
Big S reversed course and didn't let the child return to Beijing, so Zhang Lan had to go to Okinawa to reunite with her grandchildren

author:Half-sleeping coffee

张兰今日再度出发,去往‬日本的冲绳,只为与孙子们相聚并‬一起度假。 张兰‬想孙子那‬是真心可鉴‬呀‬,小菻箖‬也能感觉到奶奶对他那‬深深的疼爱‬。 真‬若放假都不让小‬孙子回来看望奶奶,恐怕孩子自己都不乐意。

Big S reversed course and didn't let the child return to Beijing, so Zhang Lan had to go to Okinawa to reunite with her grandchildren
Big S reversed course and didn't let the child return to Beijing, so Zhang Lan had to go to Okinawa to reunite with her grandchildren

张兰:“今天出发去看小菻菻他们,小菻箖最不爱理发了‬,但听说要出发‬去见奶奶,乖乖‬的就去理了发,只为美美的见到奶奶。 ”




大 S 也‬真是‬过分‬,奶奶和爸爸并非不爱孩子,回趟‬北京竟如此之难。 想要‬和‬孩子‬相聚‬还得漂洋过海…….


(This is the last video on vacation with grandma)

筱梅‬的出现,不仅汪总母子情绪稳定了,全网情绪也都稳定了,开心的兰姐又‬回来了; 但‬大 S 情绪却不稳定了,之前说好暑假回北京,如今又不让了。

Big S reversed course and didn't let the child return to Beijing, so Zhang Lan had to go to Okinawa to reunite with her grandchildren
Big S reversed course and didn't let the child return to Beijing, so Zhang Lan had to go to Okinawa to reunite with her grandchildren


Big S reversed course and didn't let the child return to Beijing, so Zhang Lan had to go to Okinawa to reunite with her grandchildren
Big S reversed course and didn't let the child return to Beijing, so Zhang Lan had to go to Okinawa to reunite with her grandchildren

If a man loves his children very much, then he is likely to be kind in his heart, and his sense of responsibility to his wife and family will not be bad. Xiaofei is a good father, a good son, and a good husband, because of love, so she compromises.



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