
Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

author:Kangbashi release

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the party's fine traditions and style. In the past few days, various streets and departments in Kangbashi have carried out activities to offer the most sincere wishes to the party's birthday.

Riverside streets

On June 28, Binhe Street carried out the theme activity of "Feeling the Party's Kindness, Listening to the Party, and Following the Party" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead
Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

On June 28, the Enhe community of Qingchunshan Street carried out a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead
Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

Kangxin Street

On June 26, Kangxin Street organized old party members and party members and cadres in the jurisdiction to go to the party member political life hall to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "celebrating the 'political birthday' and remembering the original intention of the party".

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead
Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

Habaghi Street

On June 28th, Habagehi Street carried out a red movie-watching theme party day activity of "carrying forward the great spirit of party building and continuing the red blood gene".

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead
Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead
Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

Qingchun Hill Street

On June 26th, Qingchunshan Street carried out the DIY activity of "Red Heart to the Party - Intangible Cultural Heritage Bamboo Weaving and Painting", eulogizing the great achievements of the party and giving full play to the role of red culture in casting souls and educating people and cohesion. Let the residents experience the intangible cultural heritage culture up close, and express their love for the party and respect for the party with handmade works.

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

District People's Procuratorate

On June 26, the People's Procuratorate of Kangbashi District carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Welcoming the 'July 1st' and Remembering the Original Heart and Celebrating the Party's Kindness".

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

District Civil Affairs Bureau

On June 26, the District Civil Affairs Bureau organized all party members and cadres to visit and study the political life hall of party members in Kangbashi District.

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau

On June 27, the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized all party members to carry out a theme party day activity to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Everyone said that in the future, they will practice the original intention of joining the party with practical actions, and devote themselves to the cause of housing and construction with more enthusiasm and a more high-spirited attitude.

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

District Veterans Affairs Bureau

Recently, the District Veterans Affairs Bureau carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities in the political life hall of party members in Kangbashi District.

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

Kangbashi Public Security Ulan Herdsman

Recently, Kangbashi Public Security Wulan Herdsmen went deep into the Kangsheng community to carry out the theme publicity activity of "feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and sent a wonderful cultural feast to the community residents.

Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead
Kangbashi District: "July 1st" celebrates and forges ahead

All streets and departments of Kangbashi expressed their love and loyalty to the party with practical actions, and at the same time inspired party members to "not forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind", strengthen ideals and beliefs, and give full play to the enthusiasm of the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members, so as to inject new vitality and impetus into the development of Kangbashi.