
There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

author:Ah Qi said history

The situation in today's world is not optimistic, and there are many situations in various regions, but recently it has also happened on the distant African continent.

Recently, there have been large-scale riots in Nairowa, Kenya's capital, and chaos has erupted in the streets, with repressed police throwing tear gas at protesters.

A CNN reporter who went to the scene to report on the scene photographed an incredible American figure in the crowd of rioters.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

Why are there riots in Kenya? Who is this big man? What effect did his presence have on the whole thing?

Riots in Kenya

On June 25, local time, thousands of Kenyan protesters took to the streets of Nairoba, holding up signs in their hands and shouting: "We will arrest every politician." ”

The procession headed for the Kenyan Parliament building, and video from the scene showed that the procession was suppressed by local police.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

Violent clashes ensued, with angry protesters breaking up the police force and storming the Capitol, while lawmakers in the building fled in fear, causing a severe fire throughout the Capitol.

The situation outside the Capitol is not optimistic, and the police have begun to shoot at the protesters, and at least five protesters can be seen in the video after being hit by bullets and lying on the ground dying.

After one protester was shot dead by police, others wrapped him up in a Kenyan flag and carried him away from the scene.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

It can be seen that the scene at that time was extremely chaotic, and there was also vicious bloodshed.

But why is this happening? Let's start at the beginning.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

Kenya's position

Kenya is located in the sub-Saharan Desert, and it can be said that such a small country has no presence in the world at all.

If you want the economy without the economy, you have to have the military without the military, and you don't have any advantage in geography, and the only thing that can be ranked is a little mineral resources.

However, such a small country is a staunch ally of the United States, and the United States has even provided Kenya with a number of technologies to support Kenya's development.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

It stands to reason that the United States is unprofitable and cannot afford to be early, so why would it suddenly be so concerned about such a poor and backward country, is it for the sake of Kenya's resources?

It is not that there is a deep political reason why the United States is courting Kenya, because Kenya has very good relations with China and Russia before.

China has also provided Kenya with a lot of construction projects to help Kenya develop, but after the new president of Kenya took office, he showed a friendly attitude towards the United States, which gave the United States an opportunity.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

The United States hopes to develop Kenya into an anti-China vanguard in Africa, just like the Philippines in Asia, which is similar in nature, and is just a pawn to contain China.

Familiar faces in the parade

A familiar face appeared in the aforementioned parade, and this familiar face was Omar Obama, the sister of former US President Barack Obama.

In fact, this is not unusual, Obama's hometown is Kenya, and Obama has many half-siblings, and even Obama has a younger brother who sells barbecue in Shenzhen, on the mainland.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

Obama's sister, Omar, like Obama, chose the political line and was nominally called a social activist.

In fact, it is a fuse planted by the United States in Kenya that can be used to ignite the whole of Kenyan society at any time.

This time, we can also see through the lens of a CNN reporter that Omar is standing with the protesters, and even Omar said that he was injured in the protest march.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

But when we look closely, we can see a lot of problems, first of all, to put it bluntly, these protesters in the CNN camera are fake.

It's a CNN actor, and Omar is just cooperating with them to act in a play, why do you say that?

First of all, the clothes on Omar and the so-called protesters around him were clean and tidy, and there was no sign of any demonstration of the protest march.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

Secondly, the sight of a few white faces among the protesters around Omar makes one wonder if these whites are naturalized in Kenya.

Apparently not, and in an interview with CNN, Omar claimed that he had been beaten and beaten by law enforcement officers.

However, from the beginning to the end, no local Kenyan law enforcement officers were seen in the camera.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

And after the photographer started shooting, several people who seemed to be arranged by CNN immediately came over to block the scene behind, like a backdrop.

Why do you do this, because it's all CNN posing for a picture, and their purpose is to make things bigger and make the Kenyan government uncomfortable.

Why is the United States doing this? This is also because of an old mistake in Kenya, which likes to play scoundrels for nothing.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

Kenya was retaliated against

Although Kenya is a small country, its face is not small at all, and it has become famous for being a scoundrel in the world.

In the past, China helped Kenya build railways and airports, but after repairing them, Kenya said that there was no money to repay the debt, and the payment time was postponed indefinitely.

It can be said that I have become accustomed to eating white food, and this time Kenya has not provoked the country's temper as good as China's, and it belongs to revenge that must be avenged.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

As early as a few years ago, there was civil strife in Haiti, and the president was assassinated in the civil strife, and the whole of Haiti suddenly became a place of extrajustice.

There is no government under any jurisdiction, gangs are rampant in burning and looting, and a large number of Haitian refugees have poured into the United States, which has caused a very unstable impact on social order in the United States.

The United States decided to take good care of Haiti, but such a shrewd country as the United States was certainly not willing to take action on its own, so the United States contacted the little brother Kenya, and the U.S. government contributed money and Kenya contributed to send a police force to Haiti to fight gangsters.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

Kenya promised well, but it was still delayed, and found various excuses to shirk it, and then in 2023, the president of Kenya also visited the United States and said that he was short of money again.

The U.S. side said: "It's okay, just say if you lack money, but what you said about sending people to Haiti had to be implemented as soon as possible." ”

In this way, the president of Kenya received hundreds of millions of dollars in aid and returned home, but as soon as he returned home, he forgot about the departure and did what he should do.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

At this time, the United States couldn't hold back a little and called the Kenyan president to inquire, and the Kenyan president began to play sloppy again: "Ah, out of people, we didn't say it, but we need to prepare for a while." ”

When the United States saw that Kenya wanted to play tricks again, but the Kenyan government introduced a bread tax, the United States immediately contacted Omar, a social activist in Kenya, and asked her to incite the crowd to protest and march in the streets, so as to make sure that Kenya was disrupted.

It can be seen that Omar's incitement ability is indeed very strong, and the whole Kenyan society has become turbulent in response to the call.

There was chaos in Kenya, and as expected, at the scene of the riots, an unidentified American was found

At this time, Kenya realized that it had really provoked the wrong person this time, and immediately sent 400 policemen to the bottom of the sea, but this did not seem to calm the anger of the United States, after all, it was 1,000 policemen who were promised at the beginning.

Now Kenya has entered a vicious circle, where social security is disrupted and the police are needed, but they have to send the police out.

When such a thing happens, it can only be said that the wicked still need the wicked to grind, and Kenya wants to eat white food this time, but now even his teeth are broken, and he is completely to blame.

Source: Reference News Network reported on June 26: Riots broke out in Kenya and killed 8 people.

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