
Promote learning with clear cases and discipline to promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and practically

author:Shun Kyung release

Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city take warning education as an important starting point to educate and guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline

Nanchong Daily

"It is necessary to pay close attention to warning education, take the typical cases that happen around us as 'living teaching materials', and carry out in-depth cases to explain morality, discipline, law, and responsibility, and guide party members and cadres to truly know and respect, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line." On April 15 this year, at the meeting of the Municipal Party Building Leading Group, Zhang Dongyun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, made special arrangements for making good use of typical cases to promote warning education in the study and education of party discipline. On June 7, at the warning education meeting of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Dongyun once again emphasized that warning education should be taken as an important measure to carry out party discipline study and education, and guide the majority of party members and cadres to effectively enhance their political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption.

According to the arrangement of the municipal party committee, the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city take warning education as an important starting point, make good use of live case resources, and use the confession records of cadres who violate discipline and law, warning education films and warning education bases to carry out warning education, strengthen warning and deterrence, and educate and guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline, and consciously engrave compliance with rules and discipline in their hearts.

Use the people around you to educate the people around you

"Zhao Shaoxiong, former member of the party group and deputy head of the Jialing District People's Government, is an official project and wants to do a project, on the surface, he invests in the project, but in fact privately agrees with the businessman boss to have a high fixed return...... "At the Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting, Wang Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, reported on the typical cases of violations of discipline and law investigated and dealt with in the city in recent years and analyzed them, drawing a red line for the city's party members and cadres in ideology and clarifying the boundaries in behavior.

In order to give full play to the warning education effect of typical cases, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision also broadcast the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the party's "six disciplines" special warning education film "Lessons from Discipline - Nanchong City Individual Party Members and Cadres Seriously Violate the Party's Discipline Warning Record", the film according to the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" The relevant provisions of the film selected the typical cases investigated and dealt with in the city in recent years, and deeply analyzed the mental process of these party members and cadres embarking on the road of violating discipline and law.

"From the flowers, honors, and applause of the past, to the tears, sighs, and regrets of the present, on and off the screen, through the heart." The people in the film deviate from their original mission and have a weak sense of discipline and law, and then become a negative example, with profound lessons and thought-provoking. After watching the warning education film, Feng Xiaogang, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Municipal Environment Group, said with deep feelings.

After the Municipal Party Committee's warning education meeting, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision immediately issued a notice, requiring all localities and departments to focus on organizing the viewing of the warning education film as an important part of the party discipline study and education, and organize party members and cadres to watch and study to ensure that they should see everything and achieve full coverage of personnel.

During the period of party discipline study and education, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision also selected 10 typical cases of discipline and law violations by leading cadres at the county (department) level investigated and dealt with in the city in recent years, and compiled and printed the "Mirror and Rebirth IV. - Nanchong City Violation of the Party's "Six Disciplines" Party Members and Cadres Confession Record" warning education reader, printed and distributed to the city's county-level leading cadres to study; Produced ""Take the case as a mirror丨 as a person, "help profit" not "help relatives"", "take the case as a mirror丨 indulge in gambling and indulge greed and lose life" and other publicity products, in-depth analysis of the former party secretary, chairman and general manager of Nanchong Economic Development Zone Investment Group Co., Ltd. Yi Xueqiang, former head of the material and equipment department of Sichuan Xiangru Gas Co., Ltd. Yang Huaiyun and other typical cases, published on the "Honest Sichuan" website and WeChat public account, forming a strong impact and giving full play to the vigilance and warning role of typical cases for party members and cadres.

Give full play to the role of the main position of the warning hall

"Yang Hongjiang, once served as Secretary of the Party Committee of the Nanchong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the direct cause of Yang Hongjiang's problems is that he was bound by the relationship between relatives and friends...... "On June 21, in the Nanchong City Anti-corruption Warning Education Hall, the commentator is explaining to the members of the leading group of the municipal party committee who came to visit and study the typical cases of party members and leading cadres who have violated discipline and law in recent years.

In March 2024, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Notice on Carrying out Party Discipline Study and Education in the Whole Party", which clearly pointed out that "typical cases are the best 'textbooks'". In accordance with the requirements of the notice, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision updated part of the exhibition content of the Nanchong City Anti-corruption Warning Education Hall, focusing on adding Yang Hongjiang, former Secretary of the Party Committee of the Nanchong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yang Song, Chairman of the Nanchong City Former Water Group Company, and Zhang Zonghui, former deputy director of the Nanchong City Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

It is understood that since the launch of party discipline learning and education, the Nanchong City Anti-corruption Warning Education Center has received 102 batches and 3,600 people.

During the period of party discipline study and education, the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city also made full use of the provincial and municipal integrity culture and education bases such as the memorial hall of Comrade Zhu De's former residence and the memorial hall of Zhang Side and the local warning education hall to carry out warning education, and in Sichuan Zhang Side Cadre College, 4 special courses were carefully developed, and the special courses and party discipline and regulations guidance courses were included in the 10 theme classes and 31 special training courses of the cadre college, and 3,056 party members and cadres were trained. In Gaoping District and Peng'an County, through the construction of a county-level clean government warning education hall integrating "education, learning, and warning", warning education was carried out by using typical cases and things around them, and party members and cadres were organized to carry out warning education activities in batches and layers.

Innovate communication methods to improve quality and efficiency

......In May this year, at the launching ceremony and results conference of the third 510 "I want to be honest" integrity culture publicity month in Sichuan Province, the short video "Those Things of the Zhou Bureau" produced by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision according to the typical cases of investigation and punishment stood out and won the second prize among the more than 700 short videos in the election.

In the study and education of party discipline, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city will integrate discipline and law knowledge into witty and humorous sitcoms through the form of "scenario interpretation + interpretation of punishment regulations" and other forms of discipline and law, so as to achieve the effect of entertaining, "Those Things in the Weekly Bureau" is one of them. In addition, during the period of party discipline study and education, the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city have successively produced 12 short videos of party discipline knowledge, such as "Silk Rite" and "Sun Accountant's "Good Method", which further amplified the warning effect and made the party discipline study and education more "down-to-earth".

At the same time, the "Party Discipline Learning and Education" column was set up on the WeChat public account of "Clean Nanchong" and the website of Clean Nanchong, and the "Party Discipline Learning and Education" column was set up to help the majority of Party members and cadres accurately grasp the main essence and requirements of the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China" by forwarding party discipline-related knowledge, displaying 510 award-winning short videos, and organizing party members and cadres in the city to participate in the "Learn the Regulations of the Regulations" together and the network knowledge contest of general rules and discipline activities.

While using WeChat public accounts and websites to strengthen the positive guidance of discipline and discipline, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city have also sounded the alarm for party members and cadres through external exposure and internal notification. During the period of party discipline study and education, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city reported 72 typical cases and 86 people.

"We will integrate the study and education of party discipline with the key work of the unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses, integrate them into daily life, grasp them regularly, and run through ordinary times, promote thinking and work with learning, supervise and promote the spirit of the 10th Plenary Session of the Seventh Municipal Party Committee, and provide a strong disciplinary and legal guarantee for accelerating the construction of a provincial economic sub-center and striving to write a new chapter in the construction of modern Nanchong." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said.

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