
The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

author:China Metallurgical News
The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

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On June 27, the 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Grassroots Walk" Activity Experience Exchange Meeting was held in Beijing. The purpose of this meeting is to strengthen industry exchanges and cooperation, and summarize and share the experience and results of the "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity. Zhang Chaowen, president of China Industry Newspaper Association, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. More than 200 people attended the meeting, including more than 70 key leaders from member units, heads of more than 100 media departments and representatives of relevant media. Wang Jia, deputy director of the China Journalists Association, attended the meeting. Hua Zhongqiang, Secretary-General of China Industry Newspaper Association, presided over the meeting. During the meeting, the participants conducted in-depth discussions on industry development trends, news reporting strategies and other topics.

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Zhang Chaowen, president of the China Industry Newspaper Association, made a work report

At the meeting, Zhang Chaowen, on behalf of the Council, made a report on the work of the association in the first half of 2024 and the work plan for the second half of the year. He pointed out that the first is to strengthen political responsibility, firmly establish the party spirit and principles of the industry media, highlight political guidance, and insist on serving the overall situation. The second is to adhere to integrity and innovation, promote the practice of the "four forces" normal and efficient, go to the grassroots level for high-quality promotion in the New Year, and practice the "four forces" in an all-round way, and a large number of high-quality masterpieces have emerged. The third is to pay equal attention to service supervision, promote the continuous optimization of the association's services, and comprehensively do a good job in the relevant work of the China News Award, so as to improve the level of news business of industry media, fully safeguard the rights and interests of the industry, and strive to promote the responsibility evaluation work, so as to realize the organic unity of service, care and supervision. Fourth, grasp the requirements of the times, deepen the integration and development of industry media, continue to give full play to the leading role of the association's financial media, launch the column of "President's Editor-in-Chief's Talk", combine online and offline, publish a series of books on Chinese industry media by publishing houses, comprehensively promote the identification of media innovation cases, organize the compilation of the "China Industry Media New Media Report", and actively prepare for the 2024 China Industry New Media Conference. Fifth, strengthen the leadership of party building, promote the high quality and efficiency of the association's work, combine the actual work, pay close attention to the study of party discipline, strengthen organizational construction, strengthen service awareness, strengthen team building, and optimize service levels.

Zhang Chaowen said that in the next work, the association should take the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China as the overall task to further enhance the overall awareness and service ability of the industry media; With the solid development of Marxist news outlook training as the starting point, the party spirit and principles of the industry media are firmly established; With the goal of improving the level of industry media business capabilities, we will realize the high-end and specialization of member services; By means of a variety of exchange activities, mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the industry media; Continue to do a good job in organizing the activities of the national industry media to practice the "four forces" and "go to the grassroots"; Take discipline education as an opportunity to strengthen the construction of party building and leadership associations, and further build a "home of industry media".

Zhang Chaowen pointed out that "going to the grassroots in the New Year", as a permanent activity in the news industry, is not only a vivid classroom for journalists to stand firmly on the people's position and go deep into the grassroots, the front line, and the masses; It is also a great practice of listening to the pulse of the times, eulogizing the style of the times, painting portraits of the times, establishing a biography for the times, and making virtues for the times; It is also an effective measure for the media to thoroughly publicize and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, vigorously inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots units", and strive to compose a good mass line for the news industry in the new era. He also pointed out that he will continue to do a good job in organizing the activities of the national industry media to practice the "four forces" and "go to the grassroots".

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Sun Fuhui, vice president of the China Industry Newspaper Association, read out the decision

At the meeting, Sun Fuhui, vice president of the China Industry Newspaper Association, read out the "Decision of the China Industry Newspaper Association on Learning and Promoting the Excellent Works of the "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" and Outstanding Collectives and Individuals, and awarded honorary certificates to the collectives, individuals and outstanding works with outstanding performance.

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Wan Ping, Director of the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Finance, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Financial News, made an exchange speech.

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Liu Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Civil Aviation News Co., Ltd., made an exchange speech

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Wang Li, president and editor-in-chief of China Railway Construction News, made a speech.

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Geng Yufeng, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Petroleum News Co., Ltd., made a speech.

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Wang Shumin, editor-in-chief and member of the Party Committee of Yingda Media Investment Group Co., Ltd., made an exchange speech.

Wan Ping, Director of the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Finance, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Financial News, Liu Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Civil Aviation News Co., Ltd., Wang Li, President and Editor-in-Chief of China Railway Construction News, Geng Yufeng, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Petroleum News Co., Ltd., and Wang Shumin, Editor-in-Chief and Member of the Party Committee of Yingda Media Investment Group Co., Ltd., made speeches respectively.

The successful convening of this conference has built an important communication platform for the vigorous development of industry media, closely connecting various industry media, and providing a rare opportunity for communication and cooperation. Through this meeting, the in-depth development of the "New Year Grassroots Walk" activity has been strongly promoted and a solid foundation has been laid. In the process of carrying out work in the future, the China Industry Newspaper Association will continue to play its key role as a bridge and link, promote the formation of a working mechanism and atmosphere of "knowing responsibility, taking responsibility in body, and fulfilling responsibility", and comprehensively improve the ability to serve member units. Actively promote close communication and cooperation between media in various industries to jointly explore new development opportunities and challenges.

China Industry Newspaper Association will always uphold the purpose of serving the industry and serving the society, and constantly improve the level and influence of the industry. By strengthening cooperation with various industry media, integrating resources, promoting the innovation and development of industry newspapers, and contributing more to the prosperity of the industry and the progress of society. I believe that under the leadership of the China Industry Newspaper Association, the media of various industries will work together to write a new chapter in the development of the industry!

The 2024 Standing Council of the China Industry Newspaper Association and the 2024 "New Year Walk to the Grassroots" activity experience exchange meeting of "Focusing on Grassroots Highlights and Telling Industry Stories" were held in Beijing

Meeting site

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