
The Cyberspace Administration of the District Party Committee organized a symposium on "Talking about Internet Civilization".

author:Netinfo Jinghai
The Cyberspace Administration of the District Party Committee organized a symposium on "Talking about Internet Civilization".

In order to thoroughly implement the work arrangements of the central and municipal and district levels on strengthening the construction of cyber civilization, further strengthen ideological guidance, moral construction, cultural cultivation and behavioral norms in cyberspace, and promote the development of cyber civilization. A few days ago, the Internet Information Office of the District Party Committee went to Wangkou Town to organize a symposium on "Talking about Internet Civilization". The responsible comrades of the Internet Information Office of the District Party Committee and the Youth League District Committee, as well as some township (street) party workers, youth representatives and network representatives in the district attended the discussion.

The Cyberspace Administration of the District Party Committee organized a symposium on "Talking about Internet Civilization".

At the meeting, youth representatives actively put forward suggestions and suggestions based on their own realities, focusing on showing the demeanor of young people, making contributions to the new era, and strengthening the protection of minors online. Representatives of online celebrities introduced the operation of self-media accounts, and exchanged speeches on how to fulfill the main responsibilities of self-media accounts, sing the good voice of Jinghai, and condense positive energy on the Internet. The participants of the Cyberspace Administration of the District Party Committee, the Youth League District Committee, and Wangkou Town respectively combined their management and service responsibilities in their respective fields, and expressed their opinions on strengthening the construction and management of online content, the unity and guidance of online people, and the joint construction and sharing of online civilization.

The Cyberspace Administration of the District Party Committee organized a symposium on "Talking about Internet Civilization".

The meeting emphasized that the builders of network civilization in various fields should take the initiative to integrate into the work of promoting the construction of network civilization and contribute to the high-quality development of Jinghai. It is necessary to improve network literacy and be a "seeder" of network civilization. Adhere to the core values of socialism to lead the construction of network culture, take the initiative to assume social responsibility, and draw a positive "concentric circle" of network use and protection. It is necessary to promote the righteousness of the Internet and be a "practitioner" of Internet civilization. Give full play to the unique advantages of network communication in their own fields, create online positive energy products with fresh content and novel forms, actively carry out positive online publicity, tell the story of Jinghai with heart and affection, promote positive energy, and sing the main theme. It is necessary to abide by network laws and regulations and be the "guardian" of network civilization. Strengthen industry self-discipline, conscientiously abide by laws and regulations in the internet field, perform the main responsibility for the operation of platform accounts, actively practice norms of civilized online behavior, guide the majority of netizens to access the Internet in accordance with the law, use the Internet in a civilized manner, and use the Internet safely, to create a clear online environment.

After an in-depth discussion, the participants unanimously said that the symposium has built a platform for experience sharing, exchange and mutual learning, and will take this opportunity to further strengthen responsibility, adhere to the bottom line of the law, strive to be a disseminator of positive energy on the Internet, jointly promote the light of network civilization, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a new Jinghai of socialist modernization.

Edited and produced by: Li Ruimin

Review: Shi Guang

Producer: Pan Junpeng

Please indicate the source for reprinting: Netinfo Jinghai

The Cyberspace Administration of the District Party Committee organized a symposium on "Talking about Internet Civilization".

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