
People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism

author:Sports and fitness number

People with poor basal metabolism are equivalent to having a fat-prone physique, and their weight will rise even when they drink water, and to put it bluntly, even if they eat less, it is difficult to lose weight. People with poor basal metabolism are prone to gain weight, and metabolic disorders will also lead to hormone secretion disorders, affecting the daily operation of the body.

People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism

A person's basal metabolism accounts for more than 65% of the body's total metabolism, so people with high basal metabolic value have an easy-to-lose physique, which consumes more calories than ordinary people, the speed of fat accumulation is slow, and the metabolism is fast. Have you ever had someone like this around you?

People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism

So what are the reasons that affect a person's body metabolism? As a simple example, staying up late is one of the main reasons for the decline in metabolism.

Why do people who over-diet get fatter and fatter? Even if he often eats less or does not eat, his body still continues to gain weight, because the calorie intake is too low, lower than his own basal metabolic consumption, and the body realizes that it has entered a "state of famine", and the body will also turn on the protective mechanism to reduce its own basal metabolism, so the calories consumed are getting less and less, and it has become a fat-prone physique. When you return to your original diet, more calories accumulate in your body, allowing you to quickly regain weight.

People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism

So how can you improve your metabolism? Cultivate an easy-to-lose physique, avoid weight loss misunderstandings, learn scientific weight loss methods, avoid weight loss pits, and make yourself lose weight faster and healthier!

1. Don't drastically reduce calorie intake to ensure the calories consumed by basal metabolism

If you want to develop a lean physique, then you must ensure that the daily calorie intake of the body is greater than the calories consumed by basal metabolism. Generally speaking, during weight loss, it is necessary to control calorie intake, but it is enough to control the calorie intake below about 70% of the usual amount to meet your own metabolic needs and not consume too many calories.

Don't over-diet, excessive dieting during weight loss will make the body appear "starving", inhibit and reduce metabolism, which is not conducive to the improvement of weight loss speed.

People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism

2. Eat more foods that are high in protein

Not eating meat during weight loss will not only not lose weight, but will inhibit the body's metabolism. If you want to develop an easy-to-lose physique, protein supplementation can not be lacking, which can supplement nutrients to the body, make the body run efficiently, and improve the body's metabolic ability.

Generally speaking, high-protein foods are ingested from meat, eggs, and seafood, mainly boiled and steamed, and low-fat protein intake helps muscle growth, improves metabolism, and allows you to develop a lean physique.

People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism

3. Go to bed early and try not to stay up late

You are already very tired during the day, and if you stay up late at night, it will only aggravate the fatigue of the body, and it is easy to enter the bottleneck period of weight loss. It can also cause metabolic and hormonal disorders, accelerating the rate of aging of the body. Therefore, only going to bed early can make the body recover faster, go to bed early and get up early, so that the body is full of energy and vitality.

People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism

4. Do more resistance training

Excessive aerobic exercise during weight loss can lead to partial muscle loss, leading to a decrease in metabolism. After adding resistance training, muscle growth can effectively improve metabolic ability, strengthen the body's basal metabolism, consume more calories, and develop an easy-to-lose physique. Generally, you can do squats, push-ups at home, go to the gym and do dumbbell training, rowing training, deadlifts and other movements.

People with poor metabolism can't lose weight no matter how little they eat! 4 ways to boost metabolism
