
Zhiyan Consulting's "2024 Edition of China's Polyvinylidene Fluoride Industry Market Research Report" was launched

author:Zhiyan Consulting

In order to deeply interpret the development status of the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) industry and judge the future trend, Zhiyan Consulting has carefully compiled and launched the "Analysis Report on the Competition Status and Development Trend of China's Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Industry from 2024 to 2030" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). This report is not only a comprehensive and detailed review of China's polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) market, but also the crystallization of Zhiyan Consulting's continuous tracking, on-site visits, in-depth research and accurate analysis over the years. It aims to help industry elites and investors grasp the pulse of the market more accurately, gain insight into industry trends, and provide strong support for future decision-making.

The report mainly studies the development of China's polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) industry, involving data on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) production capacity, output, demand, product price, market size and so on.

The report analyzes the development status of the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) industry in an all-round way from the aspects of domestic and foreign economic environment, domestic policies and development trends, and provides corresponding suggestions and decision-making support for industry manufacturers to grasp the industrial dynamics and future innovation trends.

Zhiyan Consulting's "2024 Edition of China's Polyvinylidene Fluoride Industry Market Research Report" was launched

Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a highly non-reactive thermoplastic fluoropolymer, mainly referring to vinylidene fluoride homopolymer or copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and other small amounts of fluorinated vinyl monomers. Polyvinylidene fluoride has the characteristics of both fluorine resin and general resin, in addition to having strong toughness, low friction coefficient, good chemical corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, weather resistance, radiation resistance and other properties, it also has piezoelectric, dielectric, thermoelectric and other special properties, and is the second largest product in the output of fluorine-containing plastics, second only to PTFE.

With its excellent performance, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is widely used in lithium batteries, coatings, solar backsheet films, water treatment membranes and many other fields, benefiting from the rapid increase in downstream demand, the demand for PVDF in mainland China will increase significantly in 2023, and the demand for PVDF in mainland China will reach 113,200 tons in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 36.1%, benefiting from the increase in downstream market demand, the market scale of the mainland PVDF industry will expand rapidly, In 2023, the market size of the PVDF industry in mainland China will increase to 28.172 billion yuan.

Zhiyan Consulting's "2024 Edition of China's Polyvinylidene Fluoride Industry Market Research Report" was launched

The upstream raw material of the PVDF industry chain is mainly HCFC-142b, and due to the quota restriction on the supply of raw materials in the PVDF industry, domestic enterprises in the general PVDF market are mainly extended by enterprises with HCFC-142b quota qualifications to extend the industrial chain to produce PVDF products. The downstream of the industry is the application field, including lithium batteries, coatings, solar backsheet films, water treatment membranes, pipes and accessories and other industries, affected by the rapid increase in the market penetration rate of new energy vehicles and the rapid development of photovoltaic and other industries, in recent years, the downstream demand for PVDF in mainland China has been strong.

Zhiyan Consulting's "2024 Edition of China's Polyvinylidene Fluoride Industry Market Research Report" was launched

In the early days of the PVDF industry, only foreign companies Arkema, Solvay and Wu Yu mastered the production process of lithium-ion battery-grade PVDF, and adopted a technical blockade, and the market was monopolized by the above-mentioned enterprises. In recent years, domestic enterprises have gradually mastered the production process, product quality has improved over time, and successfully entered the downstream market, at present, domestic lithium battery grade PVDF is used in large quantities in the low-end field, with the continuous growth of downstream demand, the quality of domestic products has been further improved, PVDF domestic substitution has broad prospects, and manufacturers have expanded production at a high speed, according to statistics, in 2022, the top three production capacity of the domestic PVDF industry are Zhejiang Fenolin, Dongyue Group, and Inner Mongolia Sanaifu, accounting for up to 50%, and the industry concentration is high.

Zhiyan Consulting's "2024 Edition of China's Polyvinylidene Fluoride Industry Market Research Report" was launched

The research team of Zhiyan Consulting conducted an in-depth analysis of the scale, industrial structure, key enterprises, and industrial development trends of China's polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) industry, and put forward suggestions on the problems existing in the development of the PVDF industry, providing reference for local governments, industrial chain related enterprises, and investment institutions.

Data Description:

1: The core data of this report has been updated to December 2023 (the relevant financial indicators of non-listed companies in the report are affected by corporate credit approval, and there may be a certain lag), and the forecast period of the report is 2024-2030.

2: In addition to the first-hand research information and data, authoritative data sources such as the National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs, industry associations, and public reports of listed companies (prospectuses, transfer prospectuses, annual reports, inquiry reports, etc.) also constitute the data sources of this report. The first-hand data comes from the first-hand information data obtained by the research team from interviews with key enterprises in the industry, and the main interview subjects include corporate executives, industry experts, technical leaders, downstream customers, distributors, agents, distributors and upstream raw material suppliers. Secondary sources mainly include relevant industry news, company annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, government agencies and third-party databases from around the world.

3: The core data of the report is based on the strict data collection, screening, processing, analysis system and independent calculation model of the Zhiyan team to ensure the accuracy and reliability of statistical data.

4: The data used in this report are all from compliance channels, and the analysis logic is based on the professional understanding of the Zhiyan team, which clearly and accurately reflects the research views of analysts.

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