
"Haitian Eagle": Wang Xiaomao overcame psychological difficulties and successfully flew

author:MSN Entertainment

The recently hit "Haitian Eagle" can be said to occupy the drama schedule of many audiences. This military-themed TV series directed by Liu Jiacheng and starring Zhu Yawen, Du Chun, Hou Yong, Bao Xiao and others tells the growth story of the special military profession of aircraft carrier aircraft test pilot through realistic brushstrokes.

"Haitian Eagle": Wang Xiaomao overcame psychological difficulties and successfully flew

Among them, the most impressive is the plot of pilot Wang Xiaomao and others overcoming psychological problems and crossing the wall of illusion in front of them when they take off.

"Haitian Eagle": Wang Xiaomao overcame psychological difficulties and successfully flew

When Wang Xiaomao was about to take off during the test flight, he suddenly stopped, saying that he saw a wall. Faced with this situation, the test flight team immediately launched an investigation into all the pilots, and sure enough, whether it was Jiang Hai or Xie Zhenyu, as long as they took off, they could see the wall. After a brief moment of shock, the others shouted excitement and rushed over. Wang Xiaomao became the first person to discover the psychological problem of flying. In fact, soldiers must not only be brave, but also master superb skills and tactics. In the process of test flight, the most important thing is to find problems, and any hidden dangers that may pose a threat must be reported and investigated in time. Wang Xiaomao discovered the problem and reported it in time, which ensured the life safety and health of the pilot, and also provided help for the improvement of flight technology and the psychological safety of the pilot.

"Haitian Eagle": Wang Xiaomao overcame psychological difficulties and successfully flew

In the psychology class of the pilots, Wang Xiaomao is diligent and inquisitive, and when he encounters problems that he does not understand, he will ask questions to the instructors, which not only enlivens the atmosphere, but also becomes everyone's "pistachio", helping everyone to actively raise questions and answer puzzles. It is indispensable in the team to be a generous and cheerful person like Wang Xiaomao, which makes the team's work progress more smoothly.

"Haitian Eagle": Wang Xiaomao overcame psychological difficulties and successfully flew
"Haitian Eagle": Wang Xiaomao overcame psychological difficulties and successfully flew

In terms of Wang Xiaomao's role creation, actor Bao Xiao's acting skills also add a lot to this role. Graduated from the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts, he has rich acting experience, not only has a deep enough understanding of military life, but also has just the right grasp of Wang Xiaomao's character image and highlight plot, and interprets Wang Xiaomao's idle and grinning personality into three points, so that this role can penetrate into the hearts of the audience, as if Wang Xiaomao lives by the audience's side; The sense of responsibility and persistence in the depths of Wang Xiaomao's personality can also be very appropriately expressed, so that the audience can feel Wang Xiaomao's courage to overcome difficulties. Just like every ordinary person in life, when encountering difficulties, they may retreat and be afraid, but in the end they will overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties.

"Haitian Eagle": Wang Xiaomao overcame psychological difficulties and successfully flew

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