
Announcement of the application for the entry of the national science and technology business incubator and the Linshu County business incubation base

author:Linshu Fusion Media

In order to further stimulate the vitality of innovation and entrepreneurship in our county, create a low-cost, convenient, excellent environment, energetic and all-factor innovation and entrepreneurship platform for entrepreneurs, and promote the healthy growth of small and micro enterprises in our county, the Linshu County High-tech Industry Research Service Center and Linshu Talent Development Group Co., Ltd. jointly discussed and decided to jointly carry out the application for the new phase (that is, the eighth phase of the business incubation base) incubation project. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. Incubator location

1. The national science and technology business incubator is located in the west of Shuhe Street, Linshu County, on the west side of the office building of Linshu County Economic Development Zone, which is a national business incubator, close to 225 Provincial Highway, with a unique geographical location and complete office configuration.

2. Linshu County Entrepreneurship Incubation Base is located on the 8th to 10th floors of the Entrepreneurship Building at the intersection of Guangming Road and Zheng Street in Linshu County, with an area of 10,000 square meters, which is an ideal choice for entrepreneurs.

2. Entry conditions

1. The applicant must be a natural person with the ability to start a business and innovate independently (no corporate entity or a corporate entity has been established but the registration time is less than 36 months).

2. The settled incubation enterprises (projects) shall not have intellectual property disputes, and must comply with the national industrial policy and the industrial planning of our county, which will help promote the transformation of new and old kinetic energy in our county, show the entrepreneurs' own advantages and the industrial characteristics of our county, and have a demonstrative, leading and promoting role in the mass entrepreneurship of our county.

3. The project applying for settlement must have the necessary working capital and enterprise employees to start a business, have a sound financial system, have capital investment suitable for its research and development, production and operation, clear property rights, be able to operate independently, be responsible for profits and losses, and have a good operating mechanism.

4. The types of settled enterprises (projects) are mainly technology research and development, creative design, human resource services, vocational skills training, modern enterprise services, headquarters economy and projects suitable for building-based entrepreneurship, and the incubation period is 3 years.

5. The applicant, the respondent, the interviewer, the contractor and the legal representative must all be the same person, and the legal representative must hold the main shares after the settlement.

6. The applicant (or the corporate entity founded by him/her) has not settled in the business incubation base or other incubation bases organized by the government for rent reduction and exemption. If it is found that you have already enjoyed the relevant policies and re-apply by changing the name of the legal person or company, you will be disqualified.

7. Entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial projects must pass the review and defense of the expert review committee and successfully enter the proposed admission ranking, and be qualified after an interview.

8. Priority will be given to those who have participated in the award-winning projects of innovation and entrepreneurship competitions at or above the county level, or the county's key investment promotion, talent attraction projects, headquarters economic projects, technology and invention patent holders.

3. Scope of personnel

College graduates, laid-off unemployed workers, entrepreneurs returning to their hometowns, retired soldiers and other self-employed persons can apply.

Fourth, the entry process

1. Registration: Those who meet the conditions can download the "Application for Settlement" and "Letter of Commitment to Integrity of Settlement" through the WeChat official account of "Talent Linshu", fill in the application in detail truthfully and in detail (the "Application for Entry" in triplicate, signed by the legal representative), and submit it to Room 809 on the 8th floor of the Chuangye Building.

2. Preliminary review: Organize the review committee to conduct a preliminary review of the project or enterprise applying for settlement by consulting the relevant materials of registration or on-site inspection. Those who pass the preliminary examination will participate in the roadshow.

3. Roadshow: The project or enterprise applying for settlement will conduct a roadshow in a centralized manner, and a third party will be hired by the settlement review committee to conduct on-site scoring to determine the results and ranking of the roadshow.

4. Interview: Organize an interview according to the results of the roadshow to further understand the relevant situation of the entrepreneurial project or enterprise, and determine the base after comprehensive evaluation.

5. Settled: The incubation management unit will arrange to settle in the national science and technology business incubator or business incubation base according to the scale of the entrepreneurial project, the number of personnel and the actual situation, and allocate the corresponding area of office space according to the policy, which meets the requirements of the settled enterprises must obey the arrangement of the incubation management unit. After signing the "Settlement Contract", each office needs to pay a certain amount of settlement deposit, and complete the settlement within 1 month.

5. Entrepreneurship support policies

1. Provide a place for entrepreneurship: During the three-year incubation period, one entrepreneurial place or one entrepreneurial workstation of no more than 40 square meters will be provided free of charge, and it will be equipped with basic office furniture such as desks, chairs, sofas, coffee tables, and filing cabinets. Public facilities such as training rooms, conference rooms, and business and leisure areas in the incubation base are open to the settled enterprises free of charge.

2. Talent support: high-level talents at or above the provincial level, and talents with master's degree or above who start an enterprise for the first time can reduce or exempt the management service fee within 3 years. If the settled talents or enterprises meet the scope of the relevant talent policy support of the city and county, they will be included in the scope of talent policy support, and priority will be given to recommending and reporting relevant talent projects.

3. Policy subsidy: The collection of property fees shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents and policies of the city and county.

6. Precautions

1. Registration period: from June 27, 2024 to July 12, 2024.

On-site registration time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., 14:30 p.m. to 18:00 p.m. (except weekends and holidays).

2. Registration location: Room 809, 8th Floor, Chuangye Building, Intersection of Zhengjie Street and Guangming Road, Linshu County.

3. Application materials:

- A copy of the ID card of the legal representative.

- Application for Occupancy (in triplicate).

- Letter of Commitment to Integrity in Settlement Application.

- A copy of the business license (if not registered, the business project plan will be provided).

- Other information materials of the business and main business.

- If you are applying as a college graduate, you must also provide a copy of your graduation certificate and degree certificate; If you apply as a retired soldier, you must also provide a certificate of retirement from active service.

- Proof of meeting the priority entry requirements, etc.

4. It is strictly forbidden to deceive, and it is strictly forbidden to defraud the qualification by any improper means. Once discovered, the qualification will be cancelled directly, and the relevant legal responsibilities will be investigated in accordance with the law if the circumstances are serious.

5. Telephone: 0539 - 5978966


1. Application for Occupancy

2. Letter of Commitment of Integrity for Settlement Application

Linshu County High-tech Industry Research Service Center

Linshu Talent Development Group Co., Ltd

June 27, 2024

(Please scan the QR code above to view the attachment)

Source: Talent Linshu

Editor: Liu Jie, Wang Xiuxiu

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