
The Party Branch of Qu County Public Transport Service Center carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

author:Look at Dazhou every day

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit the red cultural gene, and carry forward the party's fine traditions and style, recently, the party branch of Quxian County Public Transportation Service Center organized more than 30 party members to go to Deng Xiaoping's hometown in Guang'an City to carry out the "July 1st" theme party day activities.

The Party Branch of Qu County Public Transport Service Center carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

In front of the bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping, all party members presented flowers to the bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping, and bowed deeply three times to express their deep remembrance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, and solemnly stood in front of the bright red party flag to review the oath of joining the party. The sonorous oath echoed in the ears of every party member, inspiring all party members to work hard and move forward bravely.

The Party Branch of Qu County Public Transport Service Center carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

Under the guidance of the commentator, all party members visited the exhibition halls and former residences of the Deng Xiaoping Exhibition Hall in an orderly manner. A large number of pictures, objects and precious documents show Comrade Deng Xiaoping's life in an all-round way, witness how the great man spent his life to write the "story of spring" for China, interpret his great love for the party, the motherland and the people, and let everyone deeply feel the spirit of this great man's indomitable and arduous struggle.

The Party Branch of Qu County Public Transport Service Center carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

After the visit, the party members expressed that they should strive to inherit the fine style and revolutionary spirit of the older generation of revolutionaries, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of communist party members, never forget their original intentions, forge ahead, and make greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of Quxian County's transportation industry. (Source: Liu Wei, Quxian Public Transport Service Center)

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