
Yam is used well, insomnia is not bothered, yam does this, sleep well at night

author: Longnan Wen County released

Yams are very common in our lives and can be seen in supermarkets on the streets.

Why do so many places sell yams? This is inextricably linked to the value of yam itself.

Unlike many plants, yam has a distinctive appearance, with an earthy brown skin and dense whiskers all over it.

Although the yam does not look good on the surface, it has a very high edible value.

Yam is used well, insomnia is not bothered, yam does this, sleep well at night

After the yam is peeled, the inside is white and tender yam meat. Many people in life like to eat yam meat, stew pork ribs with yam, make soup, stir-fry vegetables, etc.

Yam contains a lot of nutrients, including protein, starch, vitamin E, vitamin C, allantoin, bile line, and glucose, which can not only help digestion, but also replenish fatigue, improve qi strength, and grow muscles.

Moreover, yam also has a sedative effect, which can help regulate insomnia symptoms, reduce blood sugar, promote the production of serum hemolysin, and help intestinal waste discharge.

Yam is used well, insomnia is not bothered, yam does this, sleep well at night

Our traditional Chinese medicine believes that yam is flat in nature, sweet in taste, and returns to the lungs, spleen, and kidney meridians.

Yam can be used as a dietary therapy to help regulate insomnia, and edible yam can help insomnia patients to strengthen the spleen and lungs, benefit the stomach and kidneys, strengthen the kidneys and essence, brighten the ears and eyes, help the five organs, strengthen the muscles and bones, long the mind and calm the nerves, prolong life, etc.

Frequent insomnia and inability to sleep, prolonged diarrhea, lung qi deficiency, spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, weakness of the lower limbs, thirst and frequent urination, premature ejaculation and other symptoms, can be improved by eating yam.

Yam is used well, insomnia is not bothered, yam does this, sleep well at night

Suggestions for the combination of yam diet

Yam and jujube ---- nourish blood and beauty

Yam and duck meat ---- nourish yin and moisten the lungs

Finally, I will explain to you two yams as a good way to treat insomnia.

Yam in chicken soup

Ingredients: 400g of chicken, astragalus, longan, appropriate amount of yam, 15g wolfberry, appropriate amount of salt.

Production method: First of all, the chicken is washed and chopped into pieces, put it in a pot and boiled while taking it out, then wash the longan to leave the longan meat, wash the astragalus and cut it, wash the yam slices, wash the wolfberry and soak it; Then put the prepared ingredients together in a pot and simmer in water for 2 hours, and finally add seasonings to taste.

Efficacy: Nourish the lungs and kidneys, improve sleep quality.

Yam is used well, insomnia is not bothered, yam does this, sleep well at night

Yam barley and wolfberry soup

Ingredients: 25g yam, 50g barley, 3 slices of ginger, 10g wolfberry, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Production method: First peel and wash the yam and cut it into pieces, then wash the wolfberries and barley, then put the prepared ingredients into the pot together, add water and simmer for 1.5 hours, add rock sugar to taste.

Efficacy: Calms the nerves and helps to regulate insomnia symptoms.

Yam is used well, insomnia is not bothered, yam does this, sleep well at night

If you have insomnia, you can try it by eating yams, it is very useful to improve insomnia.

Source: Healthy Gastronomy


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