
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

Moe Kami Tree Tree

2024-07-01 20:14

It is said that "men avoid their mothers, and women betray their fathers", especially even if the relationship between father and daughter is good, a certain distance should be maintained, and recently, Taiwan Provincial artist Ouyang Nini was proposed by her boyfriend, and family and friends were present to witness this romantic moment.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

However, what I didn't expect was that Ouyang Nini staged a mouth-to-mouth kiss with her father in front of relatives and friends at the marriage proposal scene, which sparked discussions among netizens in Taiwan Province, complaining that it would be reasonable if her daughter was still young, but Ouyang Nini was 28 years old, and her fiancé was also at the scene at the time, so it would be a little disgusting for her daughter to do this.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

But then again, there are really a lot of similar situations that have caused controversy in your circle.

Actor Hu Jun is strict with his son Kangkang, but he is an out-and-out loving father to his eldest daughter Jiu'er. Every year on Jiu'er's birthday, Hu Jun will definitely hold a birthday banquet for his beloved daughter, but Hu Jun's way of expressing love for his daughter has caused controversy, he hugged his daughter in front of his wife, kissed Jiu'er mouth to mouth, and Hu Zhi and Jiu'er drank a glass of wine face to face.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

Li Yapeng, who switched to the Internet celebrity circle, is undoubtedly a spoiled woman, although Li Yan is far away in Switzerland because of her studies, the relationship with her father is still better than before. But when Li Yan was 15 years old, the relationship between Li Yapeng and her daughter was too close in everyone's eyes, even if Li Yan covered her mouth and showed resistance, Li Yapeng knelt down to her daughter and kissed Li Yan's thighs deeply, Li Yan unconsciously retreated but still couldn't dodge, and the perception was not good.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

The veteran actor Li Guolin has impressed the public with his superb acting skills, and he is also a conscientious father in life, Li Guolin does not mind his daughter's future development in the industry, and is willing to spend 500,000 yuan to send his daughter to study abroad. However, Li Guolin's previous picture of hugging and kissing each other on his daughter's birthday was angrily criticized by the public, and it was even accused of being as intimate as a couple.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

Li Guolin admitted that he was wronged, thinking that this was his daughter's initiative, and there was no problem with the mouth-to-mouth kiss, not only that, but the picture of him and his daughter feeding each other in the restaurant before was also picked up, which is enough to show that Li Guolin has been recognized by his daughter as a father, and the relationship between the two is visibly good, but this method is not very appropriate.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

Wu Zongxian's eldest daughter Wu Shanru has successfully completed the task of getting married and having children in recent years, and now she is a happy mother of two children. And even if his daughter has become a mother, in Wu Zongxian's opinion, she is still his sweetheart, when the two of them attended the event together, Wu Shanru was once opened by her father in public, Wu Zongxian ridiculed her daughter for "bursting on the fence", and the woman immediately came out to play a round and ridiculed her father for saying such perverted words.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

It is understandable that Wu Zongxian cares about his daughter, but even if his daughter was already in love at that time, Wu Zongxian did not shy away from suspicion when he walked the red carpet with her, he helped lift the bandeau dress, and even touched each other indiscriminately, Wu Shanru's expression was very flustered.

Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

In fact, in your circle, the way male stars and daughters get along is often a part of public concern, in the past, for example, Wu Zun once ridiculed his daughter as a second wife, as well as Zeng Zhiwei was picked up and Zeng Baoyi video, these have caused widespread discussion, in fact, from another point of view, it can also show that the relationship between them and their daughters is really good, but since they are public figures and facing the public, they can't do whatever they want, especially when their daughters are older, they should pay more attention to avoiding suspicion and not causing misunderstandings.

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  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?
  • Ouyang Nini was kissed by her father, and Hu Jun also caused a similar controversy, where is the old father's sense of boundaries?

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