
The Longxi Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism organized anti-drug propaganda activities on campus

author:Micro tour of Gansu

On June 27, in order to further strengthen the drug prevention education of young people and improve students' anti-drug awareness and self-protection ability, the Longxi County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism successfully held an anti-drug publicity activity with the theme of "Stay away from drugs, start from a young age, grow up healthily and be a good child" in Zilai School in Gongchang Town.

The Longxi Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism organized anti-drug propaganda activities on campus

During the activity, the anti-drug volunteers of the museum of the bureau explained to the students the types of drugs, the dangers and the methods of preventing drug harm in simple terms with vivid language and real cases. Through the detailed courseware showing all kinds of photos of new drugs, students have a more intuitive understanding of various highly camouflaged drugs, such as "milk tea powder", "jumping candy", "stamps", etc., and clearly understand that drugs may appear in various unexpected forms in life. In order to enhance the students' participation and experience, a variety of interactive sessions were also set up at the event site. In the anti-drug knowledge quiz session, the students actively answered questions and further consolidated the anti-drug knowledge they had learned. The anti-drug game rules allow students to deeply understand the harm of drugs and the importance of staying away from drugs in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

The Longxi Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism organized anti-drug propaganda activities on campus
The Longxi Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism organized anti-drug propaganda activities on campus

The anti-drug propaganda campaign on campus has achieved remarkable results. It not only made the students fully aware of the harm of drugs, enhanced their awareness and ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, but also created a strong anti-drug atmosphere on campus. The students have expressed that they will consciously stay away from drugs in the future, actively participate in anti-drug propaganda, and contribute to the construction of a drug-free campus and a drug-free society.

The Longxi Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism organized anti-drug propaganda activities on campus

In the future, the County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism will continue to strengthen cooperation with relevant departments, continue to carry out anti-drug education activities in various forms and rich contents, continuously improve the anti-drug awareness and prevention ability of young people, and escort the healthy growth of students.

The Longxi Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism organized anti-drug propaganda activities on campus

Source: Longxi Cultural Tourism

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