
1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

author:Vegetarian dishes

Hello everyone, today I would like to share with you a simple and delicious new way to eat yam - yam scones! With just a bowl of flour and two yams, you can easily make soft, sweet, nutritious and healthy scones, which are even better than the bread outside!

1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

Prepare the ingredients:

Yam, sugar, yeast powder, plain flour

Here's how:

1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

1. Today I will share with you the practice of a waterless and oil-free yam scone, which is soft and sweet, nutritious and healthy, and better than bread. The weight of the yam is about 200 grams after washing and peeling, cut into small pieces, put it in a bowl and steam it in a pot, add 20 grams of sugar, and press it into a delicate yam puree.

1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

2. When warm, we add three grams of yeast, stir well until the yeast is completely dissolved, pour in about 350 grams of flour, the amount of this flour should be determined according to the water content of the yam, and finally we knead it into a slightly softer dough, like this, and then cover with plastic wrap, the dough can rise for about 20 minutes, no need to proofing too obviously, slightly fermented.

1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

3. Then we dip it in some dry flour, knead the exhaust, knead it into long strips, divide it into eight dough agents, the first fermentation can be slightly fermented, which saves more time, because we also need a second proofing.

1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

4. Then dip the dough in some dry flour, flip it inward, knead and press, be sure to knead it several times, knead it until the surface is smooth, knead it into a round small dough, the scone out of this way has a more delicate taste, cover with plastic wrap and proofing twice as much as twice the size.

1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

5. Turn on the electric baking pan on a low heat, do not put oil, put in the green billet and burn until the bottom surface is slightly yellow, we must turn over the dough slowly with the minimum heat, after turning over, we find a relatively large lid, be careful not to press the dough, this will affect the fermentation, cover the lid and simmer for about a minute, and then we turn over again, after turning over, cover the lid again and simmer for about a minute, the whole process with the minimum fire, like this repeatedly turn over the lid, about 6 to 7 minutes of baking, the right hand press the quick rebound can be out of the pot.

1 bowl of flour, 2 yams, no water, no drop of oil, simple to make, better than bread

6. In this way, our yam scones are ready, fluffy and sweet, nutritious and delicious, better than bread, and oil-free and healthier.

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