
My wife asked me to take care of my mother-in-law, whom I hadn't seen for many years, and I didn't want to be asked to choose one or the other, and I was very satisfied

author:Serious kitten w

My wife asked me to take care of my mother-in-law, whom I hadn't seen for many years, and I didn't want to be asked to choose one or the other, and I was very satisfied

My wife asked me to take care of my mother-in-law, whom I hadn't seen for many years, and I didn't want to be asked to choose one or the other, and I was very satisfied

My name is Li Xiuying, I am 58 years old this year, and I have been married to my wife Wang Jianguo for more than 30 years. We've always had a good relationship, except for his mother-in-law, who we haven't seen for years.

Jianguo is the eldest in the family, and there are two younger brothers and a younger sister below. Back then, his father left early, and his mother-in-law pulled four children to grow up by herself, and she suffered a lot. Jianguo is filial, sends money back every month after work, and helps his younger brothers and sisters marry wives and others.

My wife asked me to take care of my mother-in-law, whom I hadn't seen for many years, and I didn't want to be asked to choose one or the other, and I was very satisfied

When I married Jianguo, my mother-in-law was already living with her second son's family. The second son's family conditions are not good, and the daughter-in-law Liu Cuihua is a powerful one, and her mother-in-law has been wronged under her hands. Jianguo felt sorry for his mother and wanted to take his mother-in-law over to live with him, but I had just given birth to a daughter at the time, and I was busy with work, so I didn't agree.

Over the years, I have only met with my mother-in-law a handful of times, and during the New Year's holidays, Jianguo took me to my second brother's house, brought something to my mother-in-law, and said a few kind words, even if I did my filial piety. To be honest, I don't have any feelings for my mother-in-law, and I don't want to live with her, after all, we have different living habits, and I'm afraid that her coming will affect the harmony of our family of three.

My wife asked me to take care of my mother-in-law, whom I hadn't seen for many years, and I didn't want to be asked to choose one or the other, and I was very satisfied

The sky is unpredictable. Last year, Jianguo's second brother died of a heart attack, and the second brother-in-law Liu Cuihua cried and grabbed the ground, but she was unable to return to the sky. After the funeral, Liu Cuihua proposed to split the family and drive her mother-in-law out.

When Jianguo learned about it, he was furious and immediately rushed over with me. Liu Cuihua said that she has to take care of two children by herself, and she has to take care of the elderly, which is really inadequate, and her mother-in-law is old and not in good health, so she needs someone to take care of her, and she really can't afford it.

My wife asked me to take care of my mother-in-law, whom I hadn't seen for many years, and I didn't want to be asked to choose one or the other, and I was very satisfied

"Brother, I know you are filial, you take your mother away, and her pension will depend on you in the future!" Liu Cuihua cried and cried.

Jianguo looked at his elderly mother, angry and distressed, and immediately agreed. I was in a hurry, in recent years, the factory efficiency of Jianguo was not good, I was laid off early, I worked alone in a supermarket, the salary was not high, and I had to provide for my daughter to go to college, the family was not rich, and now there is an old man to support, how to live this life?

As soon as I wanted to open my mouth to refute, Jianguo took my hand and motioned for me not to speak. I know that Jianguo is determined to take my mother-in-law away, although I am reluctant, but it is not good to refute it in front of him, so I can only hold this breath in my heart.

After returning home, I had a big quarrel with Jianguo, and I vented all my grievances and dissatisfaction over the years. I said that he only cared about his family and never considered my feelings, and now it is better to put all my hard-earned money into it for the sake of a mother who has not seen her for many years.

Jianguo listened to me in silence, then sighed and said, "Xiuying, I know that you have been wronged over the years, and I also know that you have an opinion about your mother. But Mom is lonely now, and we can't ignore it as children! You should be a poor mother and let her live out her old age in peace! ”

"Pity her? Who will pity me? I couldn't help crying, "I get up early every day and work greedily at night, saving money to live, isn't it for this family?" Now you want me to use my hard-earned money to support an outsider, how can you make me willing? ”

"Xiuying, mom is not an outsider, she is my own mother, and she is also your own mother!" Jianguo was also anxious, "I know you are working hard, I will work hard to find a job, make more money, and I will not let you bear it alone." ”

"You're talking lightly, you're in your fifties now, what good job can you get? Isn't it up to me to support this family alone? The more I spoke, the more excited I became, "Jianguo, let me tell you the truth, if you must take your mother over, then we will divorce!" ”

My words were like a basin of cold water, dousing all the enthusiasm for the founding of the country. He looked at me dumbfounded, his eyes full of disappointment and pain. I know I'm saying too much, but I really don't want to live that life where I'm overwhelmed by my mother-in-law and life.

"Xiuying, are you so intolerant of your mother? After all these years, can't you be considerate of my feelings? Jianguo's voice trembled a little.

"It's not that I can't tolerate her, it's that I really can't take care of her." I turned my face away and didn't look at him, "Jianguo, we are not saints, we also have to live." If you have to force me, then we will have to divorce. ”

With that, I turned and went back to my room, slamming the door shut. I know I'm ruthless about it, but I really don't want to compromise. I've tried my best to be a good wife and mother for so many years, and I don't want to break my current life because of my mother-in-law's arrival.

That night, neither Jianguo nor I spoke, he slept on the sofa and stayed awake all night. The next morning, when I got up, he was already out of the house. I was in a mess and didn't know what to do.

In the afternoon, Jianguo came back with a suitcase in his hand. I looked at him in amazement, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Xiuying, I've decided, I'll take my mother over to live." Jianguo said calmly, "I know you have a lot of concerns, but I promise you that I will take care of my mother and won't let you worry about it." ”

My heart sank to the bottom all of a sudden, I didn't expect the founding of the country to be so resolute, it seems that this time he was determined to fight against me.

"Jianguo, you ......" I was about to speak, but Jianguo interrupted me.

"Xiuying, I know you're uncomfortable, but I've already decided, so don't persuade me anymore." Jianguo said, opened the suitcase, and began to pack his things, "I have already rented a house near my mother's house, and I will take care of my mother there in the future, you don't have to worry." ”

I was stunned, unable to believe my ears. Jianguo: This is for the sake of my mother-in-law to move out and live? Would he rather give up our decades-long relationship to take care of a mother he hasn't seen in years?

"Jianguo, what are you doing here? Are you going to abandon me and my daughter for the sake of an outsider? "I couldn't stop crying.

"Xiuying, mom is not an outsider, she is my own mother." Jianguo put down the clothes in his hand, walked up to me, and gently wiped the tears from my face, "I know you feel uncomfortable, but I can't leave my mother alone." Don't worry, I will come back every month to see you and your daughter, and I will always be your husband and my daughter's father. ”

Looking at Jianguo's sincere eyes, I suddenly realized that I had been wrong for so many years. I was so selfish that I only cared about my own feelings and ignored the difficulties of nation-building. He was a dutiful child, and he could not watch his mother suffer.

"Jianguo, I ......" I choked up, not knowing what to say.

Jianguo hugged me into his arms, patted me gently on the back, and said softly: "Xiuying, I know that you are a good wife and mother. I believe you will be able to understand me and support me. ”

At that moment, I was relieved. I decided not to stop Jianguo, I want to support him and let him take care of his mother-in-law with peace of mind. Filial piety to one's parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and I can't let the founding of the country bear the infamy of unfilial piety because of my selfishness.

After Jianguo moved away, I took on all the burdens of my family. I go out early and come home late every day, work hard, and take care of my daughter's daily life. Although it is very hard, I am very down-to-earth in my heart, because I know that it is not easy to build a country over there.

Every month, Jianguo would come back to visit us, and every time he came back, he would bring some gifts for me and my daughter, and he would tell me about my mother-in-law's physical condition in detail. I know that he has us on his mind.

A year passed like this, and one day, Jianguo suddenly called me and said that my mother-in-law wanted to see me. I was stunned for a moment, for so many years, my mother-in-law had never taken the initiative to ask to see me, how could she suddenly want to see me this time?

I hesitated, but agreed to the request for statehood. The next day, I took my daughter to visit my mother-in-law in the rented house in Jianguo. My mother-in-law's mental state was much better than I expected, and when she saw me and my daughter, she had a kind smile on her face.

"Xiuying, kid, you're here." The mother-in-law's voice was a little hoarse, but her tone was gentle.

"Mom, are you okay?" I walked over to my mother-in-law's bedside and asked with concern.

"Good, good, all good." The mother-in-law smiled and nodded, "Jianguo took good care of me, you don't have to worry." ”

I turned my head to look at Jianguo and noticed a relieved smile on his face. I know that he has always wanted my mother-in-law and I to get along.

That day, I talked a lot with my mother-in-law, and I realized that my mother-in-law had been very concerned about me all these years, and it was only because of my cold attitude that she did not dare to get close to me. She also knew that Jianguo gave up living with us for her sake, and she was very upset.

"Xiuying, all these years, my mother is sorry for you." My mother-in-law took my hand and said with tears in her eyes, "Mom knows that you have suffered a lot of grievances, Mom thank you for being able to forgive Mom." ”

I shook my head and said, "Mom, what did you say?" You are an elder, and I should honor you. ”

Since then, my relationship with my mother-in-law has eased a lot. I would take time out to visit her every week and bring her some food and groceries that she liked to eat. My mother-in-law is also very happy, every time she sees me, she will hold my hand and talk to me a lot.

Jianguo was also very happy to see that my mother-in-law and I got along well. I know he can finally have peace of mind.

Life goes on, and I believe that as long as we understand and support each other as a family, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and live a happy life.

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