
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!

author:Shoot the sun and melt the media

How do I escape in the event of a fire?

How to get out of trouble if the elevator fails?

How to extinguish the fire when the oil pan catches fire?


These questions can be found here

Sheyang County Safety Culture Education Experience Center

Find out

Here it is

11 experience areas and 45 experience programs

You can experience it with confidence and boldness

Simulated accident and disaster processes

Learn about disaster prevention, mitigation and safety

Some of the experience projects even use VR technology

It's scary!

Come and follow the editor to learn about this experience hall

Sheyang County Safety Culture Education Experience Center

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!

With a total investment of 3.8 million yuan and a total area of about 580 square meters, the experience hall is combined with Sheyang County Safety Training Center to form a publicity and education base covering an area of 5,118 square meters. It is divided into nine functional areas, including home, fire protection, building construction, transportation, campus, and industry, integrating safety production in the industry field, daily life safety science popularization and safety protection, and skill training, and is aimed at the general public, enterprise employees, primary and secondary school students and other sectors of society. It provides a strong security guarantee for the new practice of Chinese-style modernization.



Including: integrated service desk, integrated management system of the experience hall, welcome smart large screen and intelligent guide robot.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!



Fire safety experience area

Including: fire warning education, VR fire escape experience, electric vehicle fire experience, building fire protection facilities linkage demonstration system, fire cause test, simulated alarm experience, intelligent simulation fire extinguishing experience, fire equipment display, high-rise rope escape training, etc.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Home safety experience area

Including: oil pan fire and fire extinguishing experience, gas explosion experience, kitchen electricity safety experience, elevator safety experience, etc.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Natural disaster experience area

Including: lightning + stepping voltage experience system, earthquake cabin, VR multi-person dynamic warning education experience.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Traffic safety experience area

Including: traffic safety knowledge answering system, VR electric vehicle simulation riding experience, motor vehicle simulation driving experience, simulated zebra crossing experience, etc.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Campus Safety Experience Zone

Including: campus safety quality assessment, campus safety interactive games, campus safety video playback system.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Building Safety Experience Zone

Including: safety sign interaction, safety protection equipment display, helmet impact experience, safety shoes impact experience, seat belt simulation experience, mechanical injury simulation experience, comprehensive electricity experience, construction safety hazard investigation experience, etc.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Hazardous chemicals safety experience area

Including: hazardous chemicals VR accident warning experience, ammonia-related refrigeration simulation experience, etc.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Industry and trade safety experience area

Including: dust explosion injury experience, hot work training experience platform, high-altitude operation simulation training platform, limited space operation experience, safety hazard identification and investigation training, etc.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Emergency ambulance experience area

Including: cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulation experience, trauma bandaging simulation experience, electric shock simulation rescue, drowning prevention experience, Heimlich first aid experience.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!


Tail hall

Including: safety knowledge answering system, etc.

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!
The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!

Answering the questions carefully

The Safety Culture Education Experience Hall on Jiefang West Road welcomes you to check in and experience!

Venue address

No. 125, Jiefang West Road, Sheyang County

Sheyang County Safety Training Center Co., Ltd

West side of Tongxin Kindergarten, Jiefang West Road, Hede Town, Sheyang County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday

08:30-11:00 a.m

14:30-18:00 p.m

Reservation conditions

Group registration

Make an appointment by phone



Safety is a common issue for the whole society

It's about you, me, and him

Every family is at stake

Every business

Every unit

It needs to be guarded by all of us

Come and check in

This safety culture education experience hall at the door of the house~

Let's be in virtual vs. simulation

Feel the shock and impact of sound and light

Learn about safety emergencies

Master the skills of disaster prevention and avoidance, self-help and mutual rescue

Photo: Liu Dujuan, Guo Yuting

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