
Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!

author:Jinhua Fire Protection

June 18, 9:37 a.m

Xiangzhu Town, Yongkang City

A large amount of smoke came out of the classroom of a middle school

After receiving the alarm

Yongkang City Xiangzhu Town full-time fire brigade

Rush to the scene immediately

Fire and rescue personnel who arrived at the scene found it

It was smoke coming out of the school's chemistry lab

And such a large smoke

There were no open flames at the scene

Why is that?

Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!
Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!

Fire and rescue personnel found the caller for questioning

It turned out that a science teacher at the school called the police


Science Teacher: We were doing a classic science experiment: the CO2 experiment. Carbon dioxide is mainly produced by reacting dilute sulfuric acid with marble under heating conditions. During the experiment, in order to let the students see the reaction more intuitively, I poured some more reagents, but I didn't expect that when it officially started, a lot of smoke was generated. ”

Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!

After the experiment produced a large amount of smoke, considering the safety of the students, the science teacher immediately organized the whole class to evacuate outside the laboratory in an orderly manner, extinguished the alcohol lamp on the laboratory table, and dialed 119 to call the police.

Considering that inhaling excessive carbon dioxide will cause adverse symptoms such as breathing difficulties, fatigue and even coma to the human body, the fire rescue personnel alerted the scene as soon as they understood the situation and did smoke exhaust treatment to ensure that there was no smoke generated by the experiment at the scene.

Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!


Fire and rescue personnel: Yes

The science teacher evacuated the students as soon as possible

And the emergency response of the police was affirmed


Laboratory safety is also reminded

Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!
Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!

Although there was no open flame in this accident, the large amount of carbon dioxide produced in the experiment will have an adverse effect on the human body, and the excess of experimental reagents may also lead to explosions, fires and other accidents.

When conducting experiments in the laboratory, it should be noted that –


Do not overdose the experimental reagent

The experiment should be carried out in accordance with the operation specifications, and the experimental reagents should not be increased or decreased at will, which can easily lead to accidents.


Reasonable storage of flammable and explosive materials

All flammable and explosive materials stored in the laboratory must be kept away from fire sources and power sources, and shall not be stacked, used and stored at will.


Rational disposal of experimental waste

The waste liquid of flammable liquid should be collected in a special container to avoid explosion accidents.


Pay attention to anti-virus

When extinguishing fires that produce toxic vapors, special attention should be paid to poison prevention.

There are many kinds of chemical reagents in the laboratory, safety issues are very important, once the improper operation is easy to cause danger, and even casualties, all primary and secondary schools, university laboratories should strictly follow the norms when conducting experimental operations.

Although there was no fire in this incident

But the fire safety awareness of the policeman

It's still worth affirming

I would like to remind you

If a fire is found

Please call 119 in time

It is the duty of every citizen to report a fire in a timely manner

If it turns out to be a miscalculation

Or the fire has been extinguished

You can call 119 again to let us know

Chemical experiments have become "smoke shows", and these laboratory safety must be paid attention to!

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