
Early warning! Ludian issued a blue warning for heavy rain, pay attention to precautions

author:Ludian Media
Early warning! Ludian issued a blue warning for heavy rain, pay attention to precautions
Early warning! Ludian issued a blue warning for heavy rain, pay attention to precautions

The Ludian County Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for heavy rain at 14:45 on July 1, 2024: In the past 6 hours, the rainfall in Lehong in our county was 41.1 mm, 19.3 mm in Shuimo, and 15.0 mm in Longtou Mountain, and it is expected that the rain will continue in the next 6 hours, and there will be 10 to 20 mm of rain in Lehong, Longtou Mountain, Shuimo and other townships. Please pay attention to the drainage of roads, farmland, fish ponds and embankments, the public should pay attention to safety when going out, and people in dangerous areas should closely observe the surrounding environment.

Early warning! Ludian issued a blue warning for heavy rain, pay attention to precautions

Source丨Ludian County Rong Media Center Ludian County Meteorological Observatory Editor丨Li Dongmei Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission Email: [email protected]