

Admissions Method

In line with the principle of standardization, convenience and efficiency, our park will continue to use the "Sea Buckthorn Rabbit" online pre-registration and online review materials for admission this year.


Publication of enrollment information

On July 1, the "Baisha County Kindergarten 2024 Autumn Kindergarten Enrollment Guide" was announced on the Baisha Media, the county kindergarten official account, the county kindergarten entrance, and the Yacha Market entrance publicity column, and the online registration QR code.


Online pre-registration

From 8 a.m. on July 8 to 6 p.m. on July 12, guardians of young children who meet the registration conditions can enter the "Baisha County Kindergarten 2024 Autumn Kindergarten Enrollment Guide" within the specified time by scanning the QR code to fill in the information.


Precautions are required for registration

(1) Scan the QR code to enter the "Baisha County Kindergarten 2024 Autumn Preschool Enrollment Guide", and complete the online application and registration according to the relevant prompts on the website.

(2) After the application information is submitted, it cannot be modified, so parents are requested to fill in carefully. The system shall refer to the information filled in at the time of the registration deadline, and the registration information that is not completed within the time limit or the materials that are not uploaded as required shall be regarded as invalid information.

(3) Parents are requested to fill in the relevant information truthfully. If there is fraud, incorrect filling or age inadequacy, the admission will be disqualified.

(4) The admission work has nothing to do with the order of online application, parents are requested to arrange the registration time reasonably, and do not wait until the last hour to submit, as the submission may cause network congestion and affect the submission result.


Documents must be uploaded for registration

Documents to be uploaded in the registration area:

(1) The first page of the household register;

(2) Household registration details page of the child and his/her parents;

(3) Children who are not registered in Yacha but actually live in Qiaobei area need to upload relevant real estate certificates or rental contracts.

(4) Health checklist for children entering the kindergarten (center) (children need to be taken to the maternal and child health hospital for physical examination in advance)


Online registration steps

(1) Scan the QR code for enrollment registration; (2) Select the class type;

(3) Fill in the key information of the child (this information will be used as the key to the review, please fill in the parents truthfully); (4) Add attachments as required (the first page of the child's household registration book, the child's household registration details page, the child's health examination form for entering the kindergarten (institute), and the relevant real estate certificate or rental contract for non-Yacha household registration needs to be uploaded), and press the next step after filling in; (5) Fill in the guardian information (this information will be directly collected as the child's school registration information, please fill in the parents truthfully), and press the next step after filling in; (6) Confirm the information and submit.


Material review and public review of the list of qualified personnel

Before July 15, the information filled in by the child's guardian online will be reviewed, mainly to review the age, household registration, place of residence, and whether the materials are uploaded as required.

From July 15th to July 19th, the list of eligible children will be publicized and audited, and the audit list will be announced by the county kindergarten on the public account platform. If you have any objections to the public list, please give feedback to the county kindergarten during the publicity period, and the county kindergarten admissions team will review it.


Admission by lottery

If the number of eligible children exceeds the number of students enrolled in our park, our school will conduct an on-site lottery on July 15 to determine the final list of children who have been admitted, and 10 parents will be randomly selected as lottery representatives and on-site supervisors, and the lottery results will be publicized on the spot, and the whole process is open, fair and transparent.


Register and submit student registration documents

On August 31, the guardian of the child who enters the admission list must go to the kindergarten to register and submit the student registration materials according to the time requirements notified by the kindergarten with the relevant supporting materials.

The materials to be provided are as follows:

(1) A copy of the household registration book of the guardian (both parents) and the child;

(2) A copy of the ID card of the guardian (both parents);

(3) The original health check-up form for children entering the kindergarten (center);

(4) A copy of the vaccination certificate.

If you fail to register and submit student registration materials within the time limit, you will be disqualified from admission; The guardian of the child shall be responsible for the authenticity of the registration information and photocopied materials provided; If it is found that there is fraud, the admission qualification will be cancelled.



The enrollment work is carried out under the guidance of the Baisha County Education Bureau, and the matters not covered in the enrollment work plan are explained by the kindergarten of Baisha Li Autonomous County.


Admissions Counseling Hotline

Deputy Director Shen: 13976372271

Teacher Zhang: 13976516892

Registration will start on July 8, and the enrollment of Baishali Autonomous County Kindergarten in the fall of 2024 will begin!

◎ Source: Baishali Autonomous County Kindergarten

Registration will start on July 8, and the enrollment of Baishali Autonomous County Kindergarten in the fall of 2024 will begin!

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