
212 million in 4 years! Paul George signed with the 76ers at the top salary, formed a Big Three with Maxey, and the Big Four of the Clippers fell apart

212 million in 4 years! Paul George signed with the 76ers at the top salary, formed a Big Three with Maxey, and the Big Four of the Clippers fell apart

Nine News

2024-07-01 16:15Wuhan Morning Post Jiupai News official account

On July 1, according to an ESPN reporter, league sources revealed that Paul George signed to the 76ers with a four-year, $212 million maximum salary. It is reported that after a meeting with the 76ers, George promised to return to the East and chase the championship with Joel Embiid and Tyres Maxey.

212 million in 4 years! Paul George signed with the 76ers at the top salary, formed a Big Three with Maxey, and the Big Four of the Clippers fell apart

George met with the 76ers with his agent, Aaron Mintz, and the 76ers were in attendance with owner Josh Harris, the team's general manager and 76ers legend Julius Irving. Sources have revealed that George has a player option in his contract.

A salary expert posted the salary details of George's 4-year contract: 4920w in the 24-25 season, 5170w in the 25-26 season, 5410w in the 26-27 season, and 5660w in the 27-28 season (he was 38 years old at that time).

Negotiations between George and the Clippers were at an impasse, with the Clippers offering a three-year contract and George pursuing a four-year contract, before negotiations broke down.

212 million in 4 years! Paul George signed with the 76ers at the top salary, formed a Big Three with Maxey, and the Big Four of the Clippers fell apart

In the 2023-24 season, the Clippers are 51-31 and fourth in the West, losing 2-4 to the Mavericks in the first round of the playoffs. George averaged 22.6 points, 5.2 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 1.5 steals in 74 games in the regular season and 19.5 points, 6.8 rebounds, 4.8 assists and 1.2 steals in six playoff games.

According to previous news, Wei Shao exercised a player option worth $4 million to stay with the Clippers, and the Clippers are currently seeking a trade to send Wei Shao away. Interestingly, Harden defected from the 76ers to the Clippers last year, and this year George turned around and joined the 76ers. The Big Four of the Clippers only worked together for a year and officially disintegrated.

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive]

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  • 212 million in 4 years! Paul George signed with the 76ers at the top salary, formed a Big Three with Maxey, and the Big Four of the Clippers fell apart
  • 212 million in 4 years! Paul George signed with the 76ers at the top salary, formed a Big Three with Maxey, and the Big Four of the Clippers fell apart

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