
Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

author:Sports and fitness number

If you want to lose weight faster, burn excess fat in your body, burn calories, and lose excess fat, how to proceed?

For people with higher body weight, the simplest and most direct way to get off the scale is diet management, which reduces calorie intake through fasting, such as controlling satiety, to achieve weight loss.

Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

Xiaobian shares netizens' 5-day fasting plan, so that you can know how others eat, and you can also drop the scale! Let you easily lose 6 pounds!

Day 1 Fasting:

Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg + 1 cup of milk + half an apple + 1 slice of whole wheat bread, Lunch: 100g boiled chicken breast + 150g broccoli + 5 cherry tomatoes, Dinner: Palm fish + 200g lettuce

Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

Day 2 fasting:

Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 5 blueberries; Lunch: 1 100g sweet potato + 200g lettuce + 30g shrimp; Dinner: 1 cucumber + 50g pangasius

Day 3 Fasting:

Breakfast: 1 bowl of oats + 1 egg + half an apple; Lunch: half a cucumber + 100g beef + half a purple sweet potato; Dinner: 1/2 bowl of multigrain rice + 200g boiled vegetables

Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

Day 4 Fasting:

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs + 1 cup milk + 200g boiled vegetables; Lunch: 100g beef + 200 lettuce + small half bowl of multigrain rice; Dinner: an apple

Day 5 Fasting:

Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs + 2 slices of whole wheat bread + 1/2 cucumber; Lunch: 250g baby cabbage boiled tomato + half a steamed potato; Dinner: 1/2 cucumber + 1 apple

Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

After these 5 days of fasting, you will find that the burden on your body is much lighter, your stomach and intestines are well regulated, and your calorie intake is less, but you can feel that your body is running faster.

Although fasting is possible, it is important for people who want to lose weight to control their diet, but these points should be noted:

1. Chew slowly when eating, so that the stomach and intestines can better digest and absorb food

Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

2. Replenish enough water every day, 1.5-2L water is the most basic, if you can't even meet the requirements for drinking water, don't imagine that you can lose weight.

3. Eat three meals regularly, don't eat snacks, don't eat high-calorie food, eat dinner before 8 o'clock in the evening, don't eat after this time, you can add a glass of milk.

Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

4. Usually let yourself move more, in addition to daily weight loss exercises, in the process of office or study, let yourself move more, climb stairs, walk to work, etc., you can also do resistance training, improve muscle strength, let you lose weight faster.

5. Control satiety, don't eat support!

Fast weight loss method: 5-day fasting plan, netizen: I lost 6 pounds

Intermittent fasting is not the same as excessive dieting, in the process of fasting, it is necessary to ensure that the calorie intake is higher than your own basal metabolism, netizens insisted on it for 5 days, and lost 6 pounds, such a weight loss speed, have you picked?
