
She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

author:Simple clothes and vegetarian food


Statement: This story is pure fiction, if there is a similarity is a coincidence, please do not sit in the opposite number, you know!!

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I believe many people have seen the night scene of Shanghai in the early morning. Under the neon flash, the brightly lit high-rise buildings are still clearly visible, and in some places there are still people and vehicles. It was an office worker who returned late, a businessman returning home after a party, a tourist enjoying the night view, a couple who had just finished a supper, and a taxi driver who saw off a guest.

In the early morning, however, the emergency room of the hospital is different from the long queue during the day, with only a few patients under observation. The other patients in the room were quiet, although they also had some uncomfortable expressions.

Only Junjun shrank into a ball in pain, his whole face wrinkled, and he kept humming quietly.

When I passed by the duty room, I saw the doctor's eyes behind the lenses, which were particularly grim and calm.

Guan Fen was also helpless, and didn't dare to touch Junjun, so she had to stand silently beside her.

Within a minute, the doctor came over and said to Guan Fen: "Acute appendicitis cannot be delayed, we must decide as soon as possible to fight for the operation time, it is very dangerous to delay it for a long time." There's nothing to think about about this. ”

Guan Fen analyzed in her heart that this doctor's words are quite responsible. Because most doctors say, "Think it out for yourself." And what he said was, "There's nothing to think about." ”

There are no other options. Anti-inflammatory stuff doesn't work anymore.

Of course, Ms. Qian understands the importance of surgery, she just wants to find a better hospital.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

Guan Fen's phone rang, it was Yaoyao.

As soon as Guan Fen picked it up, Yao Yao asked sleepily, "Auntie, is Junjun okay?" ”

I hurriedly brought Junjun to the hospital just now, thinking that Yaoyao had fallen asleep, and it didn't make any difference to come over, so I didn't tell him.

Guan Fen asked, "Are you awake?" We're at the hospital. ”

Yao Yao said: "I woke up to go to the toilet just now, so ask." Yes? Going to the hospital? ”

The originally muffled voice suddenly raised when he said it, and he completely woke up from his sleep.

Guan Fen said: "The doctor said it was appendicitis, acute, and he had to be operated on immediately, and your mother was looking for an acquaintance to contact a better hospital." ”

Yaoyao asked, "Then does my dad know?" ”

Guan Fen said, "I don't know. ”

Yaoyao said angrily, "Why don't you tell my father?" ”

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Soon, Miss Qian came over and whispered to Guan Fen: "It's all connected, and the hospital over there will directly send a car to pick it up." ”

Guan Fen raised his head and asked, "120?" ”

Miss Qian nodded and said, "It will be there soon." He's a good friend I've known for many years and will arrange it. ”

After Miss Qian finished speaking, she asked Junjun, "How is it now?" ”

Junjun closed his eyes and shook his head.

Guan Fen still remembers that when she was a teenager, she came home from school one day and saw her mother crawling over on the bed in pain. From time to time, he crawled to the edge of the bed and foamed at a basin on the floor in front of the bed.

At first, I thought it would be over, but then it hurt so much that I couldn't crawl, rolling in bed, and sweating profusely.

After so many years, I still remember my mother's painful appearance back then. So although Guan Fen has not experienced it herself, she knows that appendicitis is very painful.

This is Junjun Sven, it is estimated that a child who is two years younger should cry and make a fuss. Of course, Guan Fen didn't know Junjun's exact feelings now, just guessing.

Guan Fen still remembers that later, her mother was sent to the town hospital, and the doctor quickly diagnosed it as appendicitis. And the operation was arranged immediately, and I stayed in the hospital for half a month before going home.

At that time, the surgeries that could be handled by township hospitals were not difficult surgeries, right? With such a large-scale hospital, are you still not at ease?

However, who are the Qian and Li families? They are all about the best.

So at this critical moment, Guan Fen didn't dare to make suggestions.

Miss Qian looked distressed and helped Junjun sort out the messy hair that had fallen on her face, and comforted her softly: "The doctor will be here soon." ”

Soon, Miss Qian's phone rang.

Miss Qian picked up and didn't speak, but Mr. Li's voice could be faintly heard: "Has the operation been arranged?" ”

Miss Qian said: "Now in XX Hospital, I want to transfer her to XX Hospital for surgery, it has been arranged, and the car will come soon." ”

Her tone was calm.

Mr. Li said, "Don't turn around, just have surgery nearby." Don't delay. ”

Miss Qian also looked anxious, she brushed her hair with her hand, and still said calmly: "It has been arranged, and preparations are beginning over there, and I will enter the operating room as soon as I am diagnosed." There will be no delay. It's better over there. ”

Miss Qian, who usually has a high-pitched and impatient voice, is very calm at this moment. There is quite a bit of unruly bearing.

In the quiet space, Mr. Li's raised voice was very clear: "I understand what you mean, but this is just an ordinary minor surgical operation, any tertiary hospital has very mature experience, don't toss!" ”

Mr. Li's originally calm tone was a little heavier when he said the words 'don't toss' at the end.

After a slight hesitation on Miss Qian's face, Mr. Li regained his composure and said, "Hang up, go to the doctor immediately, and then return the one over there." ”

After saying that, both sides fell silent.

Miss Qian glanced at Junjun again, but before she could hang up the phone, she turned around and ran towards the doctor's duty room.

This is the first time Guan Fen has seen Miss Qian so panicked.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

Miss Qian went to tell the doctor here that she hoped to operate as soon as possible, and then notified the other hospital.

The hospital's car had already gone outside the gate and back.

After a while, the friend who probably helped called, and did not mention the matter of returning the car just now, only asking Miss Qian not to worry and take good care of the child. He also said that he would come to visit after dawn, so he hung up the phone.

Yao Yao called again and asked which hospital he was in, saying that he was going to the front desk to ask the hotel to send a car to take him over.

Guan Fen said: "You are still a child, just sleep in the hotel and wait for the news." Don't let us worry about you. ”

Yao Yao said, "Is there any danger?" ”

Guan Fen said: "There is no danger! It's fine after the surgery. You go to bed first. ”

Yao Yao said, "Then I'll try to see if I can sleep." ”

Emergency surgery, a race against time, so it was quickly arranged. In fact, Guan Fen wondered if the doctor had already arranged it in advance?

Soon, Junjun knew that he was going to have surgery, and his little face, which was wrinkled in pain, added another layer of fear.

Miss Qian hugged her and said, "Don't be afraid, baby, it's just a minor operation, you don't need to open your abdomen, make a hole in your stomach, and just sleep." It would be dangerous if you didn't have the surgery, so you have to have this surgery. ”

Walking in a hurry, Miss Qian didn't even have time to tie her hair, and her originally beautiful big wavy curls were scattered and hung a little messily.

Guan Fen used two thin hair rings, and at this time, she spread out her hair, took out one and handed it to Miss Qian, and retied her hair with the one left in her hand.

Miss Qian stretched out her hands behind her back and hastily tied them up behind her head.

The doctor came to call for a change of clothes, and when he entered the operating room, Junjun finally cried in fright.

The doctor wearing a mask said kindly: "Are you afraid of becoming ugly? It's just two tiny holes in the stomach and it's over quickly. I can't see it at all when I'm recovering. ”

In the same way, her mother said that she could not relieve her nervousness, and as soon as the doctor said that she immediately stopped crying.

Only professional people can be convincing.

From entering the operating room to coming out, it took about an hour and a half.

Soon after Junjun was sent to the operating room, someone came to ask Miss Qian and Guan Fen to leave.

At all, the family members were not allowed to wait outside the operating room, but they were directly arranged in the inpatient ward and asked to wait at the inpatient department.

When the two got there, Guan Fen wanted to buy some daily necessities while Junjun hadn't come out yet. I asked the nurse on duty at the nurse's station.

Fortunately, there is a 24-hour convenience store in the hospital, and you can scan the code at night to get in.

I was able to buy some toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, tissues, nursing pads, slippers and basins.

After thinking about it, I went to the vending machine in the corner of the first floor and bought a bedpan for the bed. I went back to the ward.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

Miss Qian could see the progress of Junjun's surgery on her mobile phone, but as time passed, she still began to feel uneasy. Began to walk slowly around the ward.

When the nurse came to make the sheets, she said that the family should not sit on the bed.

There are three beds in the ward, two of which are occupied, and the chairs are foldable chairs. During the day, it is put away and sitting, and at night when it is opened, the family members sleep on it with the bed.

Now there are people lying on both of them, and there is still a chair left in front of the hospital bed prepared for Junjun, Guan Fen said, "You sit for a while, don't worry." ”

Miss Qian sat down and asked Guan Fen, "The operation should go well, right?"

Guan Fen said with certainty: "Smooth!" ”

Guan Fen said this, although she was comforting Miss Qian, it was not unfounded.

Because just now from the emergency department to the operating room, and then to the inpatient department, Guan Fen saw that the scale of this hospital is not small, and there are so many people living in the ward.

Could it be that unreliable? No.

Miss Qian was concerned and confused, and whispered: "If there is no suppuration, it will be easy to deal with, but if it is suppurated, it will be more troublesome." ”

Guan Fen said: "If it is suppurated, the B ultrasound should be able to see it." The doctor will say. Don't overcomplicate it. ”

Who wouldn't persuade others? If it was his son lying in the operating room today, Guan Fen would be just as anxious and worried.

When Miss Qian received a message saying that Junjun's operation had ended and she was waking up, Guan Fen received a message from Mr. Li and asked if the operation was over?

He was quite accurate at this time. Probably he didn't sleep either.

After Guan Fen replied to the message, Mr. Li sent another message: "Send me the name of the hotel where you are staying and the location of the hospital." ”

After Guan Fen sent it, she said to Miss Qian.

Miss Qian kept her face calm and didn't speak.

When Junjun was sent back to the ward by the nurse, he called his mother.

The speech is not yet too clear.

Miss Qian said, "It's okay. All the best. ”

Junjun snorted weakly like a kitten.

The skinny child, the two nurses easily moved from the mobile bed to the hospital bed with sheets. After hanging the hanging bottle, he left.

The nurse came over and gave her oxygen and connected it to an ECG monitor. Looking at the thin figure under the quilt, I was a little pitiful.

Miss Qian asked, "Does it hurt?" ”

Junjun shook his head on the bed.

You can't eat, you can't drink, you can't go to the ground.

Guan Fen and Miss Qian guarded her to go to the toilet and change the hanging bottle. There's also the observation of when she vents.

Miss Qian said: "Then let's sleep for a while while the anesthetic is still over." ”

Junjun nodded and closed his eyes, but he was probably uncomfortable and couldn't sleep.

Miss Qian has been sitting in front of the bed, holding Junjun's hand that has not been injected.

Guan Fen said, "Why don't you sleep for a while?" If she wants to go to the bathroom, I'll take care of it. ”

Miss Qian said, "You can sleep." I can't sleep. ”

Both of them spent a sleepless night, Guan Fen took care of Junjun Xiaojie twice, and fell asleep when it was almost dawn, but unfortunately after a while, the nurse came to take the temperature and something like that, and woke up again.

It was only about six o'clock, and the hotel suddenly called Miss Qian, saying that Yao Yao asked the hotel to send a car to the hospital.

Miss Qian said, "Send him here." ”

Before seven o'clock, Yao Yao called Guan Fen and asked what floor it was?

Guan Fen said: "You tell me where it is, stand there and don't move, I'll go out to pick you up." ”

When she saw Yaoyao, Guan Fen was happy.

Not only did he come by himself, but he also carried two large bags of breakfast. In addition, it is a bag with the name of the hotel printed on it.

Guan Fen asked, "Can you pack the breakfast in the hotel?" ”

Yao Yao said: "I told them that we opened three rooms, and someone was in the hospital, so they packed it for me. ”

She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

Guan Fen took it and lifted it herself. The two of them entered the ward, and the curtain in front of Junjun's bed was closed.

Guan Fen lifted it and saw Miss Qian standing in front of the bed bending over to take care of Junjun Xiaoxie.

After Guan Fen handed the breakfast back to Yaoyao, she opened the curtain and came in and said, "I'll come." ”

Miss Qian said, "No, she has already vented just now." ”

Miss Qian asked Junjun again: "Is it finished?" ”

Junjun nodded, and Miss Qian reached in with a tissue in her hand to wipe her, and brought it out with the bedpan.

Guan Fen is going to take over again. Miss Qian said: "No, you don't have to change hands." ”

Guan Fen looked at Miss Qian's noble and simple French manicure hand and went to the bathroom with a bedpan.

Guan Fen pulled the curtain open, and Junjun smiled when he saw his brother.

Yaoyao also asked with a smile on his face, "Does it still hurt?" ”

Junjun said: "It still hurts a little. ”

Yao Yao asked Miss Qian, "Can she eat?" I'll feed her. ”

Miss Qian said, "Just ventilated, don't eat yet, just wait." ”

Miss Qian saw the breakfast in Yaoyao's hand, asked about it and said with a smile: "My son is awesome, I can still think of my aunt and me after breakfast." ”

Yaoyao's tanned face came back for a while, and it slowly turned a little whiter. After listening to his mother's words, he blushed slightly and said, "You can eat first." I looked at her. ”

So, Miss Qian said, "Then let's go out to eat, so as not to eat here Junjun will be even hungrier." ”

Yaoyao immediately walked to the chair in front of Junjun's bed and sat down, carefully holding the hand where she had been injected, looking left and right.

Miss Qian and Guan Fen really went to the corridor for breakfast.

After eating breakfast and returning to the ward, Yao Yao said to Miss Qian, "I asked just now, and the nurse said that she could drink water, so I fed her a little to drink." The nurse also said that she felt no pain and could get out of bed and move. ”

Junjun frowned and shook his head.

Miss Qian said, "Then let's lie down for a while." ”

Guan Fen wrung a hot towel to wipe Junjun's face and hands, and said, "We want to be beautiful at any time." ”

You're laughing and you're laughing.

At about 10 o'clock in the morning, Miss Qian's friend came to the hospital last night with fruits and flowers.

This friend is the same age as Miss Qian, tall and big, at least 1.8 meters by sight, slender figure, wearing a beige gray shirt, with dark trousers underneath, and short hair in front of him that is trimmed neatly.

Miss Qian was wearing a new black dress from a famous brand this summer, and after a night of tossing, she was still smooth and stylish. I just haven't slept all night, my hair is a little messy, my face is a little pale without makeup, and the skin around my eyes is slightly loose. The lower eyelid has a faint cyan ring.

Although a little haggard, it is still bright and moving. And because of her age and reading ability, her beauty has a mature charm.

Mr. Yao made a phone call at the entrance of the hospital, and Miss Qian brought him in.

As soon as he entered, the nurse came in and said, "You have too many escorts in this bed, and the patient needs to rest well." ”

Without waiting for Miss Qian to speak, the man said, "I'll take a look, and I'll leave in a while." ”

The nurse said, "Just leave one person behind." With that, he deftly turned out.

Only then did Miss Qian introduce to the two children: "This is Uncle Yao. Mom's friend. ”

Junjun and Yaoyao called Uncle, Yaoyao pointed to the only chair and said, "Uncle Yao, sit down." ”

Mr. Yao said, "No. I'll stand for a while. ”

After he finished speaking, he took two steps closer to the hospital bed and asked, "Little girl, does it still hurt?" ”

He used the name Shanghai in Mandarin again. He also bent down and reached out to help Junjun tidy up the quilt.

Junjun's big eyes looked at Mr. Yao's movements with agility, and he still said a little weakly, "It's still a little painful." It's much better than yesterday though. ”

Mr. Yao smiled and said, "That's right." It wouldn't be right if it hurt as much as it was yesterday. ”

Mr. Yao's baritone sounds magnetic and cheerful, and he should be a very optimistic person.

A person's sense of relaxation cannot be disguised. It was unintentionally revealed from his dress to his speech and demeanor.

It is especially rare in middle-aged people who are old and young. Mr. Yao has it.

Moreover, Guan Fen feels that the people living in the city of Shanghai are also busy with work. But it is more relaxed, and it also pays more attention to the sense of ritual of life.

They strive to create life and at the same time enjoy it.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

Guan Fen saw that the nurse had come to speak just now, and there were indeed many people beside the bed, so she retreated to the corridor outside.

It didn't take long for Miss Qian and Mr. Yao to come out.

After standing in the hallway, Mr. Yao whispered, "Since I won't transfer to the hospital, I'll ask if there is a single room." Not to mention that it is uncomfortable for children to be crammed into a ward with others, and it is inconvenient for a few of you to accompany them. ”

Miss Qian said, "No need. Yesterday I was trying to find a better hospital to operate, and since the operation has been completed, I can overcome the rest. ”

Mr. Yao said: "I'll get in touch, if there is a vacant room, I will transfer, if not, forget it." You don't have to worry about it. ”

The two of them spoke in a low voice, but the intimacy and casualness of a good friend overflowed from between their lips and teeth.

Mr. Yao walked forward and asked in a low voice, "If the child is not sick, are you planning to leave without me?" ”

There was a hint of reproach in his voice.

Miss Qian also whispered: "I was going to go to Wuhan, but the schedule is tight. ”

Guan Fen didn't hear the latter words.

The two of them were originally walking and talking side by side, but when someone came to them, Mr. Yao took the initiative to take a step back, and walked towards the end of the corridor with Miss Qian.

Guan Fen entered the room, and Yao Yao was whispering to Junjun about how he suddenly felt like going to the toilet in the middle of the night last night, and then woke up.

"I rarely go to the toilet at that time," he said. I woke up just yesterday. I immediately remembered that your stomach still hurts. I called Aunt Xiaoguan. I found out that you came to the hospital. ”

Guan Fen said: "Maybe there is telepathy. ”

Yao Yao glanced back at Guan Fen and said, "Maybe you drank too much water." ”

Yao Yao said: "Auntie, you and my mother will go back to rest in a while, and I will stay and take care of Junjun." ”

Guan Fen smiled: "You go and ask the nurse if you agree?" Aren't you very good at asking nurses? ”

A nurse happened to come to change the dressing for the next bed, and smiled softly: "Children can't be accompanied." It takes a big man to do it. ”

Yao Yao replied obediently: "Oh! ”

His small eyes are black and shiny, and he is neither fat nor thin, but he is relatively strong. The skin on the rectangular face is tight, steady and cute, and occasionally a little cold when it is unhappy.

After Miss Qian returned to the room, Yao Yao asked, "Mom, do you still have friends in Shanghai?" ”

Miss Qian said: "I have been in business for so many years, and I know a lot of people, of course, I have a lot of friends. ”

Junjun asked in a low voice, "Then why haven't we seen him before?" ”

Miss Qian smiled: "Because he doesn't go to Shenzhen often." He has been living in Shanghai. ”

Yao Yao asked, "How did you meet?" ”

Before Miss Qian could answer, he said again: "Forget it, don't answer, this is your privacy." ”

Miss Qian smiled at Guan Fen.

Miss Qian said: "It's almost lunch, and it's not convenient to be in the hospital. Nurses don't let people stay too much. Why don't you and Yaoyao go back first. Take a break after lunch. ”

Guan Fen said: "Junjun is already ventilated, can you eat less soft and rotten things at noon?" Then she was in no pain and could get out of bed and move. You and Yao Yao go back. Don't you still have work to do? ”

Miss Qian asked Junjun: "Junjun, you also heard what the nurse said just now, you can't keep too many people." My brother and I will go back first, and then come back to change Aunt Xiaoguan when we have dinner, okay? Mom still has a job to do. ”

Junjun said, "Okay. ”

She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

Soon after Miss Qian and Yaoyao returned to the hotel, a nurse came over and said that they were going to change the bed for Junjun.

I was transferred to a ward with three beds, but there was no one in it.

Now Junjun is in a separate ward.

Although the conditions are still the same as the original ward, it is indeed much quieter and more convenient.

At noon, Guan Fen ordered porridge for Junjun and ordered a takeaway for herself with scallion oil mixed noodles.

While waiting for takeout, Guan Fen said, "Junjun, you haven't eaten since last night, you definitely don't have the strength." After lunch, can you take a break and try to get out of bed in the afternoon? ”

Junjun said: "I'm afraid of pulling the wound." ”

Guan Fen said: "Your wound is very small. If you don't move, I'm afraid that the inside of your stomach will be sticky. ”

may be afraid of sticking to this sentence, Jun Jun listened to it in his heart. She nodded.

The phone rang. Guan Fen thought it was a takeaway.

When I took out the mobile phone from my pocket, I saw that it was Mr. Li.

After Guan Fen picked it up, Mr. Li's calm voice sounded: "Xiao Guan, send me the ward number." ”

Guan Fen said, "Are you here?" ”

Mr. Li snorted.

Guan Fen said, "I'll go out and bring you in." It's hard to find here. ”

Mr. Li said, "No, you can take care of Junjun in the ward." Just send me the room number. ”

Jun Jun asked in a voice, "Is my father coming?" ”

Guan Fen sent the room number to Mr. Li and said to Junjun: "It's already here, just outside the gate." ”

Junjun opened his mouth wide and said in surprise: "Ah??? ”

She immediately said, "Auntie, you help me comb my hair." It's too messy. ”

Although I only combed her in the morning, I decided to lie in bed, and it must be messy.

Without a comb, Guan Fen asked her to tilt her head sideways and gently comb her hair with her fingers. Comb until your hair is smooth, then tie it back up.

Junjun said again: "Auntie, let me go to the toilet again." ”

So, Guan Fen took the nursing pad and put it on the bed again, and put the bedpan on for her to relieve her.

After cleaning up, when Guan Fen was washing the bedpan in the bathroom, she heard Mr. Li's clear and pleasant voice: "Junjun! ”

Junjun called out to his father very delicately.

Guan Fen sped up the action of washing the bedpan in her hands, and heard Mr. Li ask, "What about your mother and aunt?" ”

Junjun said, "Mom and brother just went back. Auntie in the bathroom. ”

I heard Mr. Li ask in a soft voice with infinite affection, "Does your stomach hurt badly?" ”

Guan Fen came out of the bathroom and saw Junjun actually burst into tears.

She has been a nanny for all these years - the mysterious friend of wealthy life (1091)

Hello everyone! I am a vegetarian in simple clothes, and all my articles are original and first published by personal headlines, just to record life. What you see on other platforms is plagiarism. We will be held accountable to the end!

For more exciting, please pay attention to today's headlines!

The picture and text have nothing to do with it, and the picture comes from the Internet.

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