
Fight for the war! Political work has helped to warm up field training

author:Xinjiang forest firefighting

"Comrades, the field training and competition is to improve our comprehensive rescue skills in the field, accurately grasp the practical needs of the direction of training, the trainees regardless of the hot weather, overcome difficulties, not afraid of hardship, effectively play the forest firefighting team knife standards and fist power, we want to 'dare to go up the knife mountain, dare to break through the sea of fire' fighting spirit to show, for the next step of the flame blue top competition and field training to lay a solid foundation." Yuan Xiang, the leader of the fourth squadron of the Gongliu Brigade, said at the mobilization meeting.

Fight for the war! Political work has helped to warm up field training

Since June 20, the Yili Forest Fire Detachment has combined with the actual field training, through ideological guidance, propaganda and agitation, warm-hearted policies and other activities, to follow the political work to the front line of training and martial arts competition, and comprehensively motivate the participating team members to be energetic, high morale, and decisive battles.

Fight for the war! Political work has helped to warm up field training

Political work is a systematic project centering on the center, the service center, and the guarantee center, and there is a relationship between political work and training and preparation for war, which is interrelated, mutually restrictive, and mutually reinforcing; it is not only the "glue" but also the "accelerant," and still more the "catalyst" for the generation and enhancement of combat effectiveness. In view of the fact that the field training time is tight, the task is heavy, and the requirements are high, in line with the principle of "adapting measures to local conditions and highlighting characteristics", and in accordance with the general idea of "concise, beautiful and generous", we scientifically design plates, propaganda slogans, propaganda columns, etc., to create a strong political atmosphere, and use a strong political environment to help the detachment's field training and "flame blue" business skills competition.

Fight for the war! Political work has helped to warm up field training

At the same time, the political department of the detachment convened the news reporters of each squadron to form a propaganda and reporting group, closely focused on the training and martial arts competition, planned and wrote press releases in advance, mobilized the participating team members to write their experience in the competition, and published articles in Xinhuanet, People's Daily Online, China News Network, CCTV Network, Legal Network and other media in a timely manner, and made full use of new media matrix resources such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and public accounts to publicize the emerging martial arts experts in a timely manner, and set up the orientation of "grasping meritorious training and being a top leader".

Fight for the war! Political work has helped to warm up field training

Walking into the martial arts arena, "strong politics continues the red blood, actual combat training sharpens the rescue pioneers", "the platform is the same style, the schedule is connected to fight the will"...... Fighting banners came into view, bright team flags fluttering in the wind, and rich blackboard newspapers and battle slogans filled the competition field with "war flavor" everywhere. Banners and slogans were erected, the political environment for the contest was meticulously arranged, and portable field cultural equipment such as field radio propaganda boxes, cultural and sports entertainment boxes, and cultural and sports equipment boxes were used to continuously broadcast battle songs and watch red movies...... A number of political elements continue to stimulate the motivation of the participating team members to "carry the red flag when they see it, and fight for the first place when they see it".

Fight for the war! Political work has helped to warm up field training

When the narrow road meets, the brave wins, and the training ground shows its heroism. At present, the morale of all the participants is high, and they are full of enthusiasm for the next martial arts competitions, fighting bravely towards the victory of the group and individual, and competing to bloom themselves in the arena of sweat.

Fight for the war! Political work has helped to warm up field training

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