
With the withdrawal of the Germans and the Netherlands, the Gaza operation coming to an end, and Israel will face a stronger adversary

author:Tani Hihei

Israel, unable to stop the car, is crashing into a fastened wall. Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officially announced that the Israeli army's military operation in the Gaza Strip has basically ended, and at present, the main force of the Israeli army has been transferred to the northern border, and the spearhead is directly aimed at Lebanese Allah. For this opponent, which has been entangled for nearly half a century, Israel is ready to completely annihilate it with all its strength. As the flames of Gaza reach Lebanon, a much larger and more tragic Middle East war is about to begin. At present, the Netherlands, Germany and other Western countries have begun to urgently evacuate their nationals, and Israel will also face its strongest opponent since the "Al-Aqsa flood operation".

With the withdrawal of the Germans and the Netherlands, the Gaza operation coming to an end, and Israel will face a stronger adversary

After more than eight months of bloody fighting in Gaza, Israel is now somewhat exhausted. In order to integrate more resources to deal with Allah in Lebanon, Israel has also continued to seek help from the United States, and Israeli Defense Minister Gatlin went to the United States to hope that the United States will provide more weapons and equipment. With the support of Jewish conglomerates, the Biden administration has to continue to provide military aid to Israel, even as it rushes to get out of the Middle East. For Israel, Lebanese Allah is an old rival, its military strength is far stronger than Hamas, and now, from the perspective of security risks, Lebanese Allah is a greater threat in the border areas, and it will inevitably become a big problem for Israel's Likud and far-right forces.

With the withdrawal of the Germans and the Netherlands, the Gaza operation coming to an end, and Israel will face a stronger adversary

In fact, if Hamas is described as a pack of wolves, Allah Lebanon is fully worthy of being called a "tiger". Since its inception in the 80s of the 20th century, Allah has grown into one of the strongest local armed forces in the world in the ongoing battle against Israel. In terms of the scale of troops, the total strength of Allah's regular army and militia exceeds 100,000, and the organization has established a top-down and relatively complete organizational and command structure, with the "hierarchical + honeycomb" military order system as the core, which can carry out joint operations and fight independently. Therefore, it is not easy for Israel to crush Allah with "decapitation" tactics.

With the withdrawal of the Germans and the Netherlands, the Gaza operation coming to an end, and Israel will face a stronger adversary

As the website of the US magazine Foreign Policy put it, if Israel dares to go to war with Allah, it will "pay the price of blood." Previously, Allah had used a long guerrilla war to force Israeli forces occupying large swathes of southern Lebanon to withdraw in 2000. During the 2006 Lebanese-Israeli war, according to Jane's Defense Weekly, the number of Israeli casualties was as high as 1,300. In the eyes of many Western media, from the perspective of tactical mobility, weapon use, and squad operations, the combat strength of the Allah armed forces even far exceeds that of the regular armies of many Middle Eastern countries.

Especially in recent years, in terms of updating its arsenal, Allah has built up a large arsenal through battlefield captures, aid from allies, black market purchases and self-development. According to the introduction of the US National Radio, Allah's current total inventory of rockets and missiles exceeds 200,000, including thousands of precision-guided munitions, and Allah has a complete military industrial system, which is still surging at a rate of about 20,000 per year. Take the example of the 122-mm rockets equipped with Allah, which have a range of about 20 kilometers, and in the border areas, Allah can hit Israel itself with rockets. In addition, Allah is armed with a large number of anti-tank missiles, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles, and there is even evidence that Allah Lebanon has previously used electromagnetic pulse weapons against Israeli forces.

With the withdrawal of the Germans and the Netherlands, the Gaza operation coming to an end, and Israel will face a stronger adversary

In addition to being well-armed, Allah, like Hamas, is also adept at tunnel warfare. It is reported that the scale of Allah's underground works is far more complex than Hamas's Gaza tunnels. The Jerusalem Post previously reported that the entire tunnel network is hundreds of kilometers long from Lebanese territory to the Lebanese-Israeli border. The tunnel connects the Allah headquarters in Beirut, the logistics and training base in the Bekaa Valley and southern Lebanon, making it possible to attack and retreat.

With the withdrawal of the Germans and the Netherlands, the Gaza operation coming to an end, and Israel will face a stronger adversary

Perhaps what makes Israel more anxious is the attitude of Middle Eastern countries. On 29 June, the Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League officially announced that the League had ceased to refer to Allah as a "terrorist organization". It also means that the Arab League has reached a consensus on the anti-Israel side. Once Israel launches a full-scale war against Lebanon, it is very likely that the 22-nation Arab coalition will join forces with the major Middle Eastern forces to wage war against Israel. This time, Israel really couldn't eat and walked away.

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