
Hawthorn with "it", a cup before going to bed, blood pressure is stable, blood is not viscous, and blood vessels are clean

author: Longnan Wen County released

When it comes to the word hawthorn, I believe everyone is familiar with it, and the first thing that comes to mind is that it has the effect of eliminating food and helping digestion. Because we usually have a lot of hawthorn cakes in our house, I like to have a few slices when I have nothing to do, and the sweet and sour ones are particularly appetizing. However, our hawthorn cake also has a magical effect, that is, an artifact for coaxing children. Our children especially like to eat hawthorn cakes, every time they cry and disobey, a hawthorn cake can be easily done, and it makes him have a good appetite when he eats, and he eats very fragrant. Today, let's get to know this miracle that is both food and Chinese medicine - hawthorn.

Hawthorn with "it", a cup before going to bed, blood pressure is stable, blood is not viscous, and blood vessels are clean

Hawthorn is also known as mountain red, sour, sweet, slightly warm in nature, returns to the spleen, stomach and liver meridians, and has the effect of eliminating food and accumulation, and dissipating qi and stasis. Especially for the elimination of greasy meat stagnation, many well-known Chinese patent medicines (such as stomach digesting tablets, Baohe pills, etc.) must have hawthorn as a traditional Chinese medicine. Modern medical research has confirmed that hawthorn has the effects of appetizing, lowering blood lipids, lowering blood pressure, and regulating menstrual irregularities. Long-term drinking of hawthorn tablets soaked in water as tea can regulate high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, antioxidant, diuretic and other effects. There is also a clever use of hawthorn and other edible and medicinal materials to treat and relieve a variety of physical discomforts, such as lipid-lowering, blood circulation, and relieving waist and knee soreness.

Hawthorn with "it", a cup before going to bed, blood pressure is stable, blood is not viscous, and blood vessels are clean

Therefore, the effect of hawthorn is very powerful, and it is not just as simple as eating and appetizing as we think. Although hawthorn is good, there are still places to pay attention to for some special groups and dietary combinations:

1. Those with weak spleen and stomach without stagnation and those with excessive gastric acid secretion should not eat more.

2. Hawthorn has the effect of promoting uterine contraction in women, and pregnant women eating more hawthorn will cause danger, so it is not advisable to eat more.

3. Children in the tooth replacement period should not eat more hawthorn, which will damage the teeth and adversely affect the growth and development of children's teeth.

4. Hawthorn and seafood should not be eaten together, seafood is rich in calcium, iron, carbon, iodine and other minerals and proteins, and hawthorn contains tannic acid, if eaten with seafood, tannic acid protein will be synthesized, this substance will cause constipation, cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms, so it is not suitable to eat together.

Hawthorn with "it", a cup before going to bed, blood pressure is stable, blood is not viscous, and blood vessels are clean

For me, who especially likes hawthorn, I will definitely study a variety of perfect combinations to reflect the value of hawthorn, so let's take a look at the various simple combinations of hawthorn, and the efficacy and nutrition are doubled.

Hawthorn with chrysanthemum - dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure

Hawthorn and chrysanthemum cooperate with each other, the effect will be obvious, can clean up oiliness, reduce blood fat, and can also eliminate the problem of fat accumulation in the body.

Studies have shown that chrysanthemum itself is a natural detoxification king, which has the effect of sterilization, diuretic and pain relief, can dilate blood vessels, and can also lower blood pressure.

5 grams of dried chrysanthemums, with 15 grams of hawthorn, put the hawthorn into the pot to boil first, first boil over high heat, and then simmer for 20 minutes on low heat, put in the washed dried chrysanthemums and boil.

It has a sustainable antihypertensive effect, can keep blood vessels not stiff, and protect the health of blood vessels.

Poor blood flow, viscosity, increased vascular garbage, usually drink more chrysanthemum hawthorn tea, there will be a good conditioning function, so that your blood pressure can be controlled in the normal range.

Hawthorn with brown sugar - invigorate blood and remove blood stasis

Hawthorn with "it", a cup before going to bed, blood pressure is stable, blood is not viscous, and blood vessels are clean

Brown sugar is warm, with the effect of dissolving stasis and driving away cold, invigorating blood, etc., it is rich in calcium, iron and other trace elements are nutrients needed by the human body, and the human body plays a role in tonic, and hawthorn combined with more factors, such as hawthorn acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, flavonoids, lactones, etc., has the effect of invigorating blood stasis, improving heart vitality, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and dilating blood vessels. Take hawthorn, brown sugar, put it in a cup with boiling water and brew it for about ten minutes, drink it in moderation every day, it is best to drink it before menstruation for women who come to menstruation, and it has the effect of regulating menstruation.

Hawthorn plus walnuts - drive away low back pain

Hawthorn with "it", a cup before going to bed, blood pressure is stable, blood is not viscous, and blood vessels are clean

Walnut kernel is sweet and warm, it is a traditional kidney product, whether it is for medicinal use, or raw eating, cooking vegetables, it has good effects, especially suitable for the elderly liver and kidney insufficiency, waist and knee soreness. Hawthorn is sweet and slightly warm, which is not only good at eliminating food and stagnation, but also good at activating blood and removing stasis. Walnut hawthorn is used together to restore kidney qi, smooth blood flow, and self-stop pain. The method is as follows: add a little water to the walnut kernels, beat them into a pulp with a food processor, and then add an appropriate amount of cold boiled water to make a thin slurry juice. Remove the core of the hawthorn, slice it, add 500 ml of water and cook for half an hour, filter out the head juice, then boil and take two juices, combine the first and second juices, and put them on the fire. Add sugar and stir, melt and slowly pour in the walnut kernel juice, stir well while pouring, and boil until slightly boiling.

Hawthorn and rose - regulates gastrointestinal function

Hawthorn with "it", a cup before going to bed, blood pressure is stable, blood is not viscous, and blood vessels are clean

Rose is sweet and slightly bitter, slightly warm, it has the effect of relieving depression, invigorating blood and dissipating stasis, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, while hawthorn has the functions of eliminating food and stomach, invigorating blood and removing stasis, astringent and stopping dysentery, and the combination of the two has the effect of improving endocrine disorders, anti-aging, appetizing and promoting digestion and enhancing the body's immunity. Drinking water every day is what we must replenish, we can make a cup of hawthorn rose drink in the morning, so that we can discharge toxins and be beautiful all day, and it can also be used during menstruation, away from the pain of menstruation.

Source: Healthy Gastronomy

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