
The pension plans of the three northeastern provinces are all unveiled, and the enterprise has retired for 30 years, where will it rise more?

author:Lingtai released

The pension adjustment plans of the three northeastern provinces are all unveiled, what are the characteristics? How much can the age of retired employees rise in 30 years? Where has it risen more?

This year, the pension adjustment plan of various provinces across the country has been released, including the three northeastern provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. So what are the characteristics of the pension adjustment plans in these three places this year? If the retired employees are 30 years old, how much can they increase in these three places? Where did it go up more?

The pension plans of the three northeastern provinces are all unveiled, and the enterprise has retired for 30 years, where will it rise more?

Let's first take a look at Liaoning's pension adjustment plan, this year's fixed amount is adjusted to 33 yuan, a decrease of 2 yuan compared with last year; For those with less than 15 years of service, the unit price will be increased by 15 yuan per month, and the unit price for those with more than 16 years will be increased by 0.1 yuan to 1.6 yuan. Linked to the level of pensions, the increase was 0.5%, a decrease of 0.2%. In terms of the adjustment of the old age, you can enjoy it when you are 70 years old, with an additional 30 yuan and 60 yuan, and the standard has not changed.

Heilongjiang's adjustment plan for this year is as follows: the quota is adjusted to 25 yuan, a decrease of 3 yuan compared with last year, and the linked adjustment part, the length of service increases by 1 yuan for every 1 year, and the unit price of length of service is reduced by 0.3 yuan compared with last year. Linked to the pension level, the increase was 0.92%, a decrease of 0.21%. In terms of the adjustment of the old age, you can enjoy it when you are 70 years old, with an additional 20 yuan and 40 yuan, which is 10 yuan less than last year.

Look at Jilin's adjustment plan this year, the quota is adjusted to 27 yuan, a decrease of 3 yuan compared with last year, the linked adjustment part, the length of service is less than 25 years, the increase is 1 yuan per full year, the part from 26 to 30 years, the increase is 1.2 yuan per full year, the part from 31 to 35 years, the increase is 1.4 yuan per full year, and the part of more than 36 years increases by 1.6 yuan every full year. This year, the unit price of more than 26 years of service has been significantly reduced, and the unit price has been reduced by up to 2.4 yuan. Linked to the level of pensions, the increase was 0.8%, a decrease of 0.45%. In terms of the adjustment of the old age, you can enjoy it when you are 70 years old, with an additional 20 yuan to 40 yuan, which is 5 yuan less than last year.

The pension plans of the three northeastern provinces are all unveiled, and the enterprise has retired for 30 years, where will it rise more?

It can be seen that among the three northeastern provinces, Liaoning's plan this year has changed the least, and the unit price of more than 16 years of service has even risen. In Heilongjiang and Jilin, the standards have been lowered across the board, of which Jilin has the largest reduction, and the unit price of seniority has been reduced by 2.4 yuan at the most.

Based on this situation, let's take a look at how much can be raised in these three places with 30 years of service? Due to the rise in pensions, in addition to the length of service, but also related to my pension, age and other factors, we assume that a retired employee is 30 years old, pension 3000 yuan, less than 70 years old, can not enjoy inclined treatment, to see how much can be raised.

According to Liaoning's plan, this retired person can rise by 33 + 15 + 15 * 1.6 + 3000 * 0.5% = 87 yuan.

According to Heilongjiang's plan, this retired person can rise by 25 + 30 * 1 + 3000 * 0.92% = 83 yuan.

According to Jilin's plan, this retired person can rise by 27 + 25 * 1 + 5 * 1.2 + 3000 * 0.8% = 82 yuan.

In contrast, Liaoning's increase was slightly higher.

The pension plans of the three northeastern provinces are all unveiled, and the enterprise has retired for 30 years, where will it rise more?

Sum up

This year, the pension adjustment plan has been announced, including the three northeastern provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, but the adjustment plan of the three places is still different, of which the change in Liaoning is relatively not obvious, and Jilin and Heilongjiang have all lowered the standards. For retired employees with 30 years of service, under the same conditions, the amount may rise slightly more in Liaoning. Of course, it also depends on the level of the person's pension and age.

Source: Social Security Master

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