
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author

author:BM Xiaowei
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author

Last time we talked about the challenges and opportunities of the technological revolution in A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence, and today we will continue to talk about the second half of the book.

04. The rise and change of artificial intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence has experienced several important turning points from its birth to the peak of development, and then to the trough and recovery. Since the birth of the first automated robot Sachi in the 50s of the 20th century, concepts such as "cybernetics", "automata research", "complex information processing" and "machine intelligence" have aroused extensive discussions. But these concepts do not accurately convey the essential characteristics, goals, and scope of intelligence in which machines have the ability to "understand, learn, reason, adapt, solve problems, etc."

It was not until the summer of 1956, at the conference "How to Simulate Human Intelligence with Machines" held at Dartmouth College in the United States, that McCarthy proposed the concept of "artificial intelligence" and defined it as: "the science and engineering that enables machines to accomplish tasks that require human intelligence."

Artificial Intelligence: The term "artificial intelligence" emphasizes that intelligence is designed and created by humans and is not the result of natural evolution. Intelligence: The term "intelligence" encompasses a wide range of characteristics of intelligent behavior, including the ability to understand, learn, reason, adapt, and solve problems. The use of the term "intelligence" suggests that the goal of AI is not just to simply perform computational tasks, but to implement or mimic human cognitive and decision-making processes.

With the passage of time, in the 60s of the 20th century, artificial intelligence entered the peak of development, researchers used computers to simulate human intelligence, and expert systems developed rapidly, demonstrating the potential of artificial intelligence, attracting the attention of many researchers. In the 70s of the 20th century, due to technical difficulties and financial difficulties, artificial intelligence encountered a "cold winter", and research was forced to adjust. In the 80s of the 20th century, the advancement of computer technology and the explosive growth of data gave birth to machine learning, whose automatic learning and performance optimization characteristics gave new life to artificial intelligence and promoted the widespread application of artificial intelligence.

In the 21st century, the era of deep learning and big data has promoted the rapid development of artificial intelligence. Deep learning simulates the human brain to process complex information, and big data enriches learning resources to help improve its performance. In recent years, AI has made remarkable achievements in autonomous driving, smart homes, medical diagnostics, and other fields, improving the quality of life and efficiency, and bringing universal well-being. Artificial intelligence has gone through ups and downs, and every turning point has promoted technological innovation and improvement, and the impact is far-reaching. In the future, technological innovation and the expansion of application scenarios will enable artificial intelligence to play a greater role in more fields and help the progress of human society.

05. Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future of Human-Machine Collaboration

The book mentions a concept in the aerospace field, called "man-in-the-loop", which shows that human decision-making ability and ability to respond to emergencies in complex tasks are difficult for machines to replace. In the field of "artificial intelligence", it extends to the design and use of technical systems, treating people as an integral part of the system, and ensuring that human decision-making, judgment and intelligence play a central role in the system. This philosophy emphasizes the interaction and collaboration between humans and machines, rather than allowing machines to completely replace humans. It reminds us that we cannot ignore the role and value of people while pursuing technological progress. When designing intelligent systems, consider how to enable human users to collaborate more effectively with the system, and how to use human intuition, creativity, and adaptability to improve the overall performance of the system.

In addition, the paper also criticizes the over-anthropomorphism of machine intelligence: concerns about the concept of "machine driving, human passengers" and a discussion of the potential ethical dilemmas of anthropomorphic interfaces reveal the possible consequences of over-anthropomorphism of machine intelligence, that is, ignoring the unique human emotion, creativity, and moral judgment ability.

Revisiting the Nature of Intelligence: Searle's "Chinese Room" argument reveals the limitations of machine intelligence in processing semantics and understanding, emphasizing that intelligence is not equivalent to symbolic operations, but is closely linked to the physiological processes of the biological brain. This insight has prompted researchers to re-examine the difference between machine intelligence and human intelligence, and how human intelligence can be more appropriately simulated or augmented.

06. The road to collaborative coexistence between artificial intelligence and humans

In the in-depth exploration of the development of artificial intelligence and human collaboration, this book not only provides a detailed analysis of the development of this field, but also covers a wide range of theoretical paradigms, practical applications, social impacts, and corporate practices. Through this multi-faceted analysis, this book presents the complex status quo of human-robot collaboration and provides profound insights into the future direction of exploration. For example, through the description of the cases of Baxter Robotics and Rodney Brooks, this book deeply explores the role and status of artificial intelligence and robots in human society, and tells in detail the growth, research process and academic pursuit of Rodney Brooks, and gradually leads to the development of artificial intelligence and robotics and its far-reaching impact on society through his personal story. These cases vividly demonstrate how AI and robots can coexist and collaborate with humans, as well as their applications in everyday life and the positive impact they have on human lives.

In addition, the book also covers multiple disciplines such as computer science, artificial intelligence, robotics, psychology, etc., and comprehensively presents the current development status and future trends of artificial intelligence and robotics through the comprehensive application of knowledge in these fields. This book not only focuses on technological advancements, but also reveals the complexity of human cognition and emotion about these technologies, showing the development and evolution of the field of artificial intelligence. The contributions and ideas of these pioneers have laid a solid foundation for the theory and practice of artificial intelligence, and have also provided valuable inspiration and inspiration for subsequent researchers.

07. From Boston Dynamics to Apple Siri: A Journey of Intelligence Enhancement Beyond Analog Intelligence

Finally, the author of this book shows the evolution of intelligent enhancement technology from analog intelligence to intelligent enhancement from two perspectives: the robot represented by Boston Dynamics and the intelligent enhancement technology represented by Apple's Siri intelligent assistant. This evolution is not only a technological progress, but also has a profound impact on human-computer interaction models, industrial structure, and social ethics issues. Intelligent augmentation technology enhances people's cognitive and action capabilities by integrating a variety of artificial intelligence technologies, and realizes deep complementarity and collaboration with human users, marking the leap of artificial intelligence applications from simple imitation of intelligence to active enhancement of human capabilities, and has far-reaching significance and impact on the field of artificial intelligence and intelligence augmentation.

The transformation from analog intelligence to intelligent enhancement has redefined the way of human-computer interaction, making the interaction more natural, intuitive and personalized, greatly broadening the application scenarios of technology and promoting its wide application in daily life, work and other fields. The development of intelligent augmentation technology has given birth to new products and services such as smart homes, smart assistants, and autonomous driving, promoted the innovation and upgrading of related industries, and created huge market opportunities for technology companies. The application of intelligent augmentation technology has led to the discussion of social ethics and policy issues such as privacy protection, data security, employment impact, and responsibility attribution, and it is necessary to build corresponding legal and ethical frameworks to address these challenges while technology is developing.

08. From "A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence" to CHAT GPT: The Road to the Integration of AI and IA

After its publication in 2015, the Chinese version of "Dancing with Robots" was revised in 2017 and renamed "A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence". In the book, the author deeply outlines the context of artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent augmentation (IA) two major machine research camps and the collision of ideas behind them through rich case studies and vivid descriptions of key people and events. In 2023, the rise of AIR, a generative large language model represented by CHAT GPT, has become a vivid example of the convergence and evolution of the concepts of artificial intelligence and intelligence augmentation described in the book.

As an outstanding representative in the field of artificial intelligence, CHAT GPT is essentially a natural language processing (NLP) technology based on deep learning, which belongs to the research category of artificial intelligence (AI), and its core ability lies in accurately understanding human language and independently generating coherent, appropriate and logical texts, covering translation, Q&A, writing and other application scenarios.

When we look at CHAT GPT from the perspective of Intelligence Augmentation (IA), its value is much more than a simple intelligence tool, it also plays the role of an enhancer of human cognition and decision-making ability. For example, in tasks such as writing articles, generating reports, or retrieving research materials, CHAT GPT has significantly improved human work efficiency and depth of thinking with its efficient information processing and accurate text generation capabilities, enabling humans to capture the required knowledge more accurately and quickly in the flood of information, and greatly improve their cognitive and decision-making capabilities.

Finally, in the process of writing this reading note, I used AI tools such as "Wenxin Yiyan, Tongyi Qianwen, Junmei", otherwise it might take me several months, read it 3 to 5 times, carefully study and organize the content of the book, and then complete this reading note. I have to sigh that today's AI technology has developed to such a mature point, which not only brings great convenience to our work and life, but also greatly improves the efficiency of knowledge acquisition and application.

Here's a piece of advice, no matter what industry you're in or what you're doing, we sincerely recommend that you integrate AI assistants into your daily work. Wenxin Yiyan, General Knowledge Qianwen, and Kimi are actually good in China, and they also have strong information processing and knowledge output capabilities. In practical applications, you will find that whether you need to write professional and detailed solutions, produce PPTs with clear logic and excellent visual effects, or need to deeply interpret complex policy standards, these AI assistants can become your right-hand man and greatly improve work efficiency. It helps you more than just do more with less.

The AI assistant not only frees me from tedious work, but also allows me to spend time with my family and children, making the balance between life and work more harmonious. At the same time, it also prevents overwork and better protects our physical and mental health. Haha, in fact, the most direct effect for me is that it can reduce the hair loss caused by staying up late to write plans and doing PPT.

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author

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A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author
A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence - A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence Author

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