
4.50 yuan/kg

author:Dairy Times
4.50 yuan/kg

The first fresh milk price coordination meeting of Sichuan Province in 2024 was held at the Sichuan Provincial Animal Husbandry Station on June 28, 2024.

4.50 yuan/kg

According to the "fresh milk price negotiation mechanism guided by the government and participated by dairy enterprises, dairy farmers and industry associations", 22 people attended the meeting, including the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Sichuan Provincial Animal Husbandry Station, and the Sichuan Dairy Association, as well as representatives of dairy experts, dairy farmers, and dairy processing enterprises. The meeting informed the Sichuan Provincial Dairy Association and the Sichuan Provincial Cost Investigation and Supervision Bureau of the cost of the research pasture, analyzed and judged the fresh milk market, and reached the second half of 2024 The purchase guide price of fresh milk is 4.50 yuan/kg, the minimum purchase price is 4.32 yuan/kg, and the quality standard of fresh milk implements the national standard GB19301-2010 "National Food Safety Standard Raw Milk" to encourage the high quality and high price of fresh milk.

The fresh milk purchase contract refers to the newly revised "Fresh Milk Purchase and Sales Contract (Model Text)" (GF-2016-0157) jointly issued by the former Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in 2016.

丨Source: Sichuan Dairy Association

丨Editor of this issue: Dong Xianhe

丨School reading: Dong Xianhe

丨Producer: Zhang Yao Feng Bin

丨Director: Zhao Min

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4.50 yuan/kg