
What to do with a knocked out tooth?

author:Style supervision face-to-face

As we all know, children are active by nature and have a weak sense of self-protection, so they are very prone to collisions or falls when doing some strenuous sports or playing, resulting in dental trauma. There are many types of dental trauma, and the most serious one is the loss of the tooth. Next, we will invite Lin Song, director and chief physician of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry 1 of Jinan Stomatological Hospital, to talk about what is total tooth prolossation? How to effectively deal with the tooth after total prolapse to bring the tooth back to life? One. What is total tooth loss?

What to do with a knocked out tooth?

The complete dispossession of the tooth by an external force is called complete tooth prolapse. Total prolapse is divided into total prolapse of baby teeth and total prolapse of permanent teeth. In general, the total prolapse of the baby tooth is no longer treated, and the development of the permanent tooth is determined by taking a radiograph, and the new tooth can be rechecked regularly until the new tooth erupts. Total prolapse of permanent teeth is common in the upper anterior teeth, and the root of the prolapsed permanent tooth is usually not fully developed, and the incidence of total permanent tooth prolapse is reported in the literature to be about 0.5-3%. The treatment for total tooth loss is replantation. Two. How to properly dispose of a protruding tooth?

What to do with a knocked out tooth?

Since children spend most of their time at school or at home with their guardians, it is important to strengthen the education of child workers on dental trauma protection and rescue. Let the guardians and teachers know that after the tooth is completely removed, the tooth should be treated in a timely and correct manner, and the professional pediatric dentist should be treated for replantation in time. So, how to properly deal with a protruding permanent tooth? 1. Quickly pick up the protruding tooth and hold the crown (the white part of the tooth that is usually visible in the mouth) and avoid touching the root. 2. Rinse the protruded tooth with saline or running water to remove contaminants from the tooth surface. 3. Keep the tooth in an appropriate medium, the most ideal medium at the moment is Hanks balance solution and Via Span, but it is often difficult to obtain at the accident site. It is also possible to use saline or milk at 4°C, or to hold the protruding tooth in the mouth, but avoid swallowing. In clinical work, it is common to see some parents wrapping the protruding tooth in a dry paper towel, which will cause periodontal ligament cell necrosis in a dry environment or tap water, resulting in treatment failure. Three. What do I need to pay attention to after a total tooth is removed? 1. Replant as soon as possible. Rapid replantation is the key to the success of treatment, and the shorter the time for tooth loss, the higher the success rate, and the higher the success rate of replantation within 30 minutes. During oral diagnosis and treatment, the doctor usually performs elastic fixation on the protruding tooth, and regular follow-up observation is carried out according to the doctor's requirements after the operation. 2. Pay attention to oral hygiene after replantation, brush your teeth carefully to maintain gum health. 3. Review regularly. Long-term follow-up of the injured tooth is required, and the prognosis of the tooth is observed through X-rays and clinical examination. Four. To prevent dental trauma, it is important to take good precautions.

What to do with a knocked out tooth?

The mental development of children in growth and development is not yet sound and is more prone to accidents, so the prevention of dental trauma in children requires the whole society to improve the awareness of dangerous accident risk prevention. When participating in sports activities and games, it is best to wear sports shoes with rubber soles that are non-slip to prevent falls and falls. In daily life, try not to chase and fight. When performing high-speed and high-risk sports such as roller skating and ice skating, as well as competitive sports such as basketball and football, protective equipment such as helmets and sports protective dental trays should be worn to reduce the risk of dental trauma. Mouthguards are an "elastic shock absorber" that greatly reduces the risk of trauma to teeth and lips.

What to do with a knocked out tooth?

Expert introduction: Lin Song, Director of the Department of Pediatric Stomatology 1, Chief Physician, Member of Chinese Children's Stomatology, Member of Shandong Children's Stomatology Branch, Chairman of Jinan Children's Stomatology Association. He has been engaged in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of pediatric stomatology for more than 30 years, and was the first in Shandong Province to carry out the treatment of oral diseases under general anesthesia. Specialties: Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric dental disease under general anesthesia, pediatric caries, endodontics, apical periapical disease, dental trauma, retention of deciduous teeth, embedded extra teeth, labial frenulum and tongue-tie abnormalities, and preventive and blocking orthodontic treatment of early malocclusion (reverse occlusion, maxillary protrusion, mandibular recession, individual tooth torsion, and closed traction of embedded teeth). Clinic hours: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday all day. Tel: 0531-86261513

Source: Jinan Stomatological Hospital

What to do with a knocked out tooth?

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