
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

author:Netinfo Jinghai
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, express the love of the majority of party members and cadres for the party and the motherland, and show the good spiritual outlook of the people, a few days ago, Liangwangzhuang Township, Jinghai District held a cultural activity with the theme of "Beautiful Countryside and People's Stage to Celebrate 'July 1st'".

The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

The event kicked off with the music of "Bless the Motherland", and the dancers waved the national flag hand in hand, leaving the most beautiful smiles and expressing their best wishes to the party and the motherland. With the sound of the music of "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", all the personnel gathered in the center of the venue to dance a cheerful dance, dancing their love and praise for the party, and creating a festive and peaceful atmosphere.

The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

Subsequently, song and dance programs such as "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again", "Embroidering the Red Flag", "Serving the Country with Loyalty", "The Heart of the Children of All Ethnic Groups to the Party", "Reflecting the Red Mountain", "Revitalizing the Countryside and Dancing" and other song and dance programs appeared one after another, each with its own characteristics. The dance team members were dressed in costumes and had happy smiles on their faces, bringing a wonderful and beautiful visual feast to the audience.

The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

Everyone sang and danced, immersed in the happy rhythm of blessing the party and the motherland, expressed their love and loyalty to the party and the motherland, and the pursuit and yearning for a better life.

"Everyone is dancing so happily, everyone is jumping hard and happily, we are grateful to the party in our hearts, as long as we firmly follow the party, we will definitely get better and better!" Chen Yumin, captain of the happy dance team of Fujunmiao Village, said.

The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

The event came to an end in the 100-person aerobics. Hao Shuyun, director of the Liangwangzhuang Township Cultural and Health Office, said that this event was a gift to the party's birthday with practical actions, enriched the cultural life of the masses, promoted the red culture in the dance program, and allowed the party members and cadres to further cultivate patriotic feelings for the party in the deep understanding of the party's glorious history.

Source: Jinghai Financial Media

The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party
The most beautiful dance is dedicated to the party

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