
The Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District went to Confucius Hall to carry out a study tour and a large-scale Hanfu show of "Shengshi Ni Dress".

author:Qianzhong Ping Dam

In order to absorb the wisdom and thoughts of the sages, perceive and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture, cultivate the humanistic atmosphere of Pingba, show the positive spiritual outlook of Pingba women, and promote the in-depth development of literary and artistic volunteer services in the practice of civilization in the new era, on June 29, more than 150 members of the Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District organized more than 150 members to carry out a large-scale Hanfu show with the theme of "Prosperous Dress, Passing on Chinese Ritual Music" and "Prosperous Dress".

The Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District went to Confucius Hall to carry out a study tour and a large-scale Hanfu show of "Shengshi Ni Dress".

In the morning of the same day, in the Mingde Hall of the Confucius School, everyone listened to Professor Xu Qi, vice president of the International Confucian Federation and executive chairman of the Academic Committee of the Confucius Institute in Guiyang, with the theme of "Talking about the "Elegance" and "Customs" of Culture. "Appreciation of elegance and vulgarity" is an ideal realm, but it is often biased in real life. Based on his own cultural thinking and years of practice in cultural work, Professor Xu Qi gave a vivid and detailed explanation on "how to understand the 'elegance' and 'custom' of culture, the historical origin of 'elegant' culture and 'customary' culture, the relationship between the main theme culture and popular culture, the relationship between science and humanities, knowledge and education, Swen and taste, the history and relativity of cultural taste, how to grasp the orientation of different cultural forms in daily life, and how to create and cultivate one's own sentiment and interest".

The Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District went to Confucius Hall to carry out a study tour and a large-scale Hanfu show of "Shengshi Ni Dress".
The Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District went to Confucius Hall to carry out a study tour and a large-scale Hanfu show of "Shengshi Ni Dress".

After the lecture, everyone visited the Dacheng Hall, the Confucius Exhibition Hall, the Confucianism Museum, and the Yangming Hall to learn about the life and thoughts of Confucius and Wang Yangming, including the core values of benevolence, moderation, and loyalty, and to deeply study the core views of Confucianism and Yangming Psychology, as well as the influence of Confucius Thought and Yangming Culture on Chinese and world culture.

The Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District went to Confucius Hall to carry out a study tour and a large-scale Hanfu show of "Shengshi Ni Dress".

In front of the statue of Confucius, everyone dressed up and performed ancient rituals, worshiped the ancestors, and recited the "Analects" in unison, feeling the wisdom of the ancients such as astronomy and geography, human ethics, loyalty, filial piety, and righteousness given by traditional Chinese culture.

The Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District went to Confucius Hall to carry out a study tour and a large-scale Hanfu show of "Shengshi Ni Dress".
The Qianya Art Troupe of Pingba District went to Confucius Hall to carry out a study tour and a large-scale Hanfu show of "Shengshi Ni Dress".

"After visiting the Yangming Museum, the Confucian Museum, and the Confucius Exhibition Hall, I learned about the mental wisdom of Wang Yangming's Longchang enlightenment of 'the unity of knowledge and action', the life, learning process and governance of Confucius; By paying homage to the statue of Confucius and appreciating the noble demeanor of the sages, let us understand the breadth and profundity of traditional Chinese culture, and at the same time, draw spiritual nourishment from it and establish cultural self-confidence. Tan Meirong, head of the Qianya Art Troupe in Pingba District, said.

China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia; There is the beauty of uniforms, which is called Hua. As an important part of traditional Chinese culture, etiquette civilization has played a wide and far-reaching impact on the development of Chinese society and history. On the same day in the ceremonial square, more than 150 members of the Qianya Art Troupe performed a large-scale Hanfu show "Shengshi Ni Dress". They are dressed in uniform red Hanfu, showing the etiquette culture forged by thousands of years of Chinese civilization and becoming a beautiful scenery of Confucius School.

Source: Pingba District Rong Media Center

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