
The oath of joining the party has changed several times, but the "secret of the conservative party" has never changed

author:Qiaokou release

Today, we celebrate the 103rd birthday of the Communist Party of China. For more than 100 years, strict secrecy has become a conscious action of the Communist Party of China flowing in its blood, and the red gene engraved in its bones. The oath of joining the party has undergone five changes since the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, the early days of the founding of New China, and the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The oath of joining the party has changed several times, but the "secret of the conservative party" has never changed
The oath of joining the party has changed several times, but the "secret of the conservative party" has never changed
The oath of joining the party has changed several times, but the "secret of the conservative party" has never changed
The oath of joining the party has changed several times, but the "secret of the conservative party" has never changed

The secret of the Conservative Party is the organizational discipline of the Chinese Communist Party. It came into being with the founding of the party, and with the development of the party's cause, it has an increasingly important and special status. In the new era, facing new challenges, every party member should not forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, strengthen ideals and beliefs, practice the oath of joining the party with practical actions, and be a loyal guardian of state secrets.


Great, glorious, and correct Communist Party of China!

Happy birthday!

The oath of joining the party has changed several times, but the "secret of the conservative party" has never changed
The oath of joining the party has changed several times, but the "secret of the conservative party" has never changed

Source: Qiaokou release Confidentiality concept

Producer: Propaganda Department of Qiaokou District Committee of the Communist Party of China Qiaokou District Financial Media Center

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