
SAIC Volkswagen led the second half of the joint venture and made every effort to accelerate the transformation of electrification

author:There is a car Zhilian

In the context of the joint venture 2.0 era, how can joint venture car companies break the situation? How to take the road of cooperation? SAIC Volkswagen, the veteran powerhouse, pressed the shortcut key for the transformation of the joint venture and opened the second half of the joint venture with a new model.

SAIC Volkswagen led the second half of the joint venture and made every effort to accelerate the transformation of electrification

On June 27, Volkswagen Group, SAIC Motor, Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Volkswagen (China) Technology Co., Ltd., and SAIC Volkswagen signed a number of technical cooperation agreements on SAIC Volkswagen's new product projects. The content includes a technical cooperation agreement for the development of three plug-in hybrid models and two pure electric models, and the two sides will jointly "empower technology" for the joint venture, opening a new chapter in the joint venture cooperation.

This is an important signing in the 40-year history of SAIC Volkswagen, which is different from the "take-it-or-leave-it" principle of signing the joint venture contract in the Great Hall of the People 40 years ago, and the signing of this agreement is a "two-way joint visit" between Volkswagen and SAIC Group, and it is also a sign of SAIC Volkswagen's confidence in the development of the next 40 years.

This signing is of great significance to SAIC Volkswagen.

It marks the definition of "in China for China" and "Chinese demand" for intelligent electric vehicles;

It marks the strong alliance between SAIC and Volkswagen, the United States and the United States, the experience of international brands in car manufacturing + local technology advantages, and the joint venture car companies have begun to make efforts to accelerate the transformation of electrification;

It marks the second half of the joint venture from "take-it-or-leave" to "two-way running", SAIC Volkswagen opened the second half of the joint venture......

Both shareholders are the most solid backing of SAIC Volkswagen

SAIC Group's "ten years of grinding a sword", years of investment and accumulation of technology research and development, has become the "technical confidence" of this signing.

The Volkswagen Group, which adheres to the strategy of "In China, For China", accelerates the transformation of electrification at "China speed", which is also the "attitude motivation" to promote the signing of this agreement.

In recent years, the two shareholders have accumulated rich cooperation experience and technical advantages in the field of intelligent and electric technology. As a joint venture with a history of 40 years, SAIC Volkswagen has not only created a model of joint venture car companies in the era of joint venture 1.0, but also can draw on the best resources of both parties, from technology introduction to two-way running, and further combine German standards and Chinese technology, as well as the advantages of China's industry-leading supplier partners, to jointly develop new products, seize new tracks and seize new opportunities.

SAIC Volkswagen led the second half of the joint venture and made every effort to accelerate the transformation of electrification

SAIC Volkswagen has a keen insight into market trends

Judging from the technical agreement signed this time, SAIC Volkswagen's product portfolio of three plug-in hybrid and two pure electric models in the future will be launched to the market in 2026, which is highly consistent with the current trend in the Chinese market.

Relevant data shows that since 2021, PHEV sales have grown explosively, with an annual growth rate of more than 150%. In 2023, PHEV (including range extender) sales will reach 2.3 million units, HEV sales will reach 800,000 units, and the total sales of hybrid passenger vehicles will be 3.1 million units, a year-on-year increase of 53%. In the first quarter of this year, the sales of pure electric vehicles were 1.305 million, a year-on-year increase of 13.3%, while the sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 784,000, a year-on-year increase of 81.2%. Plug-in hybrid has become a new market outlet.

In the short term, hybrid passenger vehicles will continue to boom in supply and demand, accelerating the seizure of the traditional fuel vehicle market. Some industry experts predict that PHEVs, including range extenders, will contribute one-third of new energy vehicle sales in 2024. The PHEV market share is expected to reach 30% from 2025 to 2030.

The signing of this contract also marks a specific timetable for the implementation of SAIC Volkswagen's hybrid product series, and also makes the product matrix of this old joint venture more complete.

SAIC Volkswagen led the second half of the joint venture and made every effort to accelerate the transformation of electrification

The next few years will be a big year for SAIC Volkswagen's products

Adhering to the principle of "advancing oil and electricity together", SAIC Volkswagen has a layout in the three tracks of oil, electricity and hybrid, and goes all out to develop new products in the new energy track and the traditional energy track. In the future, SAIC Volkswagen's product series will be 1/3 electric, 1/3 hybrid, and 1/3 oil to meet the requirements of the market.

According to the technical cooperation agreement recently signed by SAIC Volkswagen, in terms of new energy, from 2025, a number of new luxury intelligent electric vehicles on SAIC Audi's ADP platform will be launched one after another; From 2026, plug-in hybrid and pure electric models based on the new technology platform will be introduced to the market.

SAIC Volkswagen led the second half of the joint venture and made every effort to accelerate the transformation of electrification

At present, the auto market is competing, and how to go as an indispensable member of the joint venture, SAIC Volkswagen may become the best model.

"Beauty and Beauty" is an article written by Mr. Fei Xiaotong, which puts forward the idea of "the beauty of each, the beauty of the beauty, the beauty of the United States, and the unity of the world". At present, the joint venture has entered a new era, and it is no longer a one-way output, but a two-way rush. As a Sino-German joint venture, SAIC Volkswagen has the advantage of taking advantage of the strengths of both Volkswagen and SAIC Motor and has more possibilities for solutions. In particular, in the era of electrification and intelligence, SAIC Motor's innovative technological capabilities cultivated over the years in the Chinese market, the world's largest new energy vehicle market, as well as China's industry-leading supplier partners, can be used by SAIC Volkswagen. SAIC Volkswagen insists on seeing its own beauty and giving full play to its traditional advantages, and at the same time, it also opens its arms and embraces more excellent partners, so as to create a new automobile ecology and provide a model for the new era of joint ventures.

The development trend of China's joint venture car companies depends on SAIC Volkswagen, which is a sample of joint ventures and a model for future trends. From this point of view, SAIC Volkswagen's 40-year re-start is also a solution to the confusion of how to go in the future of all joint venture car models.

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