
has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

author:Serious kitten w

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

My name is Li Shufen, I am 70 years old this year, and my wife left early, leaving me alone to guard the empty house. The children are all working in the field and don't come back a few times a year. I'm still physically strong and can take care of myself, but in my heart, I always feel empty.

Five years ago, I was introduced to Lao Wang. Lao Wang is also a hard-working man, his wife has died for many years, and his only son also died early due to illness, leaving him alone. We are both the same age, have similar experiences, and have a lot in common. As we came and went, we got acquainted with each other, and we often made appointments to buy groceries, take walks, and chat together.

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

Lao Wang is a warm-hearted person, knowing that I live alone, and often takes the initiative to help me do what he can. My water pipe was broken, and he came to help fix it without saying a word; I had bad legs and feet, and it was inconvenient to go up and down the stairs, so he helped me carry the gas canister up and down. I said I was embarrassed, but I felt warm in my heart.

We have been working together for five years, taking care of each other and supporting each other. The children also knew about us, and although they didn't talk about it, they could see that they also wanted me to find a companion to spend my old age in peace.

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

During the Spring Festival last year, my youngest daughter came back with her granddaughter for the New Year, and when she saw that I got along well with Lao Wang, she tentatively asked me: "Mom, you and Uncle Wang get along so well, have you ever thought about getting married?" ”

I was stunned for a moment and said, "We're all old, what kind of marriage are we getting, it's good to live together like this." ”

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

The youngest daughter said, "Mom, you can't say that. You are well now and can take care of each other. But when you are older, you have a headache and brain fever, and you don't have any relatives around, who will take care of you? Besides, you don't have a legal relationship now, and if there is an accident one day, the property can't be inherited, wouldn't it be cheaper for outsiders? ”

My youngest daughter's words made me ponder. Yes, although Lao Wang and I have a deep relationship, there is no legal guarantee after all. In case I really fall ill one day, even if Lao Wang wants to take care of me, I'm afraid he will not be able to do enough.

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

I told Lao Wang about my concerns, but I didn't expect him to listen to my words, and he was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and said, "Shufen, I know your concerns, and I have also thought about this problem. It's just that I'm old and don't want to toss anymore. Isn't it nice that we're like this now? Be there for each other, take care of each other, and don't think about the red tape. ”

I understood what Lao Wang meant, he was worried about my feelings, afraid that I would be embarrassed. But I was faintly disappointed in my heart, could it be that in his heart, our relationship was really not as good as that marriage letter?

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

Since then, my heart has been like a stone crushed to my heart, and I can't get up at ease. I began to alienate Lao Wang, consciously or unconsciously, and no longer took the initiative to chat with him and take a walk as before. Lao Wang also seemed to notice the change in me, but he didn't say anything, just silently did his own thing.

This kind of day lasted for half a year, and the relationship between us became colder and colder, like two parallel lines, and we could no longer find intersection.

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

Last month, Lao Wang suddenly fell ill, and when I received the news and rushed to the hospital, he was already in a coma. The doctor said that he had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and that his condition was not optimistic.

I stood in front of Lao Wang's hospital bed, watching this old man who had accompanied me countless days and nights now lying weakly on the hospital bed, and my heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

At that moment, I realized that my feelings for Lao Wang were far deeper than I imagined.

I held Wang's hand and called his name over and over again, praying that he would wake up. However, the miracle did not happen, and Lao Wang finally left this world.

Lao Wang's departure made me completely wake up, It turns out that there are some things that are really irreparable if you miss them.

I regret that I didn't follow my daughter's advice and get married to Lao Wang. If we had been married, I would now be his legal wife and would have taken care of him and given him his last ride.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world, and I can only face the future alone with endless regrets.

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

Lao Wang's departure made me understand a truth: life is short, don't wait until you lose it to know how to cherish it. If you meet the right person, be brave enough to love and don't leave yourself with regrets.

has been together for 10 years, and the 70-year-old aunt: no matter how deep the relationship is, it can't compete with the years

No matter how deep the feelings are, they can't resist the erosion of time after all.

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