
The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |

author:Harbin Fucai

The Central Special Lottery Community Chest is an important part of the Lottery Community Chest, so, what role does it play in people's lives? What are the units of its use?

According to the Lottery Community Chest Distribution Policy approved by the State Council, the Lottery Community Chest is distributed between the central and local governments at a rate of 50% each, and is specifically used for social welfare and other social welfare undertakings.

Among them, the Central Centralized Lottery Community Chest is distributed among the National Social Security Fund, the Central Special Lottery Community Chest, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the General Administration of Sports in the proportion of 60%, 30%, 5% and 5% respectively.

The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |

Let's learn about the scope of use of the Central Special Lottery Community Chest and key public welfare projects.

The Central Special Lottery Community Chest is specially used for social welfare projects approved by the State Council. There are 19 key public welfare projects.

Today, I would like to introduce you to six of them.


Village School Children's Palace Project

The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |


Off-campus research and practice activities for primary and secondary school students

The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |


Innovation and entrepreneurship education program for college students

The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |


College graduates from low-income families

Employment assistance programs

The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |


Putonghua education program for young children

The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |


Educational Scholarship Program

The Purpose and Role of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery |

Further reading:

From 1987 to 2023, the cumulative sales of the Welfare Lottery nationwide exceeded 2,840.2 billion yuan, and more than 849.7 billion yuan was raised, which played an important role in the raising of the Lottery Community Chest.

According to the announcement data of the Ministry of Finance, in 2022, a total of 16.822 billion yuan of the central special lottery public welfare fund will be arranged, of which 1.1 billion yuan will be used for the improvement of basic elderly care services at home and in the community, 2 billion yuan for the rural revitalization project in underdeveloped old revolutionary areas, 2.52 billion yuan for the disabled, 1.98 billion yuan for medical assistance projects, 148 million yuan for the children's palace project of rural schools, 190 million yuan for off-campus research and practice activities for primary and secondary school students, and 100 million yuan for innovation and entrepreneurship education projects for college students. 89 million yuan for employment assistance projects for college graduates from low-income families, 31 million yuan for early childhood Putonghua education projects, 1 billion yuan for education assistance projects, 130 million yuan for legal aid projects, 500 million yuan for cultural and public welfare projects, 258 million yuan for birth defect intervention and assistance projects, 64 million yuan for improving the diagnosis and treatment level of rare diseases, 143 million yuan for football public welfare projects, 287 million yuan for low-income women's "two cancers" relief projects, and 200 million yuan for "Sunshine Station" projects. 589 million yuan for Red Cross projects and 5.673 billion yuan for local social welfare undertaking projects.

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