
The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

author:Chihyun Akira
The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided
The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

After Putin's visit to Russia, the United States and South Korea appeared extremely restless, and now they are hyping that North Korea will go to Ukraine to participate in the war, and at the same time, the United States and South Korea also called China at the first time.

Is the decisive battle between Russia and Ukraine really coming? Will North Korea send troops to the war? Why are the United States and the West pointing the finger at China again?

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

North Korea sends troops to Ukraine?

On June 27, according to Reuters, a South Korean official recently gave a major revelation, that is, North Korea will soon send troops to the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, which is expected to be realized in July at the earliest.

The soldiers sent by North Korea, although they will not go directly to the front line to fight, will help Russia in the reconstruction.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

Subsequently, the United States also heard the news as soon as possible, and the major general of the US Air Force directly issued a warning to North Korea, claiming that North Korea should "think twice before acting", because in his opinion, even if the North Korean army really goes to fight in Ukraine, it will undoubtedly become cannon fodder.

At present, Russia and the DPRK have not issued a statement to confirm this incident, and the reason why the United States and South Korea believe it is to a large extent because the two sides signed the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination" during Putin's visit to the DPRK not long ago.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

Although the treaty stipulates that the two sides will send troops to help each other, the premise is that one side of the territory is invaded, but the United States and South Korea do not care about these details, and they can't wait to speak out, more like a kind of pressure, a kind of worry that North Korea may send troops.

This concern did not arise after the Russia-North Korea meeting, but has always existed, as early as January this year, the White House said that North Korea had provided missiles to Russia.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

Because the United States knows very well that although North Korea is not a large country, its military strength is definitely the highest in the world, once they really help Russia, then the balance of victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war may completely tilt in favor of Russia, and this is extremely reluctant to see both the United States and Western countries.

Therefore, on June 27, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Campbell also made a rare phone call to China to discuss a number of issues between China and the United States, either directly or indirectly, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

Obviously, China's attitude towards the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also particularly important in the context of the complex battlefield situation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Then again, although North Korea has always been hard-line and has a discordant relationship with the United States, will it really send troops to Ukraine? If they do send troops, what are the chances of victory?

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

What is the probability that North Korea will send troops?

In fact, it is not the first time that the news about the DPRK sending troops to the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield has appeared, and since last year, the news about the DPRK-Russia cooperation has been hyped, and the reason for this is nothing more than the DPRK's clear support and siding with Russia.

Although Russia and the DPRK have made clarifications, such news continues to appear, and now it is good that the two sides have directly formed an alliance.

In the eyes of the United States and the West, North Korea's dispatch of troops is almost no different from a certainty.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

However, there are still many opinions that it is too impossible for North Korea to send troops, taking South Korean officials' revelations as an example, claiming that North Korea will send an unknown number of construction troops.

But at present, the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield is still in full swing, and Russia does not need to carry out large-scale reconstruction work, and the possibility of needing foreign assistance is very low.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

On the other hand, if the DPRK really tears its face with the United States and the West, it is difficult to say that it will only send some engineering troops, and it is very likely that it will directly dispatch combat troops, and the number will not be small.

More importantly, North Korea's dispatch of troops may also bring about a series of chain reactions, and it is difficult to determine how South Korea will react and whether the situation on the peninsula will heat up as a result.

Therefore, whether North Korea will send troops is a question that Kim Jong-un needs to think about, but taking a step back, if North Korea does send troops, how can it behave?

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

First of all, the Korean People's Army's combat style is very courageous, and there is no doubt about their will to fight.

Moreover, the service time of North Korean soldiers is generally longer, many of them are more than 5 years, and a veteran who has served for many years, whether it is the degree of training or tactical ability, is much stronger than those Ukrainian troops who are temporarily conscripted.

Moreover, the number of active military forces in the DPRK is more than one million, and the number of main battle tanks, armored vehicles, rocket artillery, etc. is also quite large, plus a powerful strategic rocket force.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

Not to mention comparing with Ukraine, it is not inferior to Japan and South Korea, so if South Korea is determined to intervene in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it will definitely have a great impact on the war situation.

This is why the United States has been so active in warning North Korea, even if the North Korean military dispatch has not been confirmed, the United States is worried that such a thing will happen.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

However, the behavior of the United States can be regarded as a thorough demonstration of what is called double standards and what is called hegemonism.

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States and Western countries have taken the opportunity to frantically suppress and sanction Russia on the one hand, and on the other hand, they have continued to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

In April this year, NATO also put forward a proposal to "build 100 billion euros of military aid funds", and it seems that under the leadership of the United States, the West wants to lengthen the front line of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, so that Russia is mired in the quagmire of war, and it can be better consumed.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

In addition to military assistance, NATO also appears to have reinforced its troops to Ukraine, and on March 10, 2024, Poland's foreign minister revealed to the outside world that NATO soldiers had appeared in Ukraine, but which countries were not disclosed.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

However, it can be seen from this that what the United States has done is really a double standard, NATO can provide military aid to Ukraine, and it can also directly send troops, and the United States has begun to threaten North Korea's behavior before it appears.

Of course, the same is true of the attitude of the United States towards China, which has always hyped up China's Russia-related issues, and even though China and Russia are engaged in normal trade exchanges, China has said more than once that China does not support either side on the issue of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided

On June 27, in a telephone meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell, in addition to mentioning the Russia-Ukraine issue, he also made it clear that their commitment to the Philippines is solid.

Obviously, the United States does not want changes in the situation in the South China Sea, and it has to be said that the United States has been trying too long, and this happens to be the embodiment of its hegemonism.

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided


The United States is not the world's policeman, let alone has the right to point fingers at China, and Sino-Russian cooperation does not want to target a third party, but it must not be influenced by a third party.

If the United States does not stop its behavior of adding fuel to the fire in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, there will inevitably be a situation in which the arsonists will be consumed by fire.

Information sources:

2024-06-28 15:26 Ma Zhaoxu had a phone call with Campbell, focusing on China's solemn position on issues related to Taiwan, Tibet, the South China Sea, and Ukraine

2024-01-05 17:24 China Overseas Chinese Network The United States said that North Korea provided missiles to Russia to attack Ukraine, and China responded

The United States hyped up the DPRK's entry into the war in Ukraine, and at the critical moment, senior US officials called the Chinese side, and a question could not be avoided


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