
One collective and three individuals of the Three Gorges Corporation won the commendation of "two excellent and one first" of central enterprises

author:China Three Gorges Corporation

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and further promote the study and education of party discipline, on June 27, the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a commendation meeting for central enterprises in Beijing.

The Party Committee of the Yangtze River Power Baihetan Power Plant, a subsidiary of the Three Gorges Corporation, was awarded the title of "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Central Enterprises", Zhang Jun of the Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group and Huang Jun of the Shanghai Institute of the Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group were awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Members of Central Enterprises", and Xiong Fei of Three Gorges Energy was awarded the title of "Outstanding Party Worker of Central Enterprises".

After the meeting, Liu Weiping, Li Fumin and members of the group's party group had cordial exchanges with the commended objects, and encouraged the commended outstanding individuals and advanced collectives to cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, and make new achievements and new contributions to become stronger, better and more powerful state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises, and give full play to the strategic supporting role of the state-owned economy; We call on the party organizations at all levels and the vast number of Communist Party members of the Three Gorges Group to take them as an example, learn from their political character of conviction, the lofty realm of hard work, the rigorous and pragmatic work style, and the selfless spirit of taking root in the front line, unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, keep in mind the mission, forge ahead, carry out party discipline study and education in a solid manner, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

The responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the Three Gorges Corporation and the commended objects of the "two excellent and one first" of the central enterprises attended the meeting at the Wuhan branch venue.

Advanced grass-roots party organization of central enterprises, Party Committee of Baihetan Power Plant of Yangtze River Electric Power

One collective and three individuals of the Three Gorges Corporation won the commendation of "two excellent and one first" of central enterprises

Group photo of the Party Committee of Baihetan Power Plant

Founded in August 2020, the Party Committee of Yangtze Power Baihetan Power Plant has 205 party members with an average age of 34 years old, and is responsible for the operation and management of Baihetan Hydropower Station, a major national project of "West-to-East Power Transmission". The Party Committee of the power plant adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly studies and implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the first batch of units of the Baihetan Hydropower Station on the Jinsha River to be put into operation for power generation, creates more than 60 party member "gang district teams", unites and leads more than 370 party members and the masses to carefully care for the million-kilowatt units, firmly guard the heavy equipment of the country, and successfully cope with the complex situation of production, maintenance and operation of the new power station while constructing, creating an ultra-high-strength world record of taking over all 16 million-kilowatt units within 18 monthsIn the first year of full operation (2023), the power station units will achieve "zero non-stop", making positive contributions to energy security, green development, and scientific and technological innovation.

In-depth participation in the construction to create high-quality projects. Deeply practicing the management model of "combination of construction and management, seamless handover" of the Three Gorges Group, nearly 200 management and technical backbones (more than half of the total number of employees) were selected to participate in the design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning of million-kilowatt units, and nearly 1,500 optimization suggestions were put forward, and tens of thousands of builders worked together to build high-quality projects. Lean management guards the important weapons of the country. It has always adhered to the production concept of "precise scheduling, lean operation and meticulous maintenance" of Yangtze Power, innovatively carried out special safety management actions such as risk "whistle-blowing" and "five prevention" inspections, further promoted research on the stability and efficiency characteristics of units, and took multiple measures to ensure the safe and stable operation of million-kilowatt units and high-dam reservoirs. Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of ensuring power supply, pay close attention to the load demand of the power grid in the receiving area, and discuss the encrypted operation mode to ensure that the unit can be opened, topped, generated and stable at any time. Up to now, Baihetan Hydropower Station has maintained safe production for 1,288 consecutive days, with a cumulative power generation of more than 133.8 billion kilowatt hours. Talent strengthens the enterprise and creates a first-class team. In recent years, it has cultivated 8 provincial-level model workers, technical experts and 2 technical champions, providing strong support for the reform and development of the Three Gorges Group and the creation of a world-class enterprise. Party building leads the role of a fortress. Adhere to the guidance of party building, gather strong joint forces, create and implement the "White Crane Bright Wings" party building brand, and implement the "six bright" actions from six aspects, including political construction, safe production, scientific and technological innovation, talent training, serving the masses, and party style and clean government.

Zhang Jun, an outstanding member of the Communist Party of the Central Enterprise Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group

One collective and three individuals of the Three Gorges Corporation won the commendation of "two excellent and one first" of central enterprises

Zhang Jun is currently the director of the Technology Center of Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group. He has long been committed to scientific and technological innovation in the field of ecological and environmental protection, and has been authorized more than 30 invention patents, won 9 science and technology awards from provincial, ministerial and national first-class societies (associations), and was awarded the honorary title of "Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions in Wuhan".

As a scientific and technological worker rooted in the front line of the protection of the Yangtze River, Zhang Jun has devoted himself to research and solid action, and put forward a series of innovative technologies in the urban water environment governance, such as ecological purification and water quality assurance of water sources, sponge city construction in southern cities, comprehensive treatment of urban water environment, urban multi-source sludge co-disposal, clean energy development and water environment governance integration and collaborative construction. In 2019, as the technical leader of the project, he was deeply involved in the Yangtze River protection work of the Three Gorges Group in the Jiujiang region of Jiangxi Province, created the "Jiujiang speed" of the Yangtze River protection, created the "Jiujiang Model" of "integration of plant, network, river and lakeshore", and led the comprehensive treatment project of Shili River and Lianxi River Basin in Jiujiang City was selected as "Top 100 Ecological Environment Innovation Project Cases in 2020". Since serving as the director of the Technology Center of the Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group in December 2022, he has taken leading research and productive research as the direction, coordinated the governance effectiveness and project investment with technical management, established an independent scientific and technological innovation team, undertaken and managed 27 national strategic scientific and technological tasks represented by the national key R&D plan, promoted 1 scientific and technological achievement to be included in the list of scientific and technological achievements of central enterprises, and strived to realize the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and helped the ecological and environmental protection of the Yangtze River Economic Belt to undergo turning changes. In the critical period of transformation of the high-quality development of the Yangtze River protection, Zhang Jun practiced and demonstrated the responsibility of a Communist Party member with the practical action of empowering the Yangtze River protection with science and technology.

Huang Jun, an outstanding Communist Party member of the Central Enterprise Three Gorges Shanghai Institute

One collective and three individuals of the Three Gorges Corporation won the commendation of "two excellent and one first" of central enterprises

Huang Jun is currently the deputy director and chief engineer of the Ocean Engineering Division of the Three Gorges Shanghai Institute. He has been deeply involved in the field of offshore wind power for more than ten years, and has presided over and participated in the scientific research and design of more than 10 offshore wind power projects in 6 coastal provinces of mainland China, and has won the first prize of hydropower science and technology and the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the Three Gorges Corporation.

As an offshore wind power science and technology worker in the new era, Huang Jun has always been rooted in the front line of the project, and constantly explores the road of self-reliance and self-improvement of offshore wind power technology in engineering practice. In 2016, he took the initiative to undertake the design of the world's first high-power prototype test wind farm Fujian Xinghua Bay project, and in the arena of 8 well-known manufacturers at home and abroad, he solved the problem of shallow overburden geological foundation with large-diameter rock-socketed high pile cap foundation and self-balancing method, and ensured the high-quality installation of the first shallow overburden rock-socketed sea booster station in China. In 2019, he presided over the completion of the design of the first million-kilowatt offshore wind farm in mainland China, Guangdong Yangjiang Shaba Project, and innovated 8 basic schemes for offshore deep-water complex geology. The joint team overcame difficulties and completed the design of the mainland's first self-developed floating offshore wind power test prototype "Three Gorges Leading", which was successfully selected into the list of the first (set) major technical equipment in the energy field in 2021. In 2024, he will go to the front line of the Three Gorges Qingzhou Offshore Wind Power Project without hesitation, lead the team to write the paper on the South China Sea of the motherland, and dedicate his strength to the great cause of serving the construction of a scientific and technological power.

Xiong Fei, an outstanding party worker of central enterprises, Three Gorges Energy

One collective and three individuals of the Three Gorges Corporation won the commendation of "two excellent and one first" of central enterprises

Xiong Fei is currently the Secretary of the Chongqing Party Branch of Three Gorges Energy Sichuan Branch and the General Manager of Qingshantou New Energy Co., Ltd. in Wushan County, Chongqing. He led the team to deeply cultivate the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, and worked with the team to create a model of "new production mode + clean energy" smart operation and maintenance in mountainous areas.

Xiong Fei actively built the party building brand of "Three Gorges of Scenery and Chongqing", set up a team of party members to take the lead in facing difficulties, and successively completed the construction of the first "wind, solar and agricultural complementary" power station in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the largest mountain photovoltaic power station in Chongqing, and the largest rooftop distributed photovoltaic project in northeast Chongqing. Set up a responsibility area for party members, carry out the benchmarking construction of power stations, exceed the power generation target for many consecutive years, and effectively ensure the stable supply of power in the region; The establishment of the "Kunpeng" innovation studio, with scientific and technological innovation to empower business development, through the use of robots, image recognition, big data and other technologies to carry out intelligent operation and maintenance, built the first mountain digital twin mountain photovoltaic power station in southwest China, effectively solve the problem of operation and maintenance of mountain new energy power stations, the branch station has won a total of 23 patents, 29 scientific and technological achievement awards in the past 3 years, and compiled 4 industry and enterprise standards; Explore the "new energy +" green model to benefit the people, open up channels for local farmers to increase income, and fully demonstrate the role of the Three Gorges Group as a central enterprise.

Picture and material source: Yangtze River Electric Power, Yangtze River Environmental Protection Group, Three Gorges Shanghai Institute, Three Gorges Energy

The author of this article is Hu Jiusi