
Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Medical Taoism Inheritance Starts a New Journey "Ten Ones" Gift Fax Love

author:Shun Kyung release

Zhang Ni, Shunqing all-media reporter, Wan Jiali

In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious history of the party, further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and encourage the party members of the hospital to continue the fine style and dare to take on practical work, in the past few days, Nanchong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has combined party discipline learning and education, focusing on the theme of "learning the history of the party, talking about the original intention, talking about the mission, and stressing responsibility", and has successively carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

Follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and carry forward the revolutionary spirit

On June 19th and 25th, the hospital organized 210 people, including the leadership team, party members, and probationary party members, to walk into the memorial hall of Comrade Zhu De's former residence in Yilong County to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "tracing the footprints of our ancestors and forging ahead on the journey of medical road".

Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Medical Taoism Inheritance Starts a New Journey "Ten Ones" Gift Fax Love

"Tracing the footprints of our ancestors and forging ahead on the journey of medical road" theme party day activities

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, and implement the party's decisions." In the Comrade Zhu De Memorial Hall, all the party members of the hospital presented flower baskets to the statue of Comrade Zhu De, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and asked about the original intention of joining the party.

During the visit and study session of the memorial hall, the party members learned more about Comrade Zhu De's life with the vivid preaching of the commentator, and deeply felt Comrade Zhu De's firm belief in Marxism and the great spirit of revolutionizing the communist cause to the end through precious photos, pictures and historical documents. Subsequently, all the staff came to the National Defense Education Hall in Zhu De's hometown to carry out on-site teaching, and listened to the special party class of "Spiritual Monument of Virtue" taught by Chen Liangping, director of the memorial hall, and theoretically comprehended Zhu De's character and spiritual connotation.

During the activity, all the staff carefully learned and had in-depth exchanges, and expressed that they would be based on their posts, responsible, diligent and dedicated in their future work, and continue to forge ahead for the reform and development of the hospital.

Cultivate the feelings of the people and practice the original intention of doctors

"What kind of blood pressure medication do you usually take?" How well is blood pressure controlled after medication? In Neichenggou Village, Yanxi Township, Jialing District, party members use acupuncture, massage and other appropriate traditional Chinese medicine techniques to provide free treatment for local villagers, for the elderly common cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, bone and joint diseases for consultation and medication guidance, and popularize the concept of traditional Chinese medicine health care for the treatment of diseases and prevention of diseases, and remind the masses of early detection, early prevention and early treatment of diseases.

Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Medical Taoism Inheritance Starts a New Journey "Ten Ones" Gift Fax Love

Free clinics

"Students, do you know what wormwood does?" Walking into the Yuxin Campus of Wuxing Primary School, there was a burst of laughter in the classroom, and the Fifth Party Branch of the hospital, together with the old pharmaceutical inheritance studio of Zhang Deming of the hospital, and the Youth League Committee of the hospital, carried out the traditional Chinese medicine experience activity of "smelling the fragrance and knowing the Dragon Boat Festival and skillfully making bouquets" for students, carefully prepared mugwort leaves, calamus, mint, mortar, etc., guided students to understand Chinese herbal medicine, make moxa sticks and wormwood bouquets, promote traditional Chinese medicine culture in the rich herbal fragrance, and enhance students' self-confidence, identity and pride in traditional Chinese culture.

Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Medical Taoism Inheritance Starts a New Journey "Ten Ones" Gift Fax Love

"Smell the fragrance of the Dragon Boat Festival, skillfully hand-made bouquet" traditional Chinese medicine experience activities

Since June, the medical and nursing party members of the party branches of the hospital have closely followed the needs of the masses, gone deep into the surrounding villages, schools, and institutions, and carried out the "six in" activities of traditional Chinese medicine such as sending culture and medical services, promoting the volunteer service of party members to go deeper and more practical, and practicing the original intention of party members with practical actions, which has been widely praised by all sectors of society.

Deepen party discipline education and forge ahead on the journey of medical care

On the afternoon of June 28, the hospital celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation meeting was held in Tianlong Hotel. More than 200 people attended the meeting, including members of the hospital's leadership team, branch secretaries, branch committee members, all party members, party activists, members of the Youth League Committee, secretaries of the Youth League branches, middle-level cadres and heads of member units of the medical community.

Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Medical Taoism Inheritance Starts a New Journey "Ten Ones" Gift Fax Love

The hospital celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation meeting

The conference commended the advanced party branches, outstanding party members, and outstanding party workers in 2024 and awarded honorary certificates, and awarded commemorative medals to the old party members who are glorious in the party's 50th anniversary. The award-winning branches and individual representatives made exchange speeches.

At the meeting, Li Daiying, Secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital, on behalf of the Party Committee of the hospital, extended holiday greetings to the majority of party members who are fighting in their respective posts, expressed sincere congratulations to the advanced individuals and advanced collectives who have been commended, and combined with the study and education of party discipline, with the title of "Six Disciplines in Mind, Performing Duties and Responsibilities without Bias", focusing on political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, life discipline, etc., multi-angle and multi-level teaching special party courses for the participants. It systematically expounds the understanding of the importance of strengthening the construction of party discipline and the harmfulness of ignoring and violating party discipline. He demanded that all party members must be alerted from the things and people around them, know the bottom line, know and respect, learn deeply, and be a "person who understands" the unity of knowledge and action; Know the discipline and be a "rule person" who respects party discipline; Benchmark against the table, and be a clean and responsible "leader".

After the meeting, all the staff watched the warning education film "Lessons from Breaking Discipline", deeply learned lessons through typical cases of violations of discipline and law, and reflected on them, so that the alarm bell rang for a long time.

It is reported that during the "July 1st" period, the hospital also successively carried out theme activities such as "Watching the Spirit of Watching Movies", "Condolences and Sending Care", "Learning History to Strengthen Party Spirit" and "Youth Talking about Party Kindness", so as to further encourage the majority of party members and cadres to have a sense of urgency and responsibility, cohesion, diligence and responsibility, press the "fast forward button", run out of "acceleration", do "new performance", start a "new journey", and promote the high-quality development of the hospital with high-quality party building.

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