
As soon as the president and Biden shook hands, there was a riot inside Kenya, and in Africa, the United States may have been drained of blood

author:Lu Zhe has something to say

While the international community is focusing on the Middle East and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the layout of the United States in Africa has been ignored by many people. Recent news reports of unrest in the African country of Kenya are reminiscent of the fact that President Ruto had concluded his visit to the United States about a month earlier. Is there a connection between these two events? How will the U.S. strategy for Africa change? To understand these issues, we have to go back to the current state of the African continent.

As soon as the president and Biden shook hands, there was a riot inside Kenya, and in Africa, the United States may have been drained of blood

Everyone should also know that since last year, many countries on the African continent have shouted the slogan of independence and self-determination, which is getting bigger and stronger, and among them, represented by Niger, they have directly driven out the French garrison, and they have also demanded that the US troops must also leave. At the same time, the transitional government of Chad has also demanded the withdrawal of American troops. What makes the United States even more troublesome is that riots have also broken out in Haiti, a country in its own backyard, where local militants are menacing, and American influence has no effect at all. Despite a United Nations resolution calling for the deployment of international security forces to Haiti to maintain order, few countries are willing to take the lead in Haiti in the face of brutal militants and the fact that this is itself a mess left by the United States.

As soon as the president and Biden shook hands, there was a riot inside Kenya, and in Africa, the United States may have been drained of blood

It was at this time that the African country of Kenya saw an opportunity and expressed its willingness to take the lead in uniting international security forces to do its utmost to stabilize the situation in Haiti. Kenya's move immediately attracted praise from the United States, and it immediately decided to allocate funds to support it. Not long after, the Kenyan president went to the United States for a visit, and was received by the United States with a high level of reception, and the Kenyan president was favored by Biden, which can be said to be the first African country in the past ten years. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the United States also took advantage of the situation to start its own relayout in Africa, hoping to use Kenya as an entry point to regain a foothold in Africa. So, during the visit of the President of Kenya to the United States, the United States plans to include him in the list of "major non-NATO allies". At present, the countries on this list include Japan, South Korea, Israel and other countries, which shows how much importance the United States attaches to Kenya.

As soon as the president and Biden shook hands, there was a riot inside Kenya, and in Africa, the United States may have been drained of blood

Now, almost a month after the Kenyan president's visit to the United States, riots have erupted in his country. Although public reports indicate that the main reason for the protests was to oppose the Kenyan parliament's policy of demanding a tax increase. But it is difficult to say whether there is American influence in this. As soon as the Kenyan president shook hands with Biden, his government's international image was seen as "pro-American". This must seem a bit abrupt on the African continent, which is constantly seeking independence.

As soon as the president and Biden shook hands, there was a riot inside Kenya, and in Africa, the United States may have been drained of blood

But is that really the case? I am afraid that this is only half right, the United States wants to win over Kenya to stand in its own camp, but the Kenyan president is not ignorant of today's international community, and it may not be a wise choice to get involved with it at a time when US hegemony is declining. In fact, the president of Kenya also has a strong sense of pursuing independence, and he has called for currency transactions between African countries to be settled in their own currencies to directly reduce dependence on the US dollar. Therefore, it is not so much that the president of Kenya is now helping the United States, but that Kenya wants to take the opportunity to ask the United States for money and finally suck the blood of the United States again. Now that the general trend of the United States in the Middle East and Africa has gone, if Biden still wants to rely on his "money ability" to save his dignity, the end will only be sucked dry of the last drop of blood.

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