
Should the elderly eat less tofu brain? It's hot, and I don't want to have a small problem, so it's best to eat less of the 4 kinds early

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Uncle Zhao, you have to pay attention, your recent little problems may be related to the tofu brain you eat." Dr. Li said to Uncle Zhao in the outpatient clinic while tapping on the computer keyboard.

On this day, Uncle Zhao went to the convenience service center to do errands, ready to put his new reading glasses on record, and happened to meet his old neighbor Aunt Liu, who he hadn't seen for a long time.

After a few pleasantries, the two chatted about their recent health.

"Aunt Liu, how are you doing lately? I've been feeling sick to my stomach lately, and I'm always a little constipated, what do you think is going on? Uncle Zhao asked with a sad face.

Aunt Liu laughed and said, "Uncle Zhao, you don't know yet, right? It has something to do with the bowls of tofu brains you eat in the morning! ”

Uncle Zhao suddenly looked puzzled: "Tofu brain? It's my breakfast every day, so why is it still a problem? ”

Should the elderly eat less tofu brain? It's hot, and I don't want to have a small problem, so it's best to eat less of the 4 kinds early

So, Aunt Liu decided to take Uncle Zhao to the community hospital to find Dr. Li and listen to what the professional doctor had to say.

Uncle Zhao didn't quite believe Aunt Liu's words, but he thought that there was nothing important today anyway, so he followed.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Dr. Li heard Uncle Zhao's symptoms and looked at his eating habits, and then had a guess: "Uncle Zhao, your problem may be related to eating tofu brain."

Although tofu brain is a traditional delicacy of the common people, it is also particular about eating too much. ”

When Uncle Zhao heard this, he became serious: "Doctor Li, what is so particular about this tofu brain?" ”

Dr. Li explained with a smile, "Although tofu brain is rich in nutrients, you are old and have reduced gastrointestinal function, and eating too much may cause indigestion and constipation.

Moreover, tofu brain contains a large amount of plant protein, and excessive intake may increase the burden on the kidneys, which can easily lead to an increase in uric acid and induce gout. ”

After listening to this, Uncle Zhao was a little worried: "Then I can't eat tofu brain in the future?" ”

Should the elderly eat less tofu brain? It's hot, and I don't want to have a small problem, so it's best to eat less of the 4 kinds early

Dr. Li shook his head: "It's not that you can't eat it, but you should do it in moderation and pay attention to other foods." In fact, not only tofu brain, but also our morning diet has a lot to pay attention to. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Zhao couldn't help but be curious: "Doctor Li, what else do you need to pay attention to earlier?" ”

Dr. Li smiled and continued, "In addition to tofu brain, there are four kinds of breakfast that should also be eaten sparingly. The first is fritters.

Although this fritter is delicious, it is a high-temperature fried food that contains a lot of trans fatty acids, and eating it regularly will not only increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also easily cause obesity. ”

"The second type is the baked cake. Although this baked cake is fragrant, a lot of oil and sugar are often added in the production process, and the calories are extremely high, and eating too much is not good for the body, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with unstable blood sugar. ”

"The third is pickled foods. Many elderly people like to eat some pickles in the morning, but pickled foods contain a lot of salt, which can easily lead to high blood pressure and increased burden on the kidneys. ”

"The fourth is sweets. For example, sweet soy milk, sweet buns, etc., although the taste is good, the sugar content is too high, which is easy to cause blood sugar fluctuations, which is especially unfriendly to diabetic patients. ”

Should the elderly eat less tofu brain? It's hot, and I don't want to have a small problem, so it's best to eat less of the 4 kinds early

Uncle Zhao nodded again and again when he heard this, but he still had some doubts in his heart: "Doctor Li, can't we eat these delicious things in the morning?" ”

Dr. Lee laughs and says, "Of course not, the key is to eat a balanced diet and consume it in moderation. For a healthy breakfast, choose whole grains, such as oats and whole-wheat bread.

These foods are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation. At the same time, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins and minerals. ”

Uncle Zhao nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, then I'll have to pay attention to it in the future." ”

Aunt Liu also echoed on the side: "Uncle Zhao, your appetite has always been very good, and your body is also tough, as long as you adjust your eating habits a little, you will definitely be healthier." ”

The two came out of the hospital, and Uncle Zhao felt that today's trip was really worth it and learned a lot of health knowledge.

However, the story doesn't end there. When Uncle Zhao got home, he decided to try Dr. Lee's advice and eat whole wheat bread and fruit for breakfast instead.

However, a few days later, he noticed another problem - he actually began to have symptoms of acid reflux.

So, Uncle Zhao came to the community hospital again and found Dr. Li: "Dr. Li, according to what you said, I switched to eating whole wheat bread and fruits, why did I start to have acid reflux?" ”

Should the elderly eat less tofu brain? It's hot, and I don't want to have a small problem, so it's best to eat less of the 4 kinds early

When Dr. Li heard this, he pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhao, this may have something to do with the way you eat whole wheat bread.

Whole-wheat bread, while healthy, is high in fiber and is not easily digested. If you eat too quickly or too much at once, it can cause stomach upset. ”

"So what should I do?" Uncle Zhao was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, you can swap whole wheat bread for oatmeal, which is easier to digest.

Alternatively, you can eat whole-wheat bread with something easy to digest, such as milk or yogurt, to help with digestion. ”

Uncle Zhao nodded, feeling that what Dr. Li said made sense: "Then I'll try again." ”

A few days later, Uncle Zhao felt the benefits of dietary adjustment again, his stomach was much more comfortable, and his constipation also improved a lot.

This story tells us that the health problems of middle-aged and elderly people are often closely related to eating habits. Reasonable eating habits can not only prevent diseases, but also improve existing minor problems.

But again, the question arises: why do some people have diarrhea as soon as they eat yogurt, while others don't?

In this regard, Dr. Lee explained that this is mainly because everyone's gut flora is different, and some people are lactose intolerant, so eating yogurt can cause diarrhea.

And some people have a gut flora that digests lactose well, so there will be no problems.

Should the elderly eat less tofu brain? It's hot, and I don't want to have a small problem, so it's best to eat less of the 4 kinds early

After listening to this, Uncle Zhao sighed: "It seems that eating habits really vary from person to person!" ”

The story doesn't end here, Uncle Zhao's health road continues. He began to pay more attention to his eating habits and exercised actively.

Every time he encountered a health problem, he would go to Dr. Li for consultation and gradually became a health expert.

This story also reminds us that health is not something that happens overnight, but requires us to constantly learn and adjust in our daily lives. Only in this way can we truly live a healthy and happy life.

So why do some people get older, even if they eat healthy food, they will have all kinds of minor problems?

Dr Lee explains that this is mainly due to the gradual deterioration of various body functions as we age.

Although healthy eating habits can help us slow down aging, it cannot completely avoid the occurrence of some geriatric diseases.

Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should pay more attention to their physical condition, have regular physical examinations, and discover and treat potential health problems in time.

After listening to this, Uncle Zhao was in a good mood, feeling that he had learned a lot of health knowledge and was full of confidence in the future.

In life, there are many people like Uncle Zhao, who are constantly learning and adjusting their lifestyles in pursuit of a healthier life.

It's not just about being responsible for yourself, it's also about your family. I hope everyone can be like Uncle Zhao, pay attention to healthy diet and enjoy a good life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Shi Hua. The value of combined detection of serum TIMP-1 and M-CSF in the early diagnosis of liver cirrhosis after hepatitis B in elderly patients, Practical Geriatrics, 2024-06-20

Should the elderly eat less tofu brain? It's hot, and I don't want to have a small problem, so it's best to eat less of the 4 kinds early

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