
Denmark plans to levy a livestock carbon tax of 700 yuan per cow per year

author:Dairy Times
Denmark plans to levy a livestock carbon tax of 700 yuan per cow per year
Denmark plans to levy a livestock carbon tax of 700 yuan per cow per year

U.S. media recently reported that the Danish government has agreed on a carbon tax on livestock from 2030, which will be the first carbon tax in the global agricultural sector.

CNN reported that according to the plan, Danish livestock farmers will pay taxes according to the standard of "300 Danish kronor (about 313 yuan) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted" from 2030, and it will rise to 750 Danish kronor (781 yuan) per ton from 2035, but after applying the 60% income tax exemption, the actual tax payment is 120 Danish kronor (125 yuan) to 300 Danish kroner (313 yuan).

According to the estimates of the Concito Institute, a Danish environmental protection think tank, dairy cows, as the main product of Danish animal husbandry, emit about 5.6 tons of carbon dioxide per head per year, which means that farmers need to pay a minimum of 672 Danish kroner (about 700 yuan) per cow per year.

Denmark is a major global exporter of dairy products and pork. Agriculture is also Denmark's largest source of carbon emissions. The Danish government hopes to achieve its climate change mitigation goals through a tax on livestock carbon emissions. Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lec Rasmussen issued a statement on the 25th, saying: "We will be the first country in the world to introduce a (carbon) tax on agriculture." Other measures to reduce emissions include an investment of 40 billion kroner (41.7 billion yuan) in afforestation and the creation of wetlands. ”

According to reports, the carbon tax is expected to be approved by the Danish parliament later this year.

The Danish dairy industry as a whole welcomed the government's tax moves, but some groups of farmers were outraged. One peasant organization called it a "terrible experiment" and "a purely bureaucratic style."

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, livestock accounted for about 12% of global carbon emissions in 2015, with some of that coming from methane, which is produced by livestock burping and manure.

丨Source: Xinhua News Agency reporter Bu Xiaoming

丨Editor of this issue: Dong Xianhe

丨School reading: Dong Xianhe

丨Producer: Zhang Yao Feng Bin

丨Director: Zhao Min

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Denmark plans to levy a livestock carbon tax of 700 yuan per cow per year

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