
Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

author:Milk tea sister sees the world

First, the introduction

CCTV's eight popular TV series "Executive Judge" has been hotly discussed by the audience since it was launched on June 27, and the heroine's character and actor Yang Zishan's performance have also been complained about by netizens. However, last night, in a family dispute case, a girl who gnawed on an old clan instantly caught my eye, and her story was not unique. Who are the actors? Why did it catch my eye in minutes?

Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

Second, talk about the broadcast plot and character impressions

"Executive Judge" is directed by An Jian, co-directed by Li Donglin, starring Yang Zishan and Luo Jin, Zhao Jun, Sarina, Ding Jiali, House Bin, Zhang Xilin, Wang Tonghui, Xu Jieer, Liu Xiangjing, Yin Xiaotian, Lin Jiachuan, Dong Xuan, Zhao Ke, Sun Jian starring as a special guest, Wang Qianguo, Du Shuangyu, Ma Hao, He Shankai, Ran Xu, Bai Liuyan, Yao Qingren, Ma Xinmo Yu Heng, Dong Kefei, Ma Liang, Li Xinzhe, Liu Tao starring.

The play tells the story of Qi Lin (played by Luo Jin), an outstanding criminal judge of the Qinggang Municipal People's Court, who met Chu Yun (played by Yang Zishan), the president of the Second Enforcement Division, who was completely different from his own way of handling cases, in the process of rotating to the support of the Executive Bureau.

After reading the plot introduction, I believe everyone knows why the heroine has a tense face and no smile, maybe this is a routine designed by the work, in order to show that the male and female protagonists are incompatible with each other, and create conflicts with different styles, so there will be such an unapproachable and annoying character as the heroine. Perhaps it is precisely because the heroine leaves such an impression on the audience that the later scenes where Chu Yun and Qi Lin cooperate with each other and fight together at work are more interesting, and they can better reflect the transformation and growth of the characters.

The male and female protagonists set one too good and the other too bad, but they can act in relation to each other, get closer and closer, and eventually become confidants and career partners in life, you say, what is this not a routine?

Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

To be honest, Qi Lin's appearance is very popular, and through the way of presentation by a third party, it naturally pushes this advanced worker in front of the heroine, without excessive or foreshadowing. But it was precisely because he parachuted into the second hall of the execution court that Chu Yun, the domineering and arrogant executive director, had hostility and disgust, so she embarrassed him everywhere and deliberately frustrated him. However, Qi Lin is not a vegetarian, he finally had the first quarrel with Chu Yun after enduring it again and again, at that moment, the two sides did not give in, they blushed with anger and their necks were thick, and the contradiction between the two finally reached its peak.

Fortunately, an extreme conflict and quarrel finally gave Qi Lin a chance to participate in the execution. As a result, the family dispute case of the elderly Zhang Jianguo, which was presided over and executed by him, began.

Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

Zhang Jianguo is over the age of old, his wife has died for many years, leaving him and a pair of children to depend on each other, he could have relied on his pension to spend his old age, but he was sued by his son Zhang Rui in court. It turned out that this case, which seemed to be an economic dispute, was actually the result of the partiality of the parents. The demolition of the Zhang family's old house was compensated, and the father Zhang Jianguo not only did not give his son a point, but turned around and bought a new house for his daughter to live with. So, his son Zhang Rui was angry and took his father to court, because not only did he not receive compensation for the demolition, but he also paid for the construction of the old house.

But now her daughter is in her thirties, but she eats and drinks at home, and has become a typical old man. Her father's pension was eaten up by her, but she didn't care about her father's life or death. So, the old father Zhang Jianguo went to the court many times, and finally met the new judge Qi Lin one day.

Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

Looking back at this case, Zhang Jianguo's tragedy buried hidden dangers as early as when his daughter graduated from junior high school. At that time, Zhang Jing asked her mother for 200,000 yuan because she wanted to apply for an art school, but her mother didn't give her a penny, but gave her brother Zhang Rui 50,000 yuan to open a restaurant. Since then, the seeds of parental eccentricity have taken root in the hearts of young and vigorous daughters, so although Zhang Jing later studied in health school, she was reluctant to go into society to become self-reliant, and even until her mother died, she did not pay attention to her mother.

Fortunately, Zhang Jing finally repented of her mistakes and became a new person under the patient persuasion of Judge Qi Lin and the infection of blood thicker than water.

In fact, in real life, there are too many cases of family economic disputes due to compensation for house demolition, and more of them are fathers and sons turning against each other, and brothers and sisters have become enemies and have never interacted with each other for the rest of their lives.

Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

was attracted by the girl in the play, but I didn't expect that the seemingly simple she was so vicious, and I didn't expect the actor's tense performance to sublimate this character instantly, the first second she lost her temper, lifted the table and smashed the bench unreasonable angry woman, but the next second she turned into a well-behaved and lovely waitress, this change caught people off guard, and also made a stone in the audience's heart finally fall to the ground.

Yes, only family affection is the most precious in the world, and only family affection is the most touching, I think, no matter how big the contradiction between relatives will eventually be melted by the blood thicker than water, but what they need is greater patience and more time.

So, who is this actor? What kind of resume does she have? Please follow the editor to find out.

Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

3. Brief introduction and outlook of the actors

It turned out that the actor who played Zhang Jing was named Jiang Yan, and he became popular as early as 2020 in the hit costume TV series "Peerless Shuangjiao".

On January 22, 1995, Jiang Yan was born in Beijing, entered the Central Academy of Drama in 2013, and successfully obtained a master's degree in the performance department of the college four years later.

In July 2015, Jiang Yan, who was still in school, starred in her first film and television drama "Big Coffee from the Sky", playing the heroine Minnie Mouse in the film; On November 8, 2017, the youth inspirational drama "Hello, Old Times" co-starred by Li Landi, Zhang Xincheng and others was broadcast. On August 31, 2018, the action-adventure film "Fengyun Kyushu" starring Jiang Yan was released; On December 20 of the same year, the detective drama "Original Sin" was broadcast, in which Jiang Yan incarnated as Feng Tingting, the boss of her parents' revenge; In 2019, Jiang Yan starred in the urban youth drama "The Secret of the Future", playing the confident and domineering complex daughter Xia Duo in the play.

Later, in the costume love idol drama "Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon", Jiang Yan played the role of Feng Caicai, a righteous woman in the rivers and lakes; On June 1, 2021, the modern military drama "Falling in Love with Special Forces" was broadcast, in which Jiang Yan played Liang Shaoxue, who is arrogant and willful and longs for love and security.

In fact, not long ago, she was also seen in CCTV's eight popular TV series "All the Way to the Sun", and the EVA played by Jiang Yan in the play is not lacking in the beauty of youth and agility.

Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

It can be seen that most of the post-95 girls play strange women with outstanding personalities, either willful and domineering, chivalrous and righteous, or quite unreasonable, but the only thing that makes her popular is the beautiful and pale weak woman in "The Peerless Double Pride" - the maid of the Flower Shifting Palace "Tie Pinggu".

Therefore, as an actor, you should try different roles, you should challenge different styles, and never let yourself become an established character. If you want to hone your acting skills and become a master of the entertainment industry with thousands of faces, the only way is not to set limits for yourself and not be afraid to start all over again.

I sincerely wish actor Jiang Yan to make persistent efforts and move forward all the way, and I hope to see more and better works from her.

I don't know if netizens are also chasing the drama "Executive Judge", whether they have been bitten by the old girl's eyes, and whether they also think that the tension of actor Jiang Yan's performance is fierce enough.

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Executive Judge: I was not a fan of the heroine, but I was eye-catching by this post-95 girl, and the performance tension was strong enough

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