
My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

author:Serious kitten w

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

On the day my son was admitted to college, our family of three celebrated at home. I fried a few good dishes, opened a bottle of red wine for the first time, and even my husband, who has always been unsmiling, showed a relieved smile on his face.

"Son, you're finally out of luck! Mom is proud of you! "My eyes were red with excitement, and I had been working two jobs in the morning and night in order to provide for my son's education over the years, and only I knew the hardships.

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely be filial to you and Dad in the future!" With tears in his eyes, the son raised his glass and drank it all.

The warmth was quickly shattered by a phone call. There was a rush on the other end of the phone, it was my husband's sister calling, saying that my mother-in-law had accidentally fallen and was lying on the bed unable to move.

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

I chuckled in my heart, my mother-in-law is old and has been in poor health, what if I fall out of a bad way? I hurriedly urged my husband: "You go back and take a look, my mother-in-law is important!" ”

My husband looked embarrassed: "I have to go to work tomorrow, or ...... You can go back with me, it's easier for you to take care of your mother. ”

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

I was stunned for a moment, taking care of my mother-in-law? I don't want to do it a hundred times in my heart. Over the years, my relationship with my mother-in-law has been very stiff, and she has always disliked me for being from a rural area, uneducated, and unworthy of her son.

After so many years of marriage, I have paid so much for this family, but she has never given me a good look. Now that my son has finally been admitted to university, I can finally catch my breath, but he wants me to take care of my mother-in-law who is bedridden?

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

"I ...... I can't leave my job here......" I tried to refuse.

"Is work or mom important? If you really treat your mother as a mother, go back with me! The husband's tone is tough and unquestionable.

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

I took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in my heart, and sneered, "Okay, I'll go!" Can't I go? ”

Early the next morning, I followed my husband back to my hometown in the countryside. Before I entered the door, I heard bursts of crying from the house, it was the sister-in-law crying: "Mom, why are you so miserable......

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

When I walked into the house, I saw my mother-in-law lying on the bed, her face pale, one leg wrapped in thick gauze, and she looked badly injured.

"Mom, how are you?" My husband hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

When my mother-in-law saw me, her face suddenly sank, and she said angrily, "Do you still know to come back?" If I hadn't broken my leg, would you never have come back? ”

I held back the anger in my heart and squeezed out a smile: "Mom, look at what you said, didn't I hurry back as soon as I heard that you were sick?" ”

"Don't be here to be pretty! If you hadn't broken me, how would I have broken my leg? You're a broom star! My mother-in-law pointed at my nose and scolded.

I couldn't hold back any longer, tears rolled in my eyes, and I turned around and wanted to leave this home. was pulled by her husband: "Why are you going?" Mom is angry, don't be like her! ”

"I'm as knowledgeable as her? When did she treat me like family? Over the years, have I suffered less grievances? "I couldn't control my emotions anymore and tears welled up in my eyes.

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

"You...... Do you still have the face to say? If it weren't for you, how could my son have come back with a useless woman like you? How did our family become the way it is? My mother-in-law also became excited and pointed at me and scolded.

My son's husband asked me to take care of my bedridden mother-in-law when he went to college, and it was so cool to leave to support herself

Disheartened, I shook off my husband's hand and rushed out of the room. I walked aimlessly on the country road, tears blurring my eyes.

I thought that if I married love, I would be happy for a lifetime. However, reality hit me hard. For so many years, I have worked hard for this family, but in exchange for endless accusations and abuse.

I'm tired, really tired. I don't want to go on like this anymore!

I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath, a surge of courage in my heart that I had never felt before. I'm leaving this home, leaving this place that makes me sad!

I went back to the city, rented a small rental house, and started to support myself. I got a job as a supermarket cashier, and although the pay was not high, at least it would support myself.

In the beginning, I had a hard time, I had to work late every day to get off work, and when I got home, I had to cook and do my own laundry, but I felt extremely fulfilled and happy.

I can finally live without looking at other people's faces, I can finally live for myself!

I used my spare time to learn some skills, get an accounting certificate, and get a job that pays better. I work hard, live hard, and make myself better and better.

And on my husband's side, since I left, his life has been a mess. The mother-in-law's temper is getting worse and worse, and the sister-in-law can't count on it, so he has to go to work and take care of his mother-in-law alone, and he will soon be physically and mentally exhausted.

He began to regret what he had done to me, and kept calling me to apologize and beg me to go back. But I was completely dead set on this marriage and resolutely rejected him.

A few years later, with my own efforts, I bought a house of my own in the city. I finally achieved my dream and lived the life I wanted.

And my son, who has graduated from college and found a good job. He knew that I had not been easy all these years, and he was full of gratitude and guilt for me.

He often came to visit me, chatted with me, and bought me gifts. I know it's worth it.

Leaving that home was the best decision I've ever made in my life. I finally understand that women can only live a wonderful life if they are self-reliant and self-reliant!

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