
Xiangyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out the "Four Grassroots" free clinic assistance activities

author:Xiangyun Fusion Media

On June 27, Xiangyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine went to Puchun Health Center to carry out the "Four Grassroots" free clinic assistance activities.

Xiangyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out the "Four Grassroots" free clinic assistance activities

During the activity, doctors from the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine carried out training on traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment techniques to the medical staff of Puchun Health Center, and imparted traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment skills and experience.

Xiangyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out the "Four Grassroots" free clinic assistance activities

On the same day, doctors from the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine also conducted free consultations for more than 100 patients, providing them with services such as diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage, and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

Xiangyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out the "Four Grassroots" free clinic assistance activities

Through the "Four Grassroots Units" activity, the advanced technology, management experience and expert team of Chinese medicine hospitals are introduced to the primary health centers to provide more professional and convenient medical services for grassroots patients. At the same time, we will strengthen the professional training and exchange and learning of grassroots medical personnel, and improve the overall quality of the grassroots medical team.

The author of the picture and text is reporter Yuan Jing and correspondent Lu Shiju

Editor-in-charge: Yan Xue

Graphic review Li Zhigang Zhang Minlai

Graphic and text chief review: Hu Linguo

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